AHSEC HS Class 11 English: Error Correction Solution 2012 -2023 [Class 11 English Grammar]

In this article, we have provided the solutions to the AHSEC Class 11 English Error Correction questions from the years 2012-2023

AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council) Class 11 English: Error Correction Solution is an essential topic that students must learn in order to excel in their grammar skills. The ability to recognize and correct grammatical errors is an important aspect of effective communication in the English language. In this article, we have provided the solutions to the AHSEC Class 11 English Error Correction questions from the years 2012-2023.

AHSEC HS Class 11 English: Error Correction Solution 2012 -2023 [Class 11 English Grammar]

The AHSEC Class 11 English Error Correction questions require students to identify and correct grammatical errors in sentences. These questions are designed to test the student's understanding of grammar rules and their ability to apply them correctly.

Here are the solutions to the AHSEC Class 11 English Error Correction questions from the years 2012-2023:

Q. Rewrite the following sentences correctly.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2012

1. It is a nice poetry.

Ans: It is a nice poem.

2. I know to swim.

Ans: I know how to swim.

3. He prefers coffee than tea.

Ans: He prefers coffee to tea.

4. The man is mortal.

Ans: Man is mortal.

5. Diganta is a MA in English.

Ans: Diganta is an MA in English.

AHSEC HS 1st Year Error Correction Solution 2013

1. There is still little water in the tank; use it sparingly.

Ans: There is still a little water in the tank; use it sparingly.

2. I am knowing you.

Ans: I know you.

3. He usually is going to school at 7 AM

Ans: He usually goes to school at 7 AM.

4. The clerk has already typed the letter before the principal summoned him to do so.

Ans: The clerk had already typed the letter before the principal summoned him to do so.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2015

1. Everybody have to work.

Ans: Everybody has to work.

2. She said she will take care of the baby.

Ans: She said she would take care of the baby.

3. One should learn how to read and write in his mother language.

Ans: One should learn how to read and write in one's mother tongue.

4. He left the hostel with bag and baggage.

Ans: He left the hostel bag and baggage.

5. He is a MA in History.

Ans: He is an MA in History.

6. My mother never listens what I say.

Ans: My mother never listens to what I say.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2016

1. My mother never listens what I say.

Ans: My mother never listens to what I say.

2. It is raining since morning.

Ans: It has been raining since morning.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2017

1. Guwahati is one of the oldest city in the country.

Ans: Guwahati is one of the oldest cities in the country.

2. This city is known for its beautiful sceneries.

Ans: This city is known for its beautiful scenery.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2018

1. He left the hostel with bag and baggage.

Ans: He left the hostel bag and baggage.

2. She is reading since morning.

Ans: She has been reading since morning.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2019

1. He is one of the best boy in the class.

Ans: He is one of the best boys in the class.

2. Neither Ram nor Rahim are present in the meeting. 

Ans: Neither Ram nor Rahim is present in the meeting.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2020

1. The honesty is the best policy.

Ans: Honesty is the best policy.

2. She invited my husband and myself.

Ans: She invited me and my husband.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2022 

1. The man is a social animal.

Ans: Man is a social animal.

2. The honesty is the best policy.

Ans: Honesty is the best policy.

AHSEC HS 1st year Error Correction Solution 2023

2023 Solution will be updated after Examination........

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About AHSEC HS Class 11 English Grammar: Error Correction 2012-2023

The AHSEC Class 11 English Grammar Exam consists of various sections, including error correction, sentence completion, and vocabulary. In the error correction section, students are presented with sentences that contain errors, and they are required to identify and correct these errors. This section tests the student's ability to recognize and correct grammar mistakes, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tense, articles, prepositions, and more.

Conclusion - AHSEC Class 11 Error Correction 2012-2023 [English Grammar]

In conclusion, mastering grammar is an essential skill for any student of English, and the AHSEC Class 11 English Grammar Exam provides an opportunity to test and improve these skills. By practicing with error correction exercises and reviewing the solutions, students can become more proficient in identifying and correcting grammar mistakes, which will help them communicate more effectively in both written and spoken English.

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