AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English: The Verger Questions Answers [H.S 2nd Year Alte. English Chapter 3 Solution]

The Verger By William Somerset maugham is a beautiful Story of AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English (Harmony: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry) Ch-3
AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English: The Verger Questions Answers [H.S 2nd Year Alte. English Chapter 3 Solution]

The Verger By William Somerset maugham is a beautiful Story of AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English (Harmony: An Anthology of Prose and Poetry) Chapter 3. Here you will find Brief Summary of the poem and a detailed Question Answer of The Verger Question Answer with additional And Important Questions for Upcoming 2024 Examination. 

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Among the most popular English writers of the early twentieth century, William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) has to his credit several plays, novels and short stories. Though he was trained as a physician, Maugham began contributing regularly to journals and magazines after the success of his first novel, Liza of Lambeth (1897). Of Human Bondage (1915) and The Moon and Sixpence (1919) are among his best-known novels. Maugham's literary craftsmanship is exemplified in his short stories where he captures the nuances of typical British life in the first half of the last century. 'The Verger', included in the collection The Cosmopolitans (1936), was first published in 1929.


'The Verger' is a simple but popular short story from the repertoire of one of the greatest practitioners of the craft, William Somerset Maugham. It is centred on the chance discovery of the eponymous verger's inability to read and write, and the events that follow in its wake. Albert Edward Foreman had been a verger at St Peter's, a small church in a fashionable London neighbourhood, for sixteen years. During those years, he had carried out his duties with utmost sincerity, diligence and pride. The story begins one afternoon after a christening ceremony when the new vicar, who had been recently appointed, summons the verger into the vestry. In the presence of the churchwardens, who were already in the vestry, the vicar expressed his astonishment at the verger's inability to read or write. Though the vicar ostensibly has no problems with the verger's conduct or record of discharge of his duties, he makes it amply clear that such a situation is untenable at St Peter's. Albert Edward is given three months to learn to read and write or, else, quit his post. The verger does not have a favourable opinion of the new vicar and maintains that the new vicar's appointment at St Peter's was a mistake. He often misses the old vicar, a priest of the old school, who knew how to mingle with the classy parishioners. Though the old vicar knew of Albert Edward's inability to read or write, he did not attach much importance to it. In a surprising move, Albert Edward, on the grounds that he has so far managed reasonably well without being able to read or write, spurns the new vicar's proposal, and instead offers to resign the moment his replacement is found.

With a heavy heart and a mind full of pensive thoughts, Albert Edward takes a wrong turn on his way back home. Seized by a desire to smoke, he looks around for a shop to buy cigarettes but is unable to find one in the entire street. An idea brews in his mind immediately: the next day he takes a shop on rent in the same street and enters into business as a tobacconist and newsagent after leaving St Peter's. The business proves successful, and within a few years, he becomes a rich man with a fortune worth more than thirty thousand pounds in the bank. The story ends on an interesting note when, one day, the bank manager discovers, to his utter surprise, that Albert Edward could neither read nor write. He wonders how successful and rich Albert Edward would have been if he were able to read and write.

Assam Board Class 12 Alternative English Chapter 3 The Verger Questions Answers for 2024


A. State whether these sentences are True or False.

1. Albert Edward was a habitual smoker.

   - Ans: False

2. Albert Edward was very particular about his gowns.

   - Ans: True.

3. The churchwardens were young men.

   - Ans: False.

4. The verger learnt to read and write only upon entering into business.

   - Ans: True.

B. Answer these questions in one or two words.

1. For how long had the verger been at St Peter's?

   - Ans: Sixteen Years.

2. In the course of how many years did Albert Edward own ten shops?

   - Ans: 10 Years.

3. From where did the new vicar hail?

   - Ans: The new vicar had come from tha East End.

4. How much money did Albert Edward have at the bank?

   - Ans: thirty thousand pounds.

5. Which brand of cigarettes did the verger want to buy?

   - Ans: Gold Flake.

6. How much time did the new vicar propose to give the verger to learn reading and writing?

   - Ans: Three Months.

C. Answer these questions in a sentence or two.

1. What did Albert Edward do before he became the verger at St Peter's?

Ans:-  He worked as a single-handed butler for a widowed peeress.

