APSC Most Important History for 2023: The Assam Public Service Commission , Apsc History for Combined Competitive Preliminary Examination: (APSC) was established on April 1, 1937. APSC conducts competitive tests to hire 'Group A' and 'Group B' officials from administrative departments of Assam as deputy collector, DSP or in various other fields of revenue and other services. Here you can find full details on the APSC Exam Most Important History 2023. Past 2015-2011 History Question of APSC Exam.
What is the APSC Most Important History for 2023 ? (APSC 2015-2011 most important history for 2023)
To prepare for the desired APSC / UPSC exam you need to follow a clever strategy followed by the revised learning materials. Current News plays a major role in preparing for such tests.
APSC Most Important History 2023
It is important to know the APSC syllabus first before starting Exam preparation. A Clear syllabus on the test paper for APSC Prelims and APSC Mains is provided here.
What should I learn from APSC prelims?
Prelims will be the first phase of the test with two objective types of question. Each paper will have 200 marks and a duration of 2 hours