SEBA CLASS 10 Tea From Assam is a Beautiful Chapter of SEBA Class 10 English (The First Flight). Here you will find a detailed Question Answer of Tea From Assam with Previous Year Question of Tea From Assam As well as Here you will see 1 marks Question- From Glimpses of India Part 3 : Tea From Assam and you can prepare for MCQ. Also 2 & 5 marks Questions from Text and Previous Year examination.
Tea From Assam Important Questions Answers HSLC 2023 |
Glimpses of India III : Tea from Assam
-Arup kumar Dutta
Summary (In simple English)
Pranjol and Rajvir are travelling in a railway train. Pranjol is a boy from Assam, born and brought up in a tea garden where his father is the manager. Rajvir had read about tea but he sees the gardens for the first time. At a certain station the train stopped. A vendor came shouting to sell tea. Pranjol and Rajvir ordered two cups and drank. Almost everyone in their compartment was drinking tea. Rajvir said that over eighty crore cups of tea were drunk daily all over the world. Pranjol exclaimed and commented that tea was really popular. The train pulled out of the station. Pranjol was busy reading a detective book. Rajvir was also interested in detective books. But now he was busily looking at the beautiful scenery. It was green everywhere and Rajvir had never before seen so much of greenery. The soft paddy fields gave away to tea bushes. It was a magnificent view. The tea bushes were stretching as far as eye could see. The gardens were seen against the backdrop of densely wooded hills. Tall trees amidst the dwarf tea plants were there to give shed to the plants Amidst the orderly rows of tea bushes there moved busily toylike figures. In the distance could be seen an ugly building cruitting smoke from a chimney. Rajvir was excited to see a tea garden. Pranjol did not share his excitements as he was born and brought up in a tea garden. He said that Assam was a tea country having the largest concentration of Gardens in the world. Rajvir said that he had been reading about tea as much as he could. He added that no one really knew who had discovered tea. Then he mentioned about legends about discovery of tea. First he told the legends of the Chinese emperor who used to boil water before he drank. One day some leaves from a twing burning under the pot fell on the water. The water was delicious to drink. It is said that those leaves were tea leaves. Asked by Pankoj, Rajvir told him another legend of India. Bodhidharma was a Buddhist ascetic. Because he felt sleepy during meditation he cut off his eyelids. Ten tea plant grew out of the eyelids. When the leaves of these plants were boiled and drunk sleep vanished. Rajvir added that tea was first drunk in China as early as 2700 B.C. The words tea, chai, chini are of chinese origin. Tea went to Europe in the sixteenth century and it was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.
The train arrived at Mariani station where Pranjol's parents were waiting for them. Soon they were driving towards Dhekiabari tea garden managed by Pranjol's father. An hour later they entered Dhekiabari tea estate. On both sides of the gravel road were stretching neatly proned tea bushes of same height. Groups of tea pluckers were plucking the newly sprunted leaves. The pluckers were wearing plastic aprons and carrying bamboo baskets at their back. A tractor pulling a trailor loaded with tea leaves was seen passing. Pranjol's father slowed to give it passage. Rajvir asked Pranjol's father if that was the second flush of sprouting period, that lasted from May to July and produced the best tea. Pranjol's father was surprised to find that Rajvir had done his home work. Rajvir answered that he had done home work but he hoped to learn more while he was there.