2. What did the new vicar discover?

Ans:- The new vicar discovered that Albert Edward was illiterate.

3. What is the opinion of the verger regarding the new vicar?

Ans:- The verger did not like the new vicar. He thought that the new vicar wanted to control everything according to his own way.

4. What does the bank manager suggest to Albert Edward?

Ans:- The manager suggested Albert Foreman to invest a part of his savings on buying securities which would earn a much higher rate of interest.

D. Answer these questions briefly.

1. What was the condition put forth by the new vicar to the verger?

Ans:-  The condition laid down before the Verger by the vicar and the two church wardens was that the Verger must learn letters within three months. Failing to do so, he would loose his job as they could not take the risk of some accident caused due to his lamentable ignorance.

2. Briefly describe the verger's attitude towards his gowns. 

Ans:-  The Verger was very much fond of his gowns as he considered them dignified symbol of his office. He had never thrown away his old gowns rather he kept them in the bottom drawer of his wardrobe. Wrapped up in brown paper. He had a succession of such old gowns, in a complete series.

3. Explain the significance of the following sentence: 

'The vergers of St Peter's, like the Popes of Rome, were there for life'.

Ans:- The sentence "The vergers of St Peter's, like the Popes of Rome, were there for life" highlights the significance of the role of the vergers at St Peter's, drawing a parallel to the lifelong tenure of Popes in Rome.

The comparison to the Popes of Rome emphasizes the permanence and stability associated with the position of the vergers at St Peter's. Just as the Popes held their position for life, the vergers, who are responsible for the care and maintenance of the church, were also appointed to serve in their role indefinitely.

This sentence underscores the long-standing tradition and continuity in the institution of St Peter's. It suggests that the position of a verger was not a temporary or rotating role but rather a lifelong commitment, implying a deep sense of dedication, loyalty, and responsibility to the church and its community.

4. How did the manager react upon his discovery that Mr Foremancould neither read nor write?

Ans:- The manager reacted positively and saw potential in Mr. Foreman when he discovered that he couldn't read or write. Instead of being disappointed or critical, the manager proposed a solution to help Mr. Foreman learn these skills, showing support and encouragement.

5. Briefly describe the career of Albert Edward.

Ans:- The Verger, Albert Edward Foreman, had a simple and dedicated nature. He faithfully performed his duties as the Verger of St. Peter's church for sixteen years, diligently taking care of all the manual tasks. He took great pride in his job, and there were no complaints about his work until a new vicar discovered that he was unable to read or write. Despite the vicar's insistence that he learn these skills or risk losing his job, the Verger, being an independent man, chose to maintain his dignity and refused the proposal. Instead, he decided to resign, believing that it was too late for him to learn.

Undeterred by his lack of education, Foreman embarked on a new venture and opened a tobacco shop, which turned out to be incredibly successful. Even the banker was amazed by his capabilities despite his illiteracy. He eventually owned a total of ten shops, showcasing his resilience and adaptability in overcoming challenges. Despite his financial success, the Verger remained humble and content with a simple life. He recognized that being illiterate did not hinder his ability to fulfill his duties.

Albert Edward Foreman's practical thinking, dedication, and strong work ethic were key factors that contributed to his success. These qualities were lacking in the new vicar, highlighting the stark contrast between their approaches to life and work. The Verger's wisdom was not derived from academic knowledge but from keen observation and experience gained from his interactions with the world.

Q. Character sketch of the verger.

Ans:- William Somerset Maugham has portrayed the character of the verger. Albert Edward Foreman though an illiterate person served as the verger of St. Peter's Neville Square for 16 years. He began his life as a page boy at the age of twelve in the house of a merchant prince. He then rose from fourth to the first footman and later he had been single-handed butler to a widowed peeress. And before being appointed at St. Peter's, Foreman was a butler with two men under him in a retired ambassador's house.

Albert Edward Foreman was a man of confidence and self-respecting nature. When the vicar discovers that the verger could neither read nor write and instruct him to learn reading and writing within three months or leave the job of the verger, he did not feel shattered. Rather he told him that he would not be able to learn to read and write at this old age and that he happily offered his resignation.

Albert Edward Foreman was a realistic and proud man with great business acumen and common sense.

