AHSEC Class 12: Retail Trade Part A Unit 4: Continuous Improvement In Service, Notes

How can retailers gather customer feedback to identify customer service improvement opportunities? Answer: Retailers can gather customer feedback ...

AHSEC Class 12: Retail Trade Part A Unit 4: Continuous Improvement In Service, Notes





Q. How can retailers gather customer feedback to identify customer service improvement opportunities?
Answer: Retailers can gather customer feedback through various methods such as questionnaires, face-to-face interactions, surveys, and usability tests.

Q. How do organizations analyze and interpret customer feedback to identify opportunities and propose changes?
Answer: After collecting feedback from customers, organizations analyze the data to identify areas of improvement or opportunities for change. Different organizations may use different methods to analyze feedback data.

Q. Why is it important for organizations to continuously improve their products and services?
Answer: Organizations must continuously improve their products and services to maintain customers and have a competitive advantage in the market. Improving services can help attract new customers and retain loyal customer base.

Q. How does service delivery influence the customer experience?
Answer: The way an organization delivers services can greatly affect the customer experience. Poor service delivery can lead to negative experiences and dissatisfaction, while good service delivery can lead to happy and satisfied customers.

Q. How can organizations obtain approval for changes in customer service systems?
Answer: Organizations must obtain approval for changes in customer service systems from the concerned authorities, such as managers or heads of departments, who have the power to make decisions.

Q. How should organizations organize the implementation of authorized changes in customer service?
Answer: Organizations should ensure that only authorized changes, which are permitted by concerned authorities and are in accordance with organizational norms and policies, are implemented during the process.

Q. Why is it important for organizations to inform the concerned people about changes in customer service?
Answer: Before implementing changes in customer service, it is important for organizations to inform the people who will be affected by the change, such as employees, vendors, customers, and stakeholders.

Q. What is a business case and why is it important for proposed changes in a product or service?
Answer: A business case is a document that outlines the justification for a proposed change in a product or service. It is important as it helps organizations evaluate the potential benefits and costs of the proposed change before making a decision.

Q. How can organizations evaluate the effect of proposed changes in customer service?
Answer: Organizations can evaluate the effect of proposed changes by keeping track of repeat customers, asking for customer opinions, assigning staff to interact directly with customers, and monitoring customer satisfaction levels.

Q. What are the mechanisms for implementing changes in customer service?
Answer: The mechanisms for implementing changes in customer service include obtaining approval for changes from the concerned authorities, organizing the implementation of authorized changes, informing the concerned people about the changes, and preparing a business case for the proposed changes.


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