Human Resource Management(HRM) Solved Question Paper 2021 -[Gauhati University BCom 4th Sem CBCS]

Human Resource Management Solved Question Paper 2021 | 4th Sem CBCS Pattern | Gauhati University , Guwahati University HRM Solved question paper

Human Resource Management Solved Question Paper 2021 Download in PDF | 4th Sem CBCS Pattern | Gauhati University , Guwahati University HRM Solved question paper 2021, HRM Solved question paper for Guwahati University 2021, Human Resource Management Solved question paper 2021 Guwahati University Assam, 4th sem Human Resource Management Solved question paper Guwahati University,GU HRM Solved Question Paper 2021.

Human Resource Management(HRM) Solved Question Paper 2021 -[Gauhati University BCom 4th Sem(Hons.) CBCS]



Gauhati University BCom 4th Semester

Human Resource Management Solved Paper 

COMMERCE 2021 (Honours)

Paper: COM-HC-4036 

(Human Resource Management)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the correct answer:                   1×6=6

a) Who introduced “Ten C” principle in HRM?

1. Edwin B. Flippo.

2. Rensis Likert.

3. Alan Price.

4. French Wendell.

Ans: 3. Alan Price.

b) Which one of the following is not the external source of recruitment?

1. Employment Exchange.

2. Campus Recruitment.

3. Advertising.

4. Previous Applicant.

Ans: 4. Previous Applicant.

c) The training techniques that allows trainees to solve problem and work in different departments is called

1. Job rotation.

2. Action learning.

3. Lifelong learning.

4. Management development.

Ans: 2. Action learning.

d) The multiple-input approach feedback is called _______ degree assessment.

1. 90.

2. 180.

3. 270.

4. 360.

Ans: 4. 360.

e) Which of the following is not a non-financial incentive?

1. Status.

2. Co-partnership.

3. Job security.

4. Organisational climate.

Ans: 1. Status.

f) Ensuring the safety, health and welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the

1. Factories Act, 1948.

2. Payment of Wages Act, 1936.

3. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.

4. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.

Ans: 1. Factories Act, 1948.


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