E. Answer these questions in detail.

1. Describe, in detail, how Albert Edward lost the job of the verger at St Peter's.

Ans:-  Albert Edward lost his job as the verger at St. Peter's church due to the new vicar's chance discovery of his illiteracy. After serving as the verger for sixteen years, the new vicar called him into the vestry and expressed his astonishment at the fact that Albert Edward could neither read nor write. Although the vicar did not have any specific issues with Albert Edward's performance or conduct, he deemed the situation unacceptable for a verger at St. Peter's. The vicar gave Albert Edward an ultimatum: he had three months to learn how to read and write or else he would have to resign.

However, instead of accepting the vicar's proposal and attempting to learn these skills, Albert Edward chose a different path. He did not have a favorable opinion of the new vicar and felt that his appointment at St. Peter's was a mistake. Missing the old vicar, who was more adept at socializing with the parishioners, Albert Edward believed that the new vicar did not understand the true essence of being a verger. In response, Albert Edward decided to maintain his dignity and independence. He offered to resign as soon as a replacement was found, asserting that he had managed well without being able to read or write.

2. Would you consider that the new vicar's chance discovery of Foreman's illiteracy was a blessing in disguise for the verger? Write a persuasive answer.

Ans:- Yes, the new vicar's chance discovery of Foreman's illiteracy can be considered a blessing in disguise for the verger. While it initially led to the loss of his job, it ultimately set in motion a series of events that changed the trajectory of Albert Edward's life for the better.

Upon leaving his position as the verger, Albert Edward took a wrong turn and found himself in need of cigarettes. To his surprise, he couldn't find a shop in the entire street. This prompted him to seize the opportunity and open his own tobacco shop and newsagent business the next day. This venture turned out to be immensely successful, leading to Albert Edward becoming a wealthy man with a substantial fortune.

In retrospect, if the new vicar had not discovered Albert Edward's illiteracy and given him the ultimatum to learn how to read and write, Albert Edward may have continued in his role as a verger without exploring his potential in other areas. His illiteracy, which seemed like a limitation at the time, actually pushed him to venture into the business world, where he thrived and achieved financial success beyond what he could have imagined.

Albert Edward's story serves as an example of how setbacks and unexpected discoveries can sometimes lead to new opportunities and growth. By embracing the situation and adapting to the circumstances, Albert Edward was able to overcome the challenges and find success in a different path. Thus, the chance discovery of his illiteracy by the new vicar can indeed be seen as a blessing in disguise for the verger.

Additional Question Answers


1. Who wrote the story “The Verger”?

Answer: The author of the prose “The Verger” is William Somerset Maugham.

2. Where was the Verger employed?

Answer: The Verger was employed at St. Peter’s Church in Neville Square.

3. In the lesson, who is the Verger?

Answer: In the lesson, the Verger is Albert Edward Foreman.

4. How long had the verger worked at St. Peter’s?

Answer: The Verger had spent sixteen years at St. Peter’s church.

5. When did the verger start working?

Answer: The verger began working at the age of twelve.

6. What is a vestry?

Answer: A vestry is a room attached to a church or chapel where vestments, vessels, and records are kept.

7. Why did the verger miss the last vicar?

Answer: The former vicar was missed by the Verger because Albert had been on good terms with him and had no concerns about his talents.

8. What was the verger looking for while walking down the street?

Answer: The verger wanted to buy a pack of Gold Flake cigarettes while walking down the street.


1. In Maugham’s work, how do fact and fiction converse?

Answer: Fact and fiction are so intertwined in Maugham’s work that it’s difficult to tell one from the other. The extraordinary closeness between the imaginary and the real became a defining feature of his work.

2. On what occasions would the verger put on his new gown?

Answer: The verger wore the new gowns to funerals and weddings. For christenings and other formal occasions, he wore his second best. He wore it proudly because it was a dignified symbol of his position.

3. What did the verger think of his formal clothes?

Answer: On the Verger, his formal attire was regarded as a respectable indication of his position. Without it, he appeared to be under-dressed.

4. How much time was allotted to the verger in order for him to master his letters?

Answer: The vicar gave the verger three months to learn his letters, and if he couldn’t read and write by the end of that time, he’d be dismissed.

