SEBA Class 10 English: Glimpses of India II : Coorg Common Question Answer HSLC 2023 | Assam Class 10 English : Coorg Question Answer

SEBA CLASS 10 Coorg is a Beautiful Chapter of Class 10 English (The First Flight). Here you will find a detailed Question Answer of Coorg with Pre

SEBA  CLASS 10 Coorg is a Beautiful Chapter of  Class 10 English  (The First Flight). Here you will find a detailed Question Answer of Coorg with  Previous Year Question of Coorg As well as Here you will see 1 marks Question- From Glimpses of India Part 2 : Coorg and  you can prepare for MCQ. Also 2 & 5 marks Questions from Text and Previous Year examination.

SEBA Class 10th English: Coorg 

SEBA Class 10th English : Glimpses of India Part 2 - Coorg Important Questions Answers HSLC 2023

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Glimpses of India : Coorg

Summary In English 

1. Midway way between mysore and...Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds.

Summary: In between Mysore and the costal town of Mangalore a beautiful land exists. It seems as if the piece of land has came down from heaven. It is so extremely beautiful a piece of land. There lives a race of people in this beautiful land of rolling hills. The people of this race are proud- men are fond of fighting, women are beautiful. Wild creatures are found there. Coorg or Kodagu is a land of evergreen rainforests, spices and coffee. Thirty percent of this district is covered by rainforests. During monsoon it rains heavily that forces visitors to keep away. The season of joy extends from September to March. During this span of time the weather is perfect with moderate rain falls. The air is full of the smell of coffee. Colonial bunglows are seen under the cover of trees. The fiercely free people of Coorg are posibly of Greek or Arabic descent. One story goes that a part of Alexander's army moved south along the coast. It became imposible for them to return. They settled there and married amongst the locals. Their culture is clearly seen in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites which are distinct from the majority Hindus. The theory of Arab origin draws support from the long black coat with embroidered waist belts worn by the Kodavus. Such coats are called Kuppia. It resembles the Kuffia wom by the Arabs and the Kurds, 

অসমীয়া ভাঙনি ঃ মহীশূন আৰু উপকূলীয় 124 মাংগালোৰৰ মাজ বাটত মৰাৰ দৰে এখন ঠাই আছে যিখন সাৰ পৰা নামি আহিছিল। এই ঢৌ খেলোৱা পাহাৰৰ ঠাইখনত যুদ্ধপ্রিয় এক জাতিৰ মানুহ বাস কৰে। তেওঁলোকৰ তিৰোতাসকল তেনেই ধুনীয়া। ইয়াত বহুত জীব জন্তুরে বাস কৰে। কুৰ্ণ নাইবা কোডাগো হ'ল কৰ্ণাটকৰ আটাইতকৈ সৰু জিলা । ই এখন বর্ষাবনা, মচলা আৰু কফি উৎপাদন কৰা ঠাই। জিলাখনৰ ত্ৰিশ শতাংশ ঠাই বৰ্ষাৰণ্যৰে ঢকা। বাৰিষা কালত ইয়াত প্ৰচুৰ বৰষুণ হয়, ফলত বহুতো ভ্ৰমণকাৰী আহিব নোৱাৰে। আনন্দৰ কাল ছেপ্তেম্বৰত আৰম্ভ হৈ মার্চ মাহলৈ চলি থাকে। এই সময়ত বতৰা ভাল হয় আৰু বৰষুণ পৰিমিত হাৰত পৰে। ইয়াৰ বতাহত বলদায়ক কফিন গন্ধ পোৱা যান। ওখ গছৰ ঢাকনিৰ তলত কফি বাগিচাবোৰ আৰু ঔপনিবেশিক কালনবঙলাঘৰবোৰ দেখা যায়। মুক্তি প্রিয় কুৰ্গৰ লোক সকল সম্ভবতঃ গ্ৰীক নাইবা আৰবীয় লোকৰ বংশধৰ। এক কাহিনী অনুসৰি আলেকজেণ্ডাৰৰ সৈন্যদলৰ এটা ভাগ উপকুলৰ দাতিৰে দক্ষিণলৈ যাত্ৰা কৰিছিল। উভতি আহিব নোৱাৰি তেওঁলোক সেই ঠাইতে থাকিল আৰু স্থানীয় লোকৰ মাজতে বিয়াৰ সম্বন্ধ কৰিলে। তেওঁলোকৰ সংস্কৃতি যে মূলসুতির লোক হিন্দু সকলৰ পৰা সমুলি বেলেগ সেই কথা তেওঁলোকৰ যুদ্ধপ্রিয় স্বভাব, বিয়া বাৰু আৰু ধৰ্মীয় অনুষ্ঠানবোৰৰ বৈশিষ্ট্যতাৰ পৰা বুজা যায়। আমূলীয় সূত্ৰৰ ভিত্তি হ'ল কুদাতো লোক সকলে পিক্ষা ককালত বেজি সুতাৰ কাম কৰা ফিটা থকা কুঞ্জিয়া নামৰ কোটচোলাটো। কুপ্রিয়া হ'ল আৰব আৰু কুর্দলোক সকলে পিন্ধা কুড়িয়া নামৰ কোটচোলাৰ লগত সাদৃশ্য থাকা পোচাক।

