Here you can find Bangalore University Master of Commerce (M.Com) 2nd Semester Micro Finance Question Paper 2015 and also you can also Read Microfinance Complete Notes Click Here 👉 Microfinance Complete Notes 😃
Question Paper Details
University Name: | Bangalore University |
Course Name: | Master of Commerce (M.Com) |
Subject: | Paper - 2.7 Micro Finance |
Class | Second Semester |
Question Paper Code: | PG-707 |
Year | June 2015 |
Scheme | CBCS |
Bangalore University 2nd Semester M.Com. Examination, June 2015
Paper - 2.7: Micro Finance
1. Answer any seven of the following sub-questions. Each question carries 2 marks:
a) What is Micro Credit?
b) Who is the father of Micro Finance
c) List out the principles of Micro Finance.
d) What is NGO Model?
e) Give the meaning of Social inclusion.
f) List out the functions of SHGs.
g) What are the objectives of Grameen Bank?
h) Define SHGs.
i) Name the different types of credit Arrangements.
j) What is StDBt?
Answer any four of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks : (4x5=20)
2. write a note on marketing strategies adopted by sHGs in India.
3. Briefly explain Lead Bank Scheme.
4. Write a note on the present state of NGOs in India.
5. Explain the role of ICICI in rural development.
6. What are the SGSY Modet and SHpl Model of SHGs?
7. Explain the funding process of NGOs.
Answer Any Three Following questions. Each question carries 12 marks : (3x12=36)
8. Briefly explain the role of SHGs in Financial inclusion and Social inclusion.
9. Write a note on the progress of Commercial Banks in providing Rural Credit.
10. What is Micro Finance? Briefly explain the features and channels of Micro
11. Write a note on Specialized Financial institutions in India.
12. Enumerate the Poverty Alleviation Programmes adopted by Government in India.