Guwahati University E-filling Syllabus 2022 - 2023 B.COM 4th Semester | The Treasure Notes

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Guwahati University 4th Semester Efiling syllabus

Looking for B. COM 4TH SEMESTER Guwahati University E-filling syllabus?

Don't worry you are in the right place in this post and we have shared  E-filing syllabus for B.COM 4th Semester  University of Guwahati.

Related : E-filing Complete Notes Unit wise Click Here! 


 Marks: 100

Lectures: 50

Objective: To provide the students the concepts and practical knowledge about electronic filing of returns

Unit I

1.Conceptual Framework

Meaning of e-filing, difference between e-filing and regular filling of returns, benefits and limitations of efiling. Types of e-filing process, relevant notifications

Unit II

2. Income Tax and E-Filing of TTRS

Introduction to income tax-basic terminology, types of assessee, income taxable under different heads Basics of computation of total income and tax liability, deductions available from gross total income. PAN Card, due date of filing of income tax return. Instructions for filing out form ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR 3, ITR-4, ITR-45, ITR-5, ITR-6 Introduction to income tax Portal: preparation of electronic retum (practical workshops).

Unit III

3.TDS and E-filing of TDS returns

Introduction to the concept of TDS; provision regarding return of TDS; types of forms for filing TDS returns, practical workshop on e-filing of TDS return

Unit IV

4.Service Tax and E-filing of Service Tax Returns

Introduction to service tax; relevant notifications regarding e-filing of service tax return; steps for preparing service tax returns, practical workshop on e-filing of service tax returns.


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Study Materials

Class 9

Class 10

Class 11

Class 12

Gauhati University

Dibrugarh University

Assam University


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