2. Coorgi homes have a tradition……..a favourite with trekkers.

Summary: Coorgi homes have a tradition of hospitality. They like to recount the tales of heroism of their fathers and sons. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated unit of the Indian army. The first chief of the Indian army, General Cariappa was a Coorgi. Even today Kodavus are the only people in India who are allowed to carry fire arms without licence. The hills and forests of Coorg feed the river Kaveri with water. Mahaseer-a large fresh water fish are found in large numbers in these waters. Kingfisher dive for their catch and the squirrels and langurs drop half eaten fruits and play with the splash created by them. The happy and relaxed people there became converted to an adventerous life with river rafting, canoeing rappelling rock climbing and such other activities.

অসমীয়া ভাঙনি ঃ কুর্ণব গৃহস্থীবোৰ ঐতিহ্যমণ্ডিতভাবে অতিথি পৰায়ণ আৰু তেওঁলোকে হয় বাপেক নহয়বা পুতেকৰ বীৰত্বৰ কাহিনীবোৰ বৰ্ণাই ভাল পায়। কুর্গ ৰেজিমেণ্ট ভাৰতীয় সৈন্যবাহিনীৰ মান প্রাপ্ত এটা দল। ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ প্ৰথমজন সেনা প্রধান সেনাপতি ক্যাৰিয়ানা কুৰ্গৰ লোক। আনকি আজিও কুদাতো সকলেই একমাত্ৰ ভাৰতীয় লোক যাক অনুমতিপত্র নোহোৱাকৈ আগ্নেয়াস্ত্ৰ লৈ ফুৰিবলৈ দিয়া হয়। কাবেরী নদীয়ে কুৰ্গৰ পাহাৰ আৰু হাবিবোৰৰ পৰাই জ্বলধাৰা পায়। মিঠাপানীত থকা মহশিৰ নামৰ মাছ ইয়াত প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে পোৱা যায়। মাছবোকা চৰায়ে ডুমাৰি মাছধৰে আৰু বান্দৰবোৰ আৰু কেৰ্কেটুৱাবোৰে আধা খোৱা বস্তু পেলাইনি তলৰ পানীত খলকনি তোলে আৰু টোবোৰ চাই আনন্দ পায়। হাতীবোৰে ৰঙমনেৰে নদীত গা ধোৱে আৰু মাউট সকলে সিহঁতৰ গা ঘাঁহ দিয়ে। এই অঞ্চলৰ শান্ত পৰিবেশত বাস কৰা লোক সকল নাও চলোৱা, ভূৰ চলোৱা, পাহাৰ বগোৱা আদি কাম কৰি অতি ব্যস্ত, বীৰত্বপূর্ণ কামকৰা লোকলৈ সলনি হয়। পাহাৰ বগোৱা লোক সকলে অনেকবোৰ আন ভ্ৰমণো কৰে। 

3. Birds, bees and butterflies……right herein Coorg.

Summary: There are birds, bees and butterflies to give company to the tourists. Under cover of leaves of the trees there are langurs and Malabar squirrels. But the writer prefered to keep away for fear of wild elephants. From the top of the Brahmagiri hills one can see the entire lands cape covered with mist. There is a rope bridge that leads one to the sixty four aera island name Nisargadhama. A visit to Bylakuppe is an extra benifit. The largest Buddhist settlement in India is situated here. There live in Coorg the Buddhist monks dressed in red and yellow robes. One who wants to find the heart and soul of India may come to Coorg.

