Calcutta University 1st Sem Business Law Solved Question Paper 2018

In this post we have Shared Calcutta University Business Law Question Paper Solution 2018, Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam ...

Calcutta University 1st Sem Business Law Solved Question Paper 2018
CU Business Law Question Paper 2018

In this post we have Shared Calcutta University Business Law  Question Paper Solution 2018, Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the questions asked in Exams.

Calcutta University 1st Sem Business Law Solved Question Paper 2018

  Business Laws CC - 1.1 Chg-C.U. -2018

                     Group - A

.Questions carrying Marks - 1  [20*1=20M]

1. An agreement enforceable by law is

a) Proposal

b) Contract

c) Promise

d) Obligation

Ans: Contract

2. Section of____ Indian Contract Act, 1872 has defined 'Proposal'.

a) 2(e)



d) 2(a)

Ans: 2(a)

3. Section 2(j) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 has defined

a) Valid contract

b) Void contract

c) Voidable contract

d) Quasi contract

Ans: Void contract

4. Past consideration in India is

a) Void

b) Valid

c) Illegal

d) Unenforceable

Ans: Valid

5. Mistake as to knowledge of foreign law means

a) Fraud

b) Mistake of fact

c) Misrepresentation

d) Mistake of Indian Law

Ans: Mistake of fact

6. When the parties mutually agree to cancel the Contract, it is known as

a) Novation

b) Alteration

c) Rescission

d) Remission

Ans: Rescission

7. Contingent contracts are

a) Collateral

b) Collateral and certain

c) Collateral and uncertain

d) None of the above

Ans: Collateral and uncertain

8. A contract may be discharged by

a) Performance of contract

b) Breach of contract

c) Mutual agreement

d) Any of the above

Ans: Any of the above

9. Sale of goods in India is governed by

a) The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

b) The Sale of Goods Act, 1932

c) The Sale of Goods Act, 1960

d) The Sale of Goods Act, 1970

Ans: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

10. A contract for the sale of 'Future Goods' is

a) Sale

b) Agreement to sell

c) Sale on approval

d) Hire purchase agreement

Ans: Agreement to sell

11. The test of partnership is validated in the case of

a) Cox Vs Hickman

b) Garner Vs Murray

c) AB Das Vs CIT

d) Nash Vs Inman

Ans: Cox Vs Hickman

12. Registration of the firm as per the Partnership Act is

a) Optional

b) Compulsory

c) Obligatory

d) Essential

Ans: Optional

13. The LLP Act is divided in chapters.

a) 13

b) 14

c) 15

d) 16

Ans: 14

14. As a legal entity, LLP can

a) Sue and be sued

b) Not be sued

c) Not sue

d) None of these

Ans: Sue and be sued

15. A limited liability partnership is a

a) Company

b) Partnership

c) Body corporate

d) NGO

Ans: Body corporate

16. Advantages of LLP are

a) Raising money

b) Easy to manage

c) Separate property

d) All of these

Ans: All of these

17. The term 'Holder in due course is explained within section of the N. I. Act, 1881.

a) 7

b) 8

c) 9

d) 10

Ans: 9

18. According to the Negotiable Instruments Act, negotiable instruments can be of

a) 2 types

b) 3 types

c) 4 types

d) 5 types

Ans: 3 types

19. Objective of the Central Consumer Protection Council is

a) The right to higher education

b) The right to primary education

c) The right to consumer education

d) None of these

Ans: None of these

20. The President of the District Forum shall be

a) District Collector

b) High Court Judge

c) District Judge

d) Supreme Court Judge

Ans: District judge

                           Group - B

.Questions carrying Marks - 2   [30*2=60M]

1. Which of the following statements is not true?

a) Agreement = Offer + Acceptance

b) Contract = Agreement + Enforceability 

c) All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contract

d) A proposal when accepted becomes an offer

Ans: A proposal when accepted becomes an offer

2. Which of the following is not an essential element of valid contract?

a) Registration of Agreement

b) Free consent

c) Capacity of parties

d) Lawful consideration and object

Ans: Registration of Agreement

3. Which consideration is no consideration under the English Law?

a) Present

b) Past

c) Future

d) Both (a) and (c)

