Introduction to Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies Notes BA, B.Com and BSC CBCS Pattern

In this Article you will get Environmental Studies Notes for BA,B.COM and B.SC as per CBCS Pettern Complete Question Answer Which is helpful in your

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Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies Notes CBCS Pattern: Guahati University Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies Notes BA,B.COM and B.SC  CBCS Pattern,Dibrugarh University Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies Notes BA,B.COM and B.SC CBCS Pattern, Rabindranath Tagore University Hojai Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies Notes BA,B.COM and B.SC CBCS Pattern,Assam University Environmental Studies, Environmental Studies Notes BA,B.COM and B.SC CBCS Pattern

In this Article you will get Environmental Studies Notes for BA,B.COM and B.SC as per CBCS Pettern Complete Question Answer Which is helpful in your Exams.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies Notes for BA, B.Com and BSC CBCS Pattern

Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies;

•         Scope and importance

• The concept of sustainable development

The importance of environment

The word environment is derived from the French word "environ", which means surroundings. Therefore, everything that surrounds us is called the environment. Every living thing is surrounded by materials and forces such as social, economic, biological, physical or chemical factors that make up its environment. The environment is the sum of all social, economic, biological, physical or chemical factors that make up the surroundings of man, who is the creator and creator of his environment.

Components of the environment

The environment consists of the following three components:

a) Abiotic component or non-living component or physical elements Space, landforms, water bodies, climate, soils, rocks and minerals are examples of abiotic components.

b) Biotic component or living component or biological elements Plants, animals, microorganisms and humans are examples of biotic components.

c) Cultural components Economic, social and political elements are essentially man-made elements that make up cultural components.

Environmental segments

There are four segments of the environment:

a) Atmosphere: A complex liquid system of gases and suspended particles.

b) Hydrosphere: Surface water and its surrounding interface.

c) Lithosphere: The outer boundary layer of the solid earth in which life is supposed to develop a

d) Biosphere: The area of ​​the Earth in which life is present.

The need and importance of environmental education

It can be said that environmental education is education about the environment, about the environment and about the environment. Environmental education is an educational process dealing with the relationship of man to his natural and man-made environment and includes the relationship between population, pollution, allocation and depletion of resources, conservation, transport technology and

urban and rural planning to the total human environment. Environmental education is the process of recognizing values ​​and clarifying concepts in order to develop the skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelationship between man, his culture and his biophysical environment. The goals and main principles of environmental education are:

a) Awareness and sensitivity to environmental and environmental challenges.

b) Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges.

c) Environmental care attitude and motivation to improve or maintain the quality of the environment.

d) Skills to identify and help solve environmental challenges.

e) Participation in activities that lead to solving environmental problems.

The need for public awareness of the environment

Today's world is confronted with a major problem of environmental degradation and pollution.

Various types of pollution, rapidly depleting forest resources, rapid population explosion, expanding industrialization, unplanned urbanization, mining, soil erosion, etc. have created an ecological imbalance in recent years. The human pursuit of economic development is primarily responsible for the reckless use of natural resources. Moreover, the highly materialistic, greedy and lavish lifestyle of the human race has indiscriminately exploited or recklessly destroyed natural resources. All these activities have become a threat to the very existence of many living organisms.

Creating public awareness is therefore necessary to protect the environment from further deterioration.

Scope of environmental studies

The scope of environmental studies includes:

1. Motivating people to actively participate in environmental protection.

2. Imbibe and instill in others the necessity of preserving natural resources.

3. Developing skills to find solutions to environmental problems.

4. Developing awareness and sensitivity to the environment and problems associated with it.

5. Maintaining the ecological balance.

6. Pollution control and protection of the earth from global warming.

Sustainable Development

It is development that will enable all future generations to have a potential average quality of life that is at least as high as that enjoyed by the current generation. The following strategies should be followed for sustainable development:

1. The use of non-conventional energy sources, such as wind and solar, says that they are cleaner and greener technologies that can be effectively used to replace thermal and hydropower.

2. Using CNG as a fuel in the public transport system has reduced air pollution and made the air cleaner. The use of LPG and Gobar Gas is being promoted, which reduces air pollution.

3. Setting up Mini-Hydel facilities in hilly areas to generate electricity through Mini-Hydel facilities.

Why is the environment in nature multidisciplinary?

Subjects like botany, zoology, biotechnology, bioengineering, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, etc. help to understand the biotic components and their interactions.

Basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, statistics helps to understand various phenomena in the environment. Informatics and information technology are an integral part of environmental education. Similarly, environmental engineering is necessary for pollution control. Other branches of engineering, e.g. chemical, civil, mechanical, including new innovative technologies, were involved in environmental protection.

Green chemistry finds its distinct and well-specific role in the protection of the degraded environment. Subjects like sociology, economics, education, philosophy are involved in many ways. Environmental laws are always passed to protect the environment. Environmental education therefore has a multidisciplinary character, where various aspects are addressed with a holistic approach.


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