5. What did the verger say about the new vicar on the day of the christening?

Answer: On the day of the christening, the verger complimented the new vicar on a beautiful christening. When the vicar looked at him and placed him in the crook of his surplice arm, even the baby stopped sobbing.

6. Why did not Albert Foreman want to return to domestic work?

Answer: After so many years of being his own master and running St. Peter’s Neville Square as a Verger, Albert Foreman did not want to return to domestic service. As a result, he couldn’t bring himself to return to domestic service.

7. What was Albert Foreman’s wife’s reaction to his new venture?

Answer: Albert Edward Foreman’s wife was not pleased with his new venture. According to her, it was a terrible fall from grace after being the verger of St. Peter’s.

8. What kind of business did Albert Foreman start, and where did he do it?

Answer: Albert Edward Foreman became a tobacconist and newsagent. He started a tobacco and candy business. He began on a long street where there were no tobacconists.

9. What thought occurred to Albert Foreman as he walked down the street seeking cigarettes?

Answer: Albert Edward Foreman did not come across it while walking down the street looking for cigarettes. That struck him as strange, and he reasoned that he couldn’t be the only man walking down that street looking for a cigarette. So he came up with the idea of opening a cigarette and candy shop there.

10. What happened to the verger’s old gowns?

Answer: The Verger adored his robes, which he saw as a dignified symbol of his position. He never threw away his old gowns, preferring to keep them in the bottom drawer of his wardrobe. The package was wrapped in brown paper. He had a large collection of such old gowns.

11. What was the new vicar’s talent?

Answer: The new vicar, who embodied the educated modern generation, had a special talent for dealing with infants. He could almost always calm a whimpering infant with the way he held it. He could easily fit the baby into the crook of his surplice arm, which gave him a quiet sense of pride.

12. What were the most remarkable circumstances,’ as the vicar put it?

Answer: One of the most remarkable circumstances, according to the vicar, was the verger’s illiteracy. He was illiterate and couldn’t read or write. He’d been the verger of St. Peter’s Neville Square for sixteen years, but he’d never learned to read or write. He then ignored long years of his faithful service because of his illiteracy.

13. What was the verger’s reaction to the vicar’s unexpected disclosure of his deficiency?

Answer: The verger’s eligibility was called into question when the vicar revealed his ‘deficiency,’ i.e. his illiteracy. The Verger was surprised, but he reacted calmly. He was adamant that, despite his lack of formal education, he could always manage things very well. The verger’s face flushed and he was nervous, but he did not object. He simply refused to read or write and preferred to retire, claiming that it was too late for him to learn. He maintained his dignity.

14. Why couldn’t the verger learn to read and write when he was younger? How would he manage his life without being educated?

Answer: The verger was unable to study the letters when he was younger since he went to service at the age of twelve. First, the cook attempted to educate him, but Albert did not have the aptitude for it at the time. Later on, he had no more time to learn letters. Furthermore, he had never felt the need for it because he seemed to function very well without it. As a result of a lack of time and interest, the verger was unable to master the alphabet when he was young.

He managed his life with the help of his wife and newspaper pictures. Because his wife was a scholar, she wrote his letters, and he deduced the news from the pictures in the newspapers.

15. What was the vicar’s decision regarding the verger? What kind of man did the new vicar seem to be?

Answer: The vicar decided that the verger would lose his job if he didn’t learn letters within three months, because he couldn’t risk some accidents caused by his egregious ignorance. It was a question of prudence as well as principle. The new vicar, a young, red-faced man in his early forties, embodied the educated modern generation. He was a stern man who preferred to stay out of the church’s affairs as much as possible. He was a man who was clinging to his vanity and pride.

16. Why can’t the new vicar blend in with the fashionable parishioners of St. Peter’s?

Answer: The new vicar could hardly be expected to blend in completely with the fashionable parishioners at St. Peter’s since, having come from the east end, he had always maintained his pride and vanity. The new vicar was a stern man, and he could not fall at once with his fashionable congregation’s covert ways right away.

17. Where had the verger worked before starting at St. Peter’s?

Answer: The verger began his career as a page boy in a merchant prince’s household. For a year, he worked as a single-handed butler for a widowed peeress. He then worked as a butler in the house of a retired ambassador with two men beneath him before becoming a verger at St. Peter’s Church.

