AHSEC Class 11 Economic Geography Syllabus 2023-24 | H.S 1st year Economic Geography Syllabus

Unit-1 : Introduction : Marks : 15 Definition, nature, scope, importance and methodology of Economic Geography, Primary needs of Man. Occupation of...

AHSEC Class 11 Economic Geography Syllabus 2023-24 | H.S 1st year Economic Geography Syllabus

H.S First Year Economic Geography Syllabus 2023-24

The students those who opt Geography among the different optional/elective subject of High. School Level acquires some idea of Economic Geography. But Economic Geography is not taught in its form and contents at High school. As such the students have to be imparted with good understanding from the initial stage of the subject. The students have to be exposed to the realitities of economic world, They have to be made to understand the used and importance of world resources and their exploration.
The course contents for Higher Secondary First year and Second year Class have been arranged
maintaining proper linkages.

Specific Objective :

The major objectives of teaching Economic Geography at Higher Secondary stage are to enable
the students :

  1. To acquaint with the importance of resources and its distribution. 
  2. To understand the relationship of resources, its development to economic development of a region. 
  3. To understand the distribution of Geographical resources to different parts of the Globe. 
  4. To give an idea regarding natural resources, its uses and value.
  5. To make comparative study of different regions. to develop an insight into world economy.

Unitwise Distribution of Course contents 

Unit-1 : Introduction : Marks : 15

Definition, nature, scope, importance and methodology of Economic Geography, Primary needs of Man. Occupation of Man - primary, secondary and tertiary. Enyironment : physical and cultural,Man's activities under different euvironrnental conditions.

Unit-2 : Principal types of World Climate : Marks : 05

Characteristics of equatorial, Monsoon and Mediterranean types of climate.

Unlt-3 : Resource : Marks : 15

(i) Human : A brief outline on the distribution and density of population.Man-land ratio, Population density zones of the world. Population and economic development,Concept of optimum population, over population and under population.

(ii) Forest : Equatorial : Temperate and Sub polar forests and their utilities. Tropical and Temperate Grass land of the world. Dairying, sheep rearing and cattle rearing in different grassland regions of the world.

Unit-4 : Agriculture : Types and Methods : Marks : 15

(i) Food crops : Rice and Wheat - geographical conditions for cultivation, production and international trade.

(ii) Commercial crops : Tea, Coffee, Rubber. Sugarcane, Cotton and Jute-geographical conditions for cultivation, production and international trade.

Unit-5 : Minerals : Marks : 10

Iron ore, Aluminium and Mica-producing exporting and importing Countries of the world.

Unit-6 : Energy Resource : Marks : 10

Coal, Natural gas, Petroleum, Nuclear power and Hydro power- World Distribution and production.Concept of Non-conventional energy.

Unit-7 : Manufacturing Industries : Marks : 15

Localisation factors and Conditions for development of Iron and Steel, Cotton textile, Pulp and


Unit-8 : Trade and Transport : Marks : 07

Barter and sale- internal and external trade, bases of international trade, balance of trade, favourable and unfavourable balances, balance of payments, terms of trade. Importance of transport- modes of transport and their relative advantage and disadvantages, The Suez canal, the North Atlantic sea route.

Unit-9 : Ports, Harbour and Hinterland : Marks : 08

Ports, Harbour and Hinterlans, conditions for development of a good sea port, Entreport, Free port.


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