অসমীয়া ভাঙনি ঃ ভ্ৰমণকাৰীক লগ দিবলৈ চৰাইবোৰ, মৌমাখিবোৰ আৰু পখিলাবোৰ সেই ঠাইত আছে। গছৰ পাতৰ চন্দ্ৰতাপৰ আৰত লুকাই বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ বান্দৰবোৰে আৰু মালাবাৰ দেশীয় কেকেটুৱাবোৰে চাই থাকে। মই কিন্তু বনৰীয়া হাতীৰ ভয়তে একাষৰীয়াকে ফুৰো। ব্ৰহ্মগিৰি পাহাৰখনত বগাই উঠি গোটেই কুৰ্ণ অঞ্চলৰ কুঁৱলীয়ে ঢাকি থোৱা ৰূপটো দেখা যায়। ৰচীৰে সজা ওলমা দলংখন পাৰহৈ চৌষষ্ঠী একৰ আয়তনৰ নিস্বৰ্গৰাম নামৰ দ্বীপটোলৈ আহিব পাৰি। বিলাকুল্লি নামৰ ঠাইখনত থকা যুদ্ধ সৈন্ন্যাসী সকলৰ বাসস্থানখন চোৱাটো এক অতিৰিক্ত লাভদায়ক কথা। কুৰ্গত ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ প্ৰাণ চাবলৈ বিচৰা লোক সকলে ৰঙচুৱা আৰু গোৱা বৰণৰ পোচাক পিন্ধা বৌদ্ধ ভিক্ষু সকলক চাওকহি।

HSLC Assam Class 10 English : Glimpses of India Part 2 - Coorg Important Questions Answers HSLC 2023


Glimpses of India Part II: Coorg

Questions As Given in the Text

Q.1. Where is Coorg?

Ans: Coorg is situated in the midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore.

Q.2. What is the story about the Kodagu people's descent?

Ans. The story about the Kodagu people's descent is that a part of Alexanders army moved south along the coast. They found it impossible to return and settled in Coorg. They married among the local people.

Thus the Kodagu people are descends of Greek soldiers. 

Q.3. What are some of the things you know about:

(i) the people of Coorg

(ii) the main crops of Coorg 

(iii) the sports it offers to the tourists.

(iv) The animals you are likely to see in Coorg. 

(v) Its distance from Banglore and how to get there?

Ans. (i) The people of Coorg are descendants of Arabs or Greeks. They are a race of fighters. Their customs are independent and different from the Hindu mainstream. They are hospitable and like to tell tales of valour related to their sons and fathers.

(ii) The main crops of Coorg are coffee and spices and fruit of some varities. There are many coffee plantations and the air breaths the smell of coffee.

(iii) Tourists may see the coffee plantations and stay and relax in the colonial bunglows covered with branches of green trees. River rafting, canoeing rappeling, rock-climbing mountain biking are some of the sports Coorg offers to the tourists.

(iv) Squirrels, langurs, birds, bees and butterflies, slender loris are some of the animals that a tourist is likely to see in Coorg. There is Mahaseer, a large fresh water fish- found in the Kaveri river. 

(v) Distance from Banglore to Coorg is 260 Km. One may come to Coorg by air, railway train or by road transport. The nearest railway stations are Mangalore and Hasan in Mysore.

Q.4. Here are six sentences with some words in italics. Find phrases from the text that have same meaning.