পাঠটোৰ অসমীয়া ভাওন
প্ৰাঞ্জল নামৰ অসমৰ ডেকা ল'ৰাটো দিল্লীৰ পঢ়াশালিত ৰাজবীৰৰ সহপাঠী বন্ধু। প্ৰাঞ্জলৰ দেউতাক উজনি অসমৰ চাহ বাগিছা এখনৰ মেনেজাৰ। গৰমৰ বন্ধৰ সময়ত তেঁওঁলোকৰ ঘৰলৈ আহিবলৈ প্ৰাঞ্জলে ৰাজৰীৰক নিমন্ত্রণ জনাইছে। চায় গৰম গৰম চায়” বুলি চাহ বেচা মানুহ এজনে ডাঙৰকৈ চিঞৰিছে। সি সিহঁতৰ খিৰিকিখনৰ ওচৰলৈ আহি সুধিলে “চাহ দিমনে চাহাব?” প্রাঞ্জলে কলে, “আমাক দুকাপ দিয়ক।” ধোঁৱা ওলাই থকা পনীয়া চাহত ঢোক মাৰিলে সিহঁতে । সিহঁতৰ ডবাটোৰ প্ৰায় প্ৰতিজন লোকেই চাহ খাই আছিল। জানানে, প্রায় আশী হেজাৰৰো অধিক কাপ চাহ সংসাৰৰ লোকসকলে প্ৰতিদিনে পান কৰে এই বুলি কলে ৰাজবীৰে। “হে কি কোৱাহে” বুলি প্ৰাঞ্জলে কলে। "সঁচাই চাহ তেনেই জনপ্রিয়। "
গাড়ীখন ষ্টেচনৰ পৰা ওলাই গ'ল। প্ৰাঞ্জলে পুনৰাই ডিটেকটিভ কিতাপখন পঢ়িবলৈ ললে। ৰাজবীও ডিটেকটিভ কিতাপৰ ভক্ত। কিন্তু এই মুহূৰ্ত্তত তেওঁ বাহিৰৰ দৃশ্যাৱলী চোৱাত ব্যস্ত। ৰাজবীৰে আগতে কাহানিও ইমান সেউজীয়া ঠাই দেখা নাছিল। তাৰ পাচত কোমল সেউজীয়া ধাননিবোৰ আতৰি চাহ গছৰ জোপোহাবোৰ ওলাল।
SEBA Class 10th English: Glimpses Of India - Tea From Assam Important Question Answer
(Tea from Assam)
-Arup kumar Dutta
Seba Tea From Assam Additional Questions & Answers
Very Short Answer Type Questions and Answers
Q.1. Who is a Vendor?
Ans. A seller of something who vends goods.
Q.2. How are Pranjol and Rajvir related?
Ans. Pranjol and Rajvir are classmates in a school in Delhi.
Q.3. How many cups of tea are drunk everyday throughout the world?
Ans. Over eighty crore cups of tea are drunk everyday throughout the world.
Q.4. What did Rajvir do when Pranjol buried his nose in detective stories?
Ans. Rajvir was looking at the beautiful scenery.
Q.5. Who, do you think, were the doll like figures busily moving amidst the rows of tea bushes?
Ans. The doll like figures were the bud pickers.
Q.6. Where was Pranjol born and brought up?
Ans. Pranjol was born and brought up in a tea garden.
Q.7. How many tea gardens are there in Assam?
Ans. Assam has the largest concentration of tea gardens in Assam.
Q.8. Who discovered tea?
Ans. No one really knows who had discovered tea. There are many legends about it.
Q.9. When did tea come to Europe?
Ans. Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century.
Q.10. When was tea first drunk in China?
Ans. Tea was first drunk in China as far back as 2700 BC.
Q.11. How was tea first treated in Europe?
Ans. In Europe tea was first treated more as medicine than as beverage.
Q.12. What did Pranjol and Rajvir do after the train arrived at Mariani junction?
Ans. After the train arrived at Mariani Junction Pranjol and Rajvir collected their luggage and pushed their way to the crowded platform.
Q.13. What was the condition at Mariani Junction when the train arrived there?
Ans. The platform was crowded.
Q.14. Who were waiting for Pranjol and Rajvir at Mariani?
Ans. Pranjol's parents were waiting for Pranjol and Rajvir.
Q.15. To where did they go from Mariani?
Ans. From Mariani they drove to Dhekiabari Tea-garden.
Q.16. What is a cattle bridge?
Ans. A cattle bridge is made of iron railings laid in horizontal position with gaps between them so that cattle cannot passthrough it.
Q.17. When does the second flush occur?
Ans. The second flush occurs between
Q.18. What was Pranjol's father? May and July.
Ans. Pranjol's father was the manager of Dhekiabari tea-garden. Q.19. "Yes, Mr. Barua" Rajvir admitted." What did Rajvir admit?
Ans. Rajvir admitted that he hoped to learn much more about tea while he was there.
Q.20. Who is the writer of "Tea from Assam"?
Ans. Arup kumar Dutta.
Q.21. Who is Mr. Barua?
Ans. Mr. Baura is Pranjol's father.
