AHSEC Class 12: Retail Trade Part A Unit 2: Delivery Of Reliable Service Notes

Hello Readers, are you looking for AHSEC Class 12 Retail Trade Part A Unit 2 Delivery Of Reliable Service ? then you are in right place Here in this page we have provided a Simple Complete Notes for NCERT/AHSEC HS 2nd Year Retail Trade Part-A Unit 2 Delivery Of Reliable Service.  

AHSEC Class 12 Retail Trade Notes 

 Part - A 

Unit 2 : Delivery Of Reliable Service 

Question Answers

Q.Meaning of customer Service Delivery?

Ans:  Customer service delivery refers to the process by which a company or organization provides assistance and support to its customers. This can include a variety of activities, such as answering customer inquiries, providing technical support, handling complaints, and solving problems. The goal of customer service delivery is to ensure that customers are satisfied with the products or services they have received, and to provide assistance when needed to resolve any issues that may arise. Effective customer service delivery can help build customer loyalty and improve the overall reputation of a company or organization.

Q.Fill in the blanks :

1. ___________________________ refers to the mechanism by which an organisation provides a service to its customers.

Ans: Service delivery

2. ___________________________ Is a crucial performance indicator for any service provider. 

Ans: Customer satisfaction

3. The 5 P’s of customer service excellence are _______________________________. 

Ans: Product, price, place, promotion, people

4. The employees of a retail store must carry out routine 

___________________________ with their customers.

Ans:  Interactions

5. Any customer information that a sales associate receives must be treated in accordance with the__________________________________ of the retail store.

Ans: Privacy policy

6. An organisation in the retail sector may use data-collection devices such as ___________ on certain pages of the organisation’s website.

Ans: Cookies

Q.Discuss various prerequisites of planning, preparing and organising 

service delivery.

Ans:Customer service is a crucial performance indicator for a service provider. A retail store needs 

to plan the services it can give to its customers, and provide them to the customers in an 

efficient manner. For the service delivery to be effective and efficient, it has to be handled in 

an organised manner. There are several prerequisites for planning, preparing and organising 

service delivery. Some of these can be listed as follows:

Service delivery evaluation: It is important to regularly evaluate the service delivery process to identify areas for improvement and ensure that service quality is consistently meeting customer expectations.

Transparency and Ethical Conduct: A retailer must be transparent with the policies 

and portfolio. These define the type of services the retailer can deliver and the time it 

requires them to be delivered.

Clearly defined service goals and objectives: It is important to have a clear understanding of the purpose and goals of the service being provided, as well as the target audience and the outcomes that are expected.

A thorough understanding of customer needs: Understanding the needs and expectations of customers is critical to delivering high-quality service. This requires gathering and analyzing customer feedback and data to identify patterns and trends.

Adequate resources: Service delivery requires a range of resources, including staff, equipment, and materials. These must be adequate to meet the demands of the service and must be managed effectively.

Service delivery processes: Service delivery processes should be clearly defined and documented, including how customers will access the service, what steps will be taken to resolve their inquiries or issues, and how service quality will be measured.

Service delivery standards: Establishing standards for service delivery helps to ensure that service quality is consistent and meets customer expectations. These standards should be communicated to all staff involved in service delivery.

Service delivery training: Training is essential to ensure that staff are knowledgeable about the service being provided and are able to deliver it effectively. Training should be ongoing to ensure that staff are up to date on any changes or updates to the service.

Q.What is the importance of collecting customer feedback? AHSEC 2022

Ans:Collecting customer feedback is important because it allows businesses to understand how customers feel about their products or services and identify areas for improvement. Customer feedback can also help businesses to build trust and loyalty with their customers and make informed decisions about their operations and strategy.

Q.How to Respond to Customers Feedbacks?

Ans: In retail business, it is important to learn to respond positively to any kind of feedback from customer. After all, any type of customer feedback helps you in improving your services and performing better. As an organisation in the retail sector, you should remember the following points with respect to customer feedback: 

•Make sure that the customer support staff member is always available on phone and 


•As an employee, you should quickly respond to customer queries/issues. 

• Be patient and understand the customer’s point of view.

• Be friendly.

• Come prepared with the customer’s order history.

Q. What are the steps needs to  Improve the Reliability of Customer Service ?

Ans: A sales associate can take certain steps to improve the reliability of customer service. It 

includes the following:

1. Welcoming Customers : The sales associate can find out frequent customers and 

address them by their names to show that he/she cares for them personally.

2. Answering Questions : The sales associate can ensure reliable customer service by 

promptly attending to customer requests and queries. 

3. Resolving Conflicts : The sales associate should give accurate replies to customer 

queries and ensures that they are satisfied.

Class 12 Retail Trade Notes Unit-2 Delivery Of Reliable Service

Q.What are the ways to select and retrieve information about a particular customer ?


A retailer follows certain ways to select and retrieve information about a particular customer service. The different ways are listed in the following figure:

Q.What are the ways to select and retrieve information about a particular customer ?

Submission of Information: A customer will visit the store or browse the retail organisation’s website for products or services of his/her interest if the customer finds what he/she is exactly looking for he/she will make the purchase. For this, the customer has to provide personal information. For example, the customer will need to give his/her home address if he/she wants the product to be delivered there.

IP Address of the Computer: A retail organisation may automatically track certain information about a user on the basis of his/her behaviour on the website. This information can be used 

for internal research to know the demographic profile of the users, including their interests and requirements. The idea behind this exercise is to understand the users so that the 

organisation can serve them better.

Cookies: An organisation in the retail sector may use data collection devices such as “cookies”on certain pages of the organisation’s website. This helps the organisation in analysing the 

page flow of its website. It also serves as a means of gauging the effectiveness of the organisation’s promotional activities. 

In addition to this, a retailer can use customer relationship management (CRM) software to manage the organisation’s interactions with customers. It can also use technology to organise 

and coordinate sales, customer service as well as technical support.


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