(i) During monsoons it rains so heavily that tourists do not visit Coorg, (para-2) 

(ii) Some people say that Alexander's army moved south along the coast and settled there. (apara-3) 

(iii) The Coorg people are always ready to tell stories of their 'sons' and fathers' volour. (para-4)

(iv) Even people who normally lead an easy and slow life get smitten by the high energy adventure sports of Coorg. (para-6) 

(v) The theory of the Arab origin is supported by the long coat with embroidered waist bell they wear. (para-3) 

(vi)Macaques, Malabar squirrels observe you carefully from the tree canopy. (para-7)

Ans: (i) to keep manny visitors away.

(ii) The story goes. 

(iii) more than willing to recount.

(iv) The most laid back individuals become converts. 

(v) draws support from.

(vi) keep a watchful eye.

Additional Questions & Answers Very short answer Type Questions and Answers

Q.1. Which is land of rolling hills?

Ans. Coorg is a land of rolling hills.

Q.2. What is the another name of Coorg?

Ans. Another name of Coorg is Kodagu.

Q.3. Which is the smallest distict of Karnataka?

Ans. Coorg or Kodagu is the smallest district of Karnataka. 

Q4. How much of Coorg is covered by rainforest? 

Ans. Thirty percent of Coorg is covered by rainforest.

Q.5. When does the season of joy commence in Coorg?

Ans. The season of joy in Coorg commences in September.

Q.6. Till what time the season of joy continues in Coorg.

Ans. The season of joy in Coorg continues till March. 

Q.7. Who are possibly the forefathers of the people of Coorg? 

Ans. The Greeks or the Arabs are possibly the forefathers of the people of Coorg. 

Q.8. "This land of rolling hills is inhabited..........By whom is this land of rolling hills inhabited?

Ans. This land of rolling hills is inhabited by a proud race of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.

Q.9. What sort of forest is found in Coorg?

Ans. Evergreen rainforests are found in Coorg.

Q.10. What like is the season of joy in Coorg? 

Ans. The season of joy in Coorg is a period of perfect weather with some shower thrown in for good measure.

Q.11. How is the air in Coorg? 

Ans. In Coorg the air breathes of invigorating coffee. 

Q.12. What can be seen under tree canopies in prime corners in Coorg?

Ans. Coffee estates and colonial bunglows stand tucked under tree canopies in prime corners.

Q.13. What is a Kuffia?

Ans. Kurffia is a long coat worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. 

Q.14. What is a kuppia? 

Ans. Kuppia is a long, black coat worn by the kodavus.

Q.15. Who is General Cariappa? Ans. General Cariappa was the first chief of the Indian army.

Q.16. Where does the river Kaveri obtain its water from?

Ans. The Kaveri obtains its water from the hills and forests of Coorg.

Q.17. What is a Mahaseer? 

Ans. Mahaseer is a large fresh-water fish.

Q.18. What are kingfishers? why do they dive?

Ans. The kingfishers are fish eating birds. They dive to catch fish.

Q.19. How is the Kaveri water. 

Ans. Kaveri water is fresh and clear

Q.20. Who are there to provide company to the visitors in Coorg?

Ans. Birds, bees and butterflies are there to provide company to the visitors.

Q.21. What is Nisargadhama?

Ans. Nisargadhama is a sixty four acre island in Coorg. 

Short Type Questions & Answers (Bearing 2 marks each)

Q.1. How is the weather in Coorg during the monsoons? 

Ans. During the monsoons the weather is not fair in Coorg. It pours enough which keeps many visitors away. 

Q.2. Which period of the year is the season of joy in Coorg and how is the weather then?

Ans. The time from September to March is the season of joy in Coorg. The weather then is perfect with some showers thrown in for good measure.

Q.3. "As one story goes." What is the story?

Ans. A part of Alexander's army moved south along the coast and settled in the area now under Coorg district. They settled there finding return impracticable. They married amongst the local. This is the story. This story justifies that the people of Coorg are the descendants of the Greeks.

Q.4. How is the culture of the people of Coorg?

Ans. The culture of the people of Coorg is distrinct from the Hindu mainstream. Their culture is apparent in the martial traditions, marriage and religious rites.