Ans: Past

4. A, by a letter, offered to sell his car to B for ? 5 lakhs. B wrote a letter stating that he was prepared to buy it for 24 lakhs. In this case B's letter is

a) Valid acceptance

b) Counter offer

c) Cross offer

d) None of these

Ans: Counter offer

5. Which of the following statements about acceptance is not true?

a) It must be sent

b) It must be absolute and unconditional

c) It may be presumed from the silence of offeree

d) It must be accepted by a person having authority to accept

Ans: It may be presumed from the silence of offeree

6. Amit agrees to sell his flat worth 8 lakhs to Sumit for 3 lakhs only as Amit's consent was obtained by coercion. In this case, the agreement is

a) Valid

b) Void

c) Voidable

d) Illegal

Ans: Voidable

7. Contract is an agreement creating and defining obligations between the parties" - This definition is given by

a) Pollock

b) Halsbury

c) Salmond

d) Anson

Ans: Salmond

8. The contracts which are based on principle of equity, justice and good conscience are

a) Wagering contract

b) Quasi contract

c) Contingent contract

d) Implied contract

Ans: Quasi contract

9. Which of the following is not an exception to the rule, "No consideration no contract"?

a) Out of natural love and affection

b) Completed gift

c) Agency

d) To pay a debt

Ans: To pay a debt

10. An illiterate old woman made a gift of her entire property to her nephew who looks after her estate. The gift can be set aside on the grounds of

a) Coercion

b) Undue influence

c) Mistake

d) Fraud

Ans: Undue influence

11. The bailment of as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise is called

a) Goods, pledge

b) Rule, void

c) Product, services

d) Services, void

Ans: Goods, pledge

12. The loss of destruction of goods falls on in case of sale, and on. In case of agreement to sell

a) Buyer, seller

b) Seller, buyer

c) Auctioneer, agent

d) None of them

Ans: Buyer, seller

13. The doctrine of caveat emptor is given in section of the Sale of Goods act, and it implies ..

a) 15, let the seller beware

b) 16, let the buyer beware

c) 18, let seller take care of buyer's interest

d) 17, let the buyer claim damages

Ans: 16, let the buyer beware

14. Which of the following is the right of unpaid seller of goods?

a) Right of lien

b) Right of stoppage in transit

c) Right of Resale

d) All of these

Ans: All of these

15. As per the Sale of Goods Act, 'seller' means a person who

a) agrees to sell goods

b) Only sells goods

c) Sells or agrees to sell goods

d) None of the above

Ans: Sells or agrees to sell goods

16. Features of Partnership business are

a) Unlimited liability and contractual relation

b) Limited liability and contractual relation

c) Mandatory registration and limited liability

d) Limited liability and perpetual succession

 Ans: Unlimited liability and contractual relation

17. A partnership firm can be formed with

a) A major and a minor

b) Two minors

c) Two majors

d) A minor and an artificial person

Ans: Two majors

18. The liabilities and of an expelled partner are the same as those of a partner

a) Duties, minor

b) Duties, incoming

c) Position, insolvent

d) Rights, retiring

Ans: Rights, retiring

19. Foreign nationals become a partner in a LLP but minor be admitted to the benefits of LLP

a) Can't can

b) Can, can't

c) Never, always

d) With Indian origin, with presents

Ans: Can, can't

20. Incorporation documents and subscribers statement for LLP are provided in

a) E-form 1

b) E-form 2

c) E-form 3

d) E-form 4

Ans: E-form 2

21. For application for reservation of name for LLP, two prerequisites are

a) DIN & PAN

b) PAN & DSC

c) DIN & DSC

d) PAN & TAN

Ans: DIN & DSC

22. The LLP is required to file with the LLP Registrar

a) Annual Statement of Profit & Loss

b) Statement of Solvency

c) Annual return

d) All of them

Ans: All of them

23. A Bill of Exchange must be in

a) Writing

b) Oral

c) (a) or (b)

