Marks : 100
Unit 1: Introduction
(a) Concept: Need for Study, Managerial Functions - An overview: Co-ordination: Essence of Managership
(b) Evolution of the Management Thought, Classical Approach - Taylor, Fayol,Neo-Classical and Human Relations Approaches - Mayo, Hawthorne Experiments, Behavioural Approach, Systems Approach, Contingency Approach-Lawerence & Lorsch, MBO-Peter F. Drucker, Re-engineering Hammer and Champy, Michael Porter - Five-force analysis, Three generic strategies and value chain, analysis, Senge's Learning Organisation, Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid-C.K. Prahalad.
Unit 2: Planning
(a) Types of Plan An overview to highlight the differences
(b) Strategic planning - Concept, process, Importance and limitations
(c) Environmental Analysis and diagnosis (Internal and external environment) Definition, Importance and Techniques (SWOT/TOWS/WOTS-UP).
Business environment: Concept and Components
(d) Decision-making-concept, importance; Committee and Group Decision making. Process, Perfect rationality and bounded rationality. Techniques.
Unit 3: Organising
Concept and process of organising - An overview, Span of management,
Different types of authority (line, staff and functional), Decentralisation, Delegation of authority: Formal and Informal Structure: Principles of Organising: Network Organisation Structure
Unit 4: Staffing and Leading
(a) Staffing: Concept of staffing, staffing process
(b) Motivation: Concept, Importance, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation; Major Motivation theories - Maslow's Need-Hierarchy Theory: Hertzberg's Two factor Theory, Vroom's Expectation Theory.
(c) Leadership: Concept, Importance. Major theories of Leadership (Likert's scale theory, Blake and Mouten's Managerial Grid theory, House's Path Goal theory, Fred Fielder's situational Leadership), Transactional leadership, Transformational Leadership, Transforming Leadership.
(d) Communication: Concept, purpose, process; Oral and written communication; Formal and informal communication networks, Barriers to communication, Overcoming barriers to communication.
Unit 5: Controling
(a) Control: Concept, Process, Limitations, Principles of Effective Control, Major Techniques of control - Ratio Analysis, ROL, Budgetary Control, EVA, PERT CPM.
(b) Emerging issues in Management