18. What does the verger think about reading?

Answer: Despite his lack of education, Verger claims that he was able to correctly manage everything. According to him, formal education has little value in real life. He thinks that young people squander a lot of time reading instead of doing anything productive. He believes that practical thought, hard work, and dedication, not education, are the keys to life success.

19. What are the conditions put on the verger by the vicar and the two churchwardens?

Answer: The vicar and the two churchwardens mandated that the verger learn letters within three months. He would lose his job if he did not do so because they could not risk an accident caused by his woeful ignorance.

20. What is the vicar’s argument for removing the verger from St. Peter’s duties?

Answer: The new vicar, who represented the educated modern generation, could not accept the verger’s illiteracy. He thought he had the highest regard for both his character and skills. Nonetheless, he could not stand the prospect of a mishap caused by his regrettable ignorance. It was an issue of prudence as much as principle. According to the vicar, a verger who cannot read or write cannot operate at a church like St. Peter’s Neville Square.

21. What was Albert Foreman’s reaction to his wife’s concern about his business?

Answer: Albert Foreman’s wife despised his tobacconist business since it was a terrible drop after he had been the verger of St. Peter’s. As a result, Albert informed his wife that one had to evolve with the times. With the passage of time, the church had evolved. As a result, he had to adapt to new circumstances.

AHSEC Class 12 Verger Important Notes 2024 Alternative English

22. Why was Albert Foreman troubled by the mention of stocks and shares?

Answer: Albert Foreman was troubled to hear about stocks and shares since he was hesitant to invest his money despite the bank manager’s assurances that the assets were perfectly safe. Because the verger was a simple man, he never dealt with stocks and shares. Furthermore, because he was illiterate, he could not comprehend the papers pertaining to the stock market and had no idea what he was signing. He had no choice but to put everything in the hands of the bank manager. All of these bothered him.


1. What was the verger’s reaction after he offered to hand in his resignation papers at St. Peter’s?

Answer: The verger was very sad after offering to hand in his resignation papers at St. Peter’s, but he did not show it on his face. He completed his final tasks at the church with his usual courtesy. Even so, he could not maintain the appearance of unflinching dignity with which he had absorbed the blow inflicted on him. His lips quivered. He moved slowly, his heart pounding. He did not take the road that would lead him home since he was preoccupied with his sorrowful thoughts. He made a bad turn. He was at a loss for what to do with himself after resigning from his job. He, too, was unwilling to do domestic service because he had been his own master for many years. In fact, the verger was troubled by doubts about his survival, and he had never expected to be troubled by such issues. He desired to have his sermon delivered by the vicar after his death in recognition of his long and devoted service. But it was all for naught when he lost his job due to illiteracy. He sighed deeply and desired a smoke to comfort himself and escape from the trauma.

2. Does the verger regret his inability to read and write? Is it impacting his life in any way?

Answer: No, the verger did not regret his inability to read and write. It had made no difference to his life. He did his job in a dignified and dedicated manner. Despite the fact that he was illiterate, he was able to complete his duties well. His wife also assisted him by writing for him whenever he desired. He was able to manage things properly despite his lack of formal schooling. He flatly denied the offer of instruction, claiming that he was too old a dog to learn new tricks. His illiteracy did not hinder him in any way, since he found a new route out after losing his job. He established himself as a tobacconist and news agent through his hard work, honesty, and perseverance. Despite his lack of formal education, the verger was worldly-wise. It helped him in his success.

3. How successful was Albert Foreman’s business? How did he expand it?

Answer: Albert Foreman was in trouble after being fired from his church job for being illiterate. But he could able to find a way out. He lost no time after leaving the verger’s office to establish himself as a tobacconist and news agency. He began with a modest shop and was successful within a year. Then he took over the second shop and hired a manager. Within ten years, he was able to open ten cigarette shops.

Albert Edward began his career as a tobacconist with a small shop. He was a successful businessman. In a year, he took over the second shop and hired a manager. He opened these stores on a lengthy roadway with no tobacconists. It was also a success. Then he reasoned that if he could run two, he could run a half-dozen, so he began wandering around the streets of London, and whenever he came across a long street with no tobacconist and a business for rent, he took it. Within ten years, he had acquired no fewer than ten businesses, and he was making money hand over fist. As a result of his practical thinking, hard work, and dedication, he was able to build his firm.

