Management Principles and Application (MPA) Sessional Question Paper' 2021 | 3rd Sem | Rabindranath Tagore University Hojai (RTU)

If you are looking for RTU Assam Management Principles and Application (MPA) Sessional Exam Question Paper for the Year 2021 then you're in right.

If you are looking for RTU Assam Management Principles and Application (MPA) Sessional Exam Question Paper for the Year 2021 then you're in right place , Here we have  Posted the   RTU Management Principles and Application (MPA) Sessional      Exam Question Paper 2021 B.Com 3rd sem.

Rabindranath Tagore University

Sessional Examination, 2021 semester

Subject-Management Principles and Application (MPA)

Total Marks-20 

Duration 1hr

Answer any four from the following questions: 5x4 = 20

1. What is management? Why co-ordination is known as essence of management? 

পরিচালন কি? সমন্বয় সদনক কীয় পৰিচালনাৰ অন্যতম মূল উপাদান?

2. Write a short note on system approach and contingency approach. 

প্রণালী বৌদ্ধ দৃষ্টিকোণ আৰু আকস্মিক দৃষ্টিকোণ চমু টোকা লিখা।

3. Discuss the steps involved in strategic planning process?

কৌশলগত পৰিকল্পনা পদ্ধতিৰ পদশাপসমূহ আলোচনা কৰা।

4. Write a short note on environmental analysis. 

পৰিপর্শিকতাৰ বিশ্লেষণ চমু টোকা লিখা।

5. Discuss the limitations of planning?

পৰিচালনাৰ অহুবিদাবোৰ বেথা কৰা।

6. Write a brief note on Michael Porter's Five Forces Analysis.

মাইকেল গৰটাৰৰ পাছতা গভিৰ বিশ্লেষণ চমু টোকা লিখা।


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