d) None of the options

Ans: Writing

24. Which of the following is not a negotiable Instrument?

a) Bill of Exchange and Cheque

b) Postal order and Currency note

c) Promissory note and Cheque

d) Promissory note and Bill of Exchange

Ans: Postal order and Currency note

25. The of Promissory note has been given in Section

a) Scope, 2

b) Definition, 4

c) Role, 3

d) Functions, 5

Ans: Definition, 4

26. Major amendments in the NI. Act, 1881 took place in the year

a) 2015

b) 2016

c) 2017

d) 2018

Ans: 2018

27. "Complainant" means

a) Consumer

b) Any voluntary consumer association registered under Companies Act

c) The Central Government or State Government

d) All of the above

Ans: All of the above

28. Which of the following is unfair trade practice?

a) Hoarding

b) Use of Trade Mark

c) Sale at fixed price

d) Sale by description

Ans: Hoarding

29. The section 8 of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 explain the of - consumer.

a) Composition, District

b) Objective, State

c) Features, District

d) Function, Central

Ans: Objective, State

30. The Chairman of the Central Consumer Protection Council shall be

a) The Minister in charge of Consumer Affairs in the Central Govt.

b) The Prime Minister

c) The Speaker of Lok Sabha

d) The Minister in charge of Consumer Affairs in the State Govt.

Ans: The Minister in charge of Consumer Affairs in the Central Govt.


About Calcutta University or University of Calcutta 

Calcutta University, also known as the University of Calcutta, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in India. Founded in 1857, it has a rich history and a strong tradition of academic excellence. The University is located in the heart of Kolkata, the cultural capital of India, and is surrounded by some of the city's most iconic landmarks.

University of Calcutta .JPG
Image: University of Calcutta 

The University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields such as Arts, Science, Commerce, Law, and Engineering. The Faculty of Arts, for example, has departments such as Bengali, English, Sanskrit, and History. And the Faculty of Science has departments such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science. The University also has a strong research culture, with many of its faculty members and students engaged in cutting-edge research in various fields.

About Calcutta University 1st Sem Business Law Question paper 2018

Calcutta University's B.Com program is one of the most sought after courses in the field of commerce. The first semester of the program includes a course on Business Law, which is considered to be an important subject for students pursuing a career in the field of commerce and business.

Previous year question papers for the Calcutta University Bcom 1st Sem Business Law Question Paper 2018 CBCS Pattern can be a valuable resource for students preparing for their exams. These papers can help students understand the format and structure of the exam paper, practice their knowledge and identify areas where they need to improve, and manage their expectations for the actual exam.

Firstly, going through previous year papers can help students understand the format and structure of the exam paper. By studying past papers, students can get a sense of the types of questions that are typically asked, the number of questions, and the distribution of marks. This can help them plan their study schedule and focus on the areas that are more likely to be tested.

Secondly, previous year papers can serve as a useful practice resource. By solving past papers, students can test their knowledge and identify any areas where they need to improve. This can help them build their confidence and prepare better for the actual exam.

Thirdly, previous year papers can also give students an idea of the level of difficulty of the exam. This can help them manage their expectations and not get overwhelmed by the exam.

Lastly, these papers can also serve as a reference material for students. It can help students to understand the concept and the pattern of the question they may face in the exam.

Overall, using previous year question papers as a study resource can be a valuable way for students to prepare for the Calcutta University B.Com first semester Business Law Question Paper 2018. These papers can help students gain a deeper understanding of the subject, practice their knowledge and identify areas where they need to improve, and manage their expectations for the actual exam.


In conclusion, previous year question papers are a valuable resource for students preparing for their Calcutta University B.Com first semester Business Law Question Paper 2018 exam at Calcutta University. These papers can help students understand the format and structure of the exam paper, practice their knowledge and identify areas where they need to improve, and manage their expectations for the actual exam. Therefore, it is important for students to make use of these papers as they prepare for their exams.

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