4. What was Albert Foreman’s response to the bank manager’s question? What does his response reflect?

Answer: The verger was making money hand over fist and putting it in the bank. The bank manager asked Foreman to invest his money. He told him that in order to do so, he needed to sign several papers after going over them. Verger told him that he was illiterate and could only write his name. The manager then asked as to what he would have done if he had been educated. In response to this query, the verger stated that he would have been the verger of a church in that situation. This response reflects the situation’s irony. The situation’s irony.

Albert would have been a better businessman if he had been literate, according to the manager. While Foreman was aware that in that circumstance, he would not have lost his position as verger, he would have been the verger of St. Peter’s Church in Neville Square. He was fired from the church due to his illiteracy.

5. Describe the circumstances under which the verger had to lose his job.

Answer: For sixteen years, the verger, Albert Edward Foreman, diligently performed his duties in a church. He had ascended to the prestigious position of verger through years of faithful dedication and hard work. With the appointment of the new Vicar, the Verger’s eligibility was called into question. One day following the christening, the new Vicar invited the verger to the vestry, where two churchwardens awaited them. The vicar first praised the verger for his earnestness and ability to do the job. But then he dismissed years of faithful devotion on the grounds that the verger could not read or write. The new vicar was taken aback when he discovered that the verger was illiterate. Albert was astonished, but he excused himself by claiming that the previous vicar didn’t mind and that even he could manage without education. But the vicar was certain. He warned the verger that he had no right to take the risk of an accident occurring as a result of the verger’s regrettable ignorance. He inquired if he was unable to learn. The Verger then made a decision. The Vicar gave the Verger the option of learning the letters or losing his position if he did not. Even the verger was resolute. He refused the offer and chose to resign, believing that it was too late to learn at that point. As a result of his lack of knowledge, the verger resigned from his prestigious position.

H.S 2nd Year Alternative English Chapter 3 The Verger Important Notes 2024 

6. Write a character sketch of the verger.

Answer: The Verger Albert Edward Foreman was a simple man. He carried out his responsibilities with honesty and dedication. He had been the verger of St. Peter’s church for sixteen years, performing all of the menial and laborious tasks. He enjoyed his job and there was no reason to criticize him until a new vicar discovered that he could not read or write. Verger, on the other hand, was a man on his own. When the vicar told him that if he did not learn the letters, he would lose his job. The verger maintained his dignity by declining the vicar’s proposal. He preferred to resign since he believed it was too late to learn. He realized that his illiteracy would never be a hindrance to his duties. Foreman then opened a tobacco shop, which was a huge success. Even the banker was taken aback by his ability despite his lack of formal schooling. He had a total of eleven stores. In reality, the verger was a strong man who dealt with his issues by becoming a great businessman. Even though he had enough money to live a luxurious life, he did not strive for social success and lived a modest existence. He realized that being illiterate was preferable to being literate. He had little formal education but a wealth of worldly wisdom gained through careful observation of the world. Verger’s practical thinking, devotion, and ability to undertake hard work bolstered his position.

7. Why was the bank manager surprised? Why did it seem to him to be the most extraordinary thing he had ever heard?

Answer: The bank manager was surprised to learn that Albert Edward Foreman, a tobacconist, had accumulated a fortune of thirty thousand pounds despite the fact that he was illiterate. He could never have imagined an ignorant individual earning such a large sum of money. He was astounded by what Albert Foreman had accomplished despite his inability to read and write.

The manager thought that was the most extraordinary thing he had ever heard, despite the fact that Foreman was illiterate, but he developed a business empire and made money hand over fist. The manager of the bank approached Foreman and offered him to invest his money, but Foreman declined. The bank manager assured him that the securities were completely gilt-edged. The bank manager promised him that he would do whatever for him. Only Foreman had to sign. But Foreman was concerned because he couldn’t read the papers. In addition, as an illiterate, he would have no idea what he was signing. So, he told the manager that he couldn’t read or write; when the manager heard this, he was stunned; it appeared to him the most extraordinary thing that an illiterate man could collect such a large fortune. The manager was surprised to see his calibre without education.


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