Human Resource Management (HRM) Question Paper 2023 [Gauhati University BCom 4th Sem CBCS]

Gauhati University BCom 4th Semester Human Resource Management (HRM) Question Paper 2023 in this post. This Question Paper is highly valuable for exam

We have shared the Gauhati University BCom 4th Semester Human Resource Management (HRM) Question Paper 2023 in this post. This Question Paper is highly valuable for exam preparation as it provides a concise overview of the questions asked in the Guwahati University BCom 4th semester HRM examination of 2023.

Human Resource Management (HRM) Question Paper 2023 [Gauhati University BCom 4th Sem CBCS]

 Gauhati University B.Com 4th Sem HRM Question Paper 2023



(Honours Core)

Paper: COM-HC-4036

(Human Resource Management)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer as directed: 1×10=10

(a) "There is no relationship between manpower planning and professional planning." (State True or False)

(b) "Performance appraisal system can always be free from personal bias." (State True or False)

(c) Human Resource is an important_______of an organisation. (Fill in the blank)

(d) Virtual organisation is also known as _______.(Fill in the blank) 

(e) Which one of the following is not a fringe benefit?

(i) Health and Safety

(ii) Pension Scheme 

(iii) Employee Security

(iv) Compensation

( Choose the correct answer)

(f) Which of the following is a hindrance to effective training ?

(i) Career planning workshop 

(ii) Aggregate spending on training is inadequate 

(iii) Mentoring 

(iv) Career counselling

( Choose the correct answer)

(g) Which one of the following is not a function of Human Resource Management?

(i) Planning

(ii) Stalling

(iii) Preparation of budget

(iv) Weather forecasting

(Choose the correct answer)

(h) Which of the following is not a limitation of Human Resource Accounting? 

(i) Opposition of trade union

(ii) Lack of suitable policy

(iii) Supply of information to investors 

(iv) None of the above 

(Choose the correct answer) 

(i) Which of the following is electronic training medium 

(i) Audio-visual medium

(ii) Computer-centric medium

(iii) Video conferencing

(iv) All of the above

(Choose the correct answer)

(j) Which of the following is in correct arder ?

(i) Job analysis, recruitment, induction, selection, placement 

(ii) Recruitment, selection, placement, induction, job analysis 

(iii) Job analysis, recruitment, selection, placement, induction 

(iv) All of the above 

(Choose the correct answer)

2. Write very short answer: 2x5=10

(a) Write two differences between Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development.

(b) What is placement? 

(c) State two importances of work-life balance.

(d) Mention two objectives of transfer. 

(e) What is downsizing?

3. Answer any four of the following 5x4=20

(a) Describe in brief the role of a Human Resource manager.

(b) Distinguish between recruitment and selection.

(c) What are the requirements of a good wage plan ?

(d) Explain the relationship between the employer and employee.

(e) State the importance of ethics in human resource management.

(f) Write in brief any two methods of performance appraisal.

4. Answer any four of the following: 10x4=40

(i) Explain the meaning and importance of training. Distinguish between training and executive development.

(ii) Why is it necessary to maintain industrial health? What measure do you suggest to improve the mental and physical health of employees in a private sector organisation? 5+5=10

(iii) Explain the steps involved in human resource planning. 

(iv) What is recruitment? Explain the processes of recruitment. 3+7=10 

