Fundamental of Investment Question Paper 2023 PDF [Gauahti University BCom 6th Sem CBCS]

In this Post we have uploaded Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2023, B.Com 6th Sem Gauhati University (GU). which Can be Very Useful For Your

In this Post we have uploaded Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2023, B.Com 6th Sem Gauhati University (GU). which Can be Very Useful For Your GU B.Com 6th Semester Sessional or Final Semester Examination. 6th Sem Fundamental of Investment Question Paper 2023 in PDF Gauhati University (GU).

Fundamental of Investment Question Paper 2023 PDF [Gauahti University BCom 6th Sem CBCS]



(Honours Elective)

Paper COM-HE-6016

(Fundamentals of Investment)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following as directed: 1×10=10

(a) Write the full form of CARE.

(b) Which of the following is an example of financial derivative ?

(i) Share

(ii) Debenture

(iii) Forward contract 

(iv) GDR 

(Choose the correct alternative)

(c) Who is the propounder of dividend capitalisation model ?

(i) Myron J. Gordon

(ii) David Ricardo

(iii) Adam Smith

(iv) John Stuart Mill

(Choose the correct alternative) 

(d) On which date SEBI introduced compulsory trading of shares of listed companies in DEMAT' form?

(i) 1st January, 2016

(ii) 1st April, 2017

(iii) 1st January, 2018

(iv) 1st April, 2019

(Choose the correct alternative) 

(e) Who is the regulatory authority of Indian securities market?

(f) NAV is a fund per share market value.

(The statement is True/False ) 

(g) “Securities market is a market for equity, debts and derivatives."  

(The statement is True/False )

(h) Bond is a risk - free security.

(The statement is True/False )

(i) SBI mutual fund is the first public sector mutual fund in India.  

(The statement is True/False ) :

(j) Investment in equity is safer than bank fixed deposit. 

(The statement is True/False)

2. Answer questions of the following in about 50 words each : 2 x 5 = 10

(a) Give the meaning of equity share. 

(b) State any two risks associated with bonds.

(c) Explain any two types of financial derivatives.

(d) Write two functions of SEBI.

(e) Explain any two assumptions of technical analysis. 

3. Answer any four questions of the following in about 150 words each: 5×4=20

(a) Explain the structure of Indian securities market.

(b) Write a note on price earning ratio. P.E. 

(c) Describe the factors affecting the choice of mutual fund. 

(d) What do you mean by fundamental analysis ? What are its objectives ?

(e) Write any five functions of stock exchange.

(f) State any five features of bond. 

4. Answer any four questions of the following in about 600 words each : 10×4=40

(a) Explain briefly about different types of investment stating their advantages and disadvantages.

(b) Do you think that Credit rating is an important service for the investor? Justify your answer.

(c) What do you mean by mutual fund ? Discuss the different types of mutual fund. 2+8=10 

(d) Discuss the role played by SEBI in the protection of interest of the investors in Indian securities market. 

(e) What are the basic features of financial derivatives? Also state briefly about the major participants in financial derivative market. 5+5=10 

(f) What is efficient market hypothesis? Discuss about the different forms of efficient market hypothesis.

(g) What do you mean by bond? Mr. X purchased a 10% coupon rate bond. The bond have face value of Rs.10,000 and maturity of 4 years. If the current market interest rate is 8%, find the value of the bond using present value method.

If the current market price of the bond is Rs.9,000; state whether X should sell it or hold it till its maturity, along with the reason.

- (Present value of Re.1 at 8% discount rate is as follows: 

1 year - 0.926, 2 years -  0.857, 

3 years - 0.794, 4 years - 0.735)


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