Environmental Studies Question Paper'2016 GU | [Gauhati University BCom 2nd Sem Non-CBCS]

Environmental Studies question paper 2016 [BCOM 2nd Semester(Hons.)] in PDF format, you can download this question paper or read at practice this ques

 Environmental Studies Question Paper'2016 GU | [Gauhati University BCom 2nd Sem Non-CBCS]

In this post we have Shared Gauhati University Environmental Studies question paper 2016 [BCOM 2nd Semester(Hons.)] in PDF format, you can download this question paper or read at practice this question paper for your upcoming examination as we know that last year question papers are very valuable and important resource for exam preparation it help us to understand the type of Questios ask and question paper patterns etc.



Full Marks: 75

Time: 3 hours

(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)

1. (a) Give answers:                                                                        1x5=5

1)         When is Wildlife Week observed?

2)         Give an example of renewable resources.

3)         Where Savanna grassland ecosystem is located?

4)         What is aquifer?

5)         What is ecological pyramid?

(b) Fill in the gaps:                                                                                1x5=5

1)         Kenyan Environmentalist _______ was awarded with Nobel Peace Prize 2004.

2)         About _______ % of the earth’s surface is covered by water.

3)         The bacterium _______ is used to extract pure gold which remains embedded in iron sulphide.

4)         Quinine is obtained from the bark of _______ tree.

5)         Chakrasila Wildlife Sanctuary is famous for _______.

2. Answer any five:                                                                                   3x5=15

a)         What are Alpha (a), Beta  (B), Gamma (Y) richness?

b)         What is rain water harvesting? State the purpose of its use.

c)          Write a note on population explosion.

d)         Write a note on total fertility rate.

e)         Give a brief account of non-renewable resources with examples.

f)          What are biotic and Abiotic components of ecosystem?

g)         Write the salient features of an estuarine ecosystem.

h)         What are hotspots of biodiversity? Name one hotspot of India.

3. Answer any six:                                                                                            5x6=30

a)         Should we build big dams? Give arguments in favour of your answer.         2+3=5

b)         Differentiate between any two:                                                         2.5x2=5                                                                                                         

1)         Loudness and pitch of noise.

2)         Threshold of pain and threshold of hearing for a human ear.

3)         Endangered and Endemic species (any two)

c)          Write short notes:

1)         Minamata diseases.

2)         Bio magnification.

3)         Nuclear hazard.

d)         Write an account of Bhopal gas tragedy.

e)         Discuss on environmental refugees or oustees. Write the major consequences for displacement of indigenous people.

f)          What is depletion? Elucidate the consequences of over exploitation of minerals.

g)         Write a note to highlight N-E India as a biodiversity hotspot zone.

h)         Define disaster. Discuss disasters caused due to flood in Assam.

4. Answer any two:                                                                                             10x2=20

(1) What are the major causes of man-animal conflicts? Discuss steps to reduce the conflicts.


Write the definition of ecosystem and describe its structure. Highlight the salient features of desert ecosystem.

(2) Elaborately discuss the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.


Discuss the importance of water conservation in the context of rising population.

(3) Discuss with the help of a case study on how large dams have affected the forest and the tribal people.


Discuss the models of energy flow in an ecosystem. Explain why some pyramids are upright while others are inverted in different ecosystems.                                            6+4=10

(4) Write, how you as an individual can prevent environmental pollution? Why such an effort at individual level is important?                                                         6+4=10

(5) Discuss the causes and problems associated with the displacement of native people. Support your answer with a case study.


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