Q.5. "The theory of Arab origin draws support...from what? "Draws support

Ans. The theory of Arab origin draws support from Kuppia, a long black coat with an embroidered waist belt worn by the Kodavus. It resembles the Kuffia worn by the Arabs and Kurds.

Q.6. What does the writer say about Coorgi homes?

Ans. Coorgi homes have a tradition of hospitality. The Coorgi people are more than willing to recount numerous tales of valour related to their sons and fathers.

Q.7. What does the writer say about the Coorg Regiment and the Indian Army? 

Ans. The writer says that the first chief of the Indian Army was a Coorgi. The Coorg Regiment is one of most decorated in the Indian Army.

Q.8. What does the writer say about the climb to the Brahmagiri hills? 

Ans. The writer says that a climb to the Brahmagiri hills exposes a panoramic view of the entire misty landscape of Coorg.

Assam Class 10 English: Glimpses of India Part II - Coorg Important Questions Answers HSLC 2023-24

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Essay Type Questions & Answers (bearing 5 marks each) 

Q.1. Give a brief description of Coorg or Kodavu district. 

Ans. Kodavu or Coorg is situated in the midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. The natural scenery of the place is such that it is praised as a piece of heaven that must have drifted from the kingdom of God. This is a land of rolling hills and the inhabitants are beautiful men and women. They are a proud race of martial men. Many wild creatures also live in that place. Coorg is the smallest district of Karnataka. It is a land of evergreen rain forests, coffee plantations and spices, Rainforest covers thirty percent of the district landmass. The district experiences heavy shower during monsoon. The season of joy commences from September to March. During monsoons the visitors prefer to keep away. There are coffee plantations and colonial houses seen under the cover of thick leaves of trees. The fresh air of Coorg smells of coffee. 

Q.2. What does the writer say about the origin of the people of Coorg?

Ans. The fiercely independent people of Coorg are possibly of Greek or Arabic descent. There is a story that a part of Alexander's army moved south along the coast. Because of some reason they could not return and settled there. They married among the locals. Their culture is clearly seen in the martial traditions marriage and religious rites which is quite distinct from the Hindu mainstream.

According to another story the Kodavus are of Arab origin. This theory is based on a long coat called Kuppia. Kuppia is a long coat with an embroidered waist-belt worn by the Kodavus. Kuppia resembles Kuffia worn by the Arabs and the Kurds. Q.3. What does the writer say about the Coorgi people. (Or) Write a note on the Coorgi people. Ans. The Coorgi people are the descendants of the Greeks or the Arabs. They a proud race of martial men, and beautiful women. Coorgi people are hospitable. They like to recount numerous tales of valour of their sons and fathers. The Coorgis are brave fighters. The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated in the Indian Army. General

Carippa, the first chief of the Indian Army was a Coorgi. 

Q.4. What does the writer say about the Kaveri river? How does it help tourism in Coorg?

Ans. The Kaveri river obtains its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. Mahaseer-a large freshwater fish abounds the streams of Kaveri. Kingfishers dive in the river water to catch their share of fish, Squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit just to enjoy the splash and ripple in the clear water of the river. Kaveri water provides the scope of adventure sports like river rafting, canoeing, etc. The elephants take bath in the river stream while the mahouts scrub their bodies. 

Q.5. What things of tourist attractions are there in Coorg?

Ans. The natural scenery of Coorg, the land of rolling hills is simply captivating. The best season for tourist to visit Coorg is in between September and March. Birds, bees, butterflies and many other wild creatures are also there to be seen. The coffee plantations and the colonial banglows stand under the green cannopies of rainforest. River Kaveri provides scope for rafting and canoeing. The mountains are there to be climbed. The numerous walking trails in Coorg are a favourite with trekkers. A climb to the Brahmagiri hills provide an exposing view of the district. The small island of Nisargadhama, with its sixty four acre area is a place of tourist attraction. The Buddhist concentration of Bylakuppe is a worth seeing place. The Buddhist monks in yellow robes really surprises the visitors. Coorg reveals the heart and soul of India.

Assam Class 10 English: Glimpses of India Part II - Coorg Important Questions Answers HSLC 2023-24


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