(Honours Elective)
Paper: COM-HE-6046
(International Business)
Full Marks: 80
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions: 1×10=10
(a) The total number of members of SAARC is
(i) 7
(ii) 8
(iii) 9
(iv) 10
(b) Write the full form of TRIPS.
(c) Import of goods and services for re- export to another country is called entrepot trade. (State True / False)
(d) A banker's acceptance fulfill
(i) for medium term
(ii) for short term
(iii) for long term
(e) State any one law regulating FDI inflows in India.
(f) The UNCTAD was established in
(i) 1967
(ii) 1965
(i) 1964
(iv) 1976
(g) What is the basic principle most. favoured nation (MFN)?
(h) quota is considered a tariff tool of international trade. (Yes/No)
(i) India was one of the founder members of the WTO. (State True/False)
(j) The World Bank started operation in
(i) June, 1944
(ii) May, 1946
(iii) June, 1946
(iv) None of the above
2. Answer the following questions in about 50 words : 2×5=10
(a) Write a short note on import duty.
(b) Write two negative impact of globalisation.
(c) Mention two distinct stages of product life cycle theory of international business.
(d) What is greenfield investment?
(e) Give any examples of non-tariff measures of international business.
3. Answer any four questions from the following in about 150 words : 5×4=20
(a) What are the features of international business?
(b) Write a short note on special economic zones (SEZs).
(c) Write a note on ASEAN.
(d) List out the items included in current account.
(e) What do you mean by 'Most Favoured Nation (MFN)' ?
(f) What are the objectives of World Bank?
4. Answer any four questions from the following in about 600 words : 10×4=40
(a) What do you mean by international business environment? Explain different forms of international business environment.
(b) What do you mean by Balance of Trade? Distinguish between Balance of Payment and Balance of Trade. 3+7=10
(c) What is SAARC ? Explain the significant role of SAARC in regional integration and development. 2+8=10
(d) Discuss various sources of financing in international business.
(e) What is import quota ? How does it differ from tariff' ? 2+8=10
(f) Explain the role of WTO in promoting international business. 3+7=10
(g) Discuss the role of FDI in India.
(h) What are the objectives of World Bank ? How far has it succeeded in fulfilling its objectives? Discuss.