Battle of Saraighat 1671 | Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History

The Battle of Saraighat was the last battle in the last major attempt by the Mughals to extend their empire into Assam.

Essay on Battle of Saraighat 1671,Battle of Saraighat 1671 |  Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History

Lachit Borphukan : Battle of Saraighat 1671

If you are an aspirant studying in school or college or preparing for any Competitive Exams also if your Students, Teacher etc. Belong to Assam you must know the Great History of Assam i.e Battle of Saraighat 1671 between Ahom and Mughals. In Page we have Brought you in Simple language the History of Saraighat 1671 , to know about this Great war History read this Post from beginning to end so, that you will get to know about the Amazing Facts about Ahom Kingdom and the Battle of Saraighat with Mughals.

Battle of Saraighat 1671

Battle of Saraighat 1671 |  Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History
Battle of Saraighat 1671 |  Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History
Battle of Saraighat 1671 |  Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History
Battle of Saraighat 1671 |  Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History
Battle of Saraighat 1671 |  Battle of Saraighat Between Ahom and Mughals - Assam War History

FAQs - About Battle of Saraighat 1671

Q. Who is responsible for battle of Saraighat ?

Ans : Ahom and Mughal.

Q. When the battle of Saraighat fought ?

Ans: The battle of Saraighat fought in 1671.

Q. Who is the hero war of Battle of Saraighat ?

Ans: Lachit Borphukan.

Q. Who won the battle of Saraighat?

Ans: Ahom Kindgom.

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