GST MCQs For B.COM,CMA Finals,CA intermediate,CMA intermediate, Competitive Exam

GST, or Inventory Tax, is an indirect tax imposed on the supply of goods and services. Multi-category tax, focusing on destination is set for all valu

GST MCQs For GST MCQs For B.COM,CMA Finals,CA intermediate,CMA intermediate, Competitive Exam

[GST MCQs For B.COM,CMA Finals,CA intermediate,CMA intermediate, Competitive Exam etc.]


GST, or Goods & Service Tax , is an indirect tax imposed on the supply of goods and services. Multi-category tax, focusing on destination is set for all value additions, replacing multiple indirect taxes, including VAT, property tax, service taxes, etc.


Also Read : GU 6th Sem GST law and Practice Notes.

Hope you guys find the Given   GST MCQs ( GOODS AND SERVICE TAX MCQs) useful,please do share with your friends and Classmates to help them score more on their examination, Spread the love ❤️ God bless you 😇 and Thank you for Visiting 

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