Short Type Questions & Answers (Bearing 2 marks each)
Q.1. What did Rajvir see after the train pulled out of the station?
Ans. Rajvir saw that it was green and green everywhere. Rajvir had never before seen so much of greenery. Then the green paddy fields gave away to tea bushes.
Q.2. "It was a magnificent view" Describe the magnificent view.
Ans. The magnificent view was that of the tea bushes as far as eye could see. The tea bushes were there against the backdrop of densely wooded hills. There was a sea of tea bushes under sturdy shade trees. Doll-like figures were seen busily moving amidst orderly rows of tea bushes. At a distance was seen the factory billowing out smoke from its tall chimney.
Q.3. Give a brief description of a tea garden seen from a distance.
Ans. same as in Q. No. 2 above.
-The magnificent view was that of the tea bushes as far as eye could see. The tea bushes were there against the backdrop of densely wooded hills. There was a sea of tea bushes under sturdy shade trees. Doll-like figures were seen busily moving amidst orderly rows of tea bushes. At a distance was seen the factory billowing out smoke from its tall chimney.
Q.4. What is the legend about the Chinese emperor?
Ans. The Chinese emperor had always boiled water before drinking it. One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water. A delicious flavour came out from the boiling water. It was said that they were tea leaves.
Q.5. What is the Indian legend about tea?
Ans. The Indian legend is associated with Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist arcetic. He felt sleepy during meditations. So he cut off his eye lids. Ten tea plants grew out of the eye lids. When the leaves of there plants were boiled the liquid drove away sleep.
Q.5. How tea originated in China spread to Europe and how was it used in Europe?
Ans. Tea was first drunk in China as far back as 2700 BC. The words like chai and chini are of Chinese origin. Tea came to Europe in sixteenth century. Then it was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.
Essay Type Questions & Answers (bearing 5 marks each)
Q.1. Give a brief description of Pranjol and Rajvir's journey till they arrived Mariani junction.
Ans. Pranjol and Rajvir, the two class mates were coming to Assam by train. On the way Pranjol remained mostly busy reading detective stories. Rajvir remained surprisingly absorbed with the green views of the landscape. He had never before seen such extensive greenery that one's eye could survey. On the way Rajvir also told two legends relating to discovery of tea and how it spread to Europe. One legend was about a Chinese emperor and the other was an Indian legend about a Buddhist ascetic. From his conversation with Pranjol it was learnt that he had readi much about tea. It was he who told that over eighty crore cups of tea. It was he who told that over eighty crore cups of tea was drunk everyday throughout the world. The train finally arrived Mariani junction.
Q.2. Give a brief description of Pranjol and Rajvir's journey from Mariani Junction to Dhekiabari tea garden. What did Rajvir see on the way.
Ans. Pranjol's parents picked up their son and Rajvir in their car and drove towards Dhekiabari tea garden. The garden was managed by Pranjol's father, Mr. Barua. An hour later they reached the cattle bridge at the gate of the garden. There were acre upon acre of tea bushes on both side of the gravel road. The tea plants were neatly proved to the same height. Greups of tea pluckers were plucking the newly sprouted leaves. The pluckers were wearing plastic aprons. Each of them carried on the back a bamboo basket. On the way Rajvir had conversation with Mr. Barua. Rajvir had read extensively about tea. In fact Mr. Barua was surprised to hear him. He commented that Rajvir had done much homework. Rajvir admitted that he had done, but he hoped to learn while he was there. Q.3. Give a description of a tea garden.
Ans. A tea garden is also called a tea estate. It is a well organised and well managed farming activity. Tea bushes are planted in orderly rows. When they grow up they are proved to the same height. Sturdy shade trees are there amidst the rows. These tall trees give shades to the tea bushes and help them sprout. Tea gardens are established generally on slopes of foot-hills and similar other places from where the rain water can flow out easily through small canals between the rows.
These are workers who pluck the newly sprouted tea leaves. They work in small groups. They wore plastic aprons and carry bamboo or cane baskets on their back. The leaves they pick are deposited in the basket.
Finally the leaves are brought to the factory house. In Assamese it is called the 'call ghar". It is a building filled with chimney that releases the smoke. After processing in the factory tea is ready to be sent to the market. The scenery of a tree garden extending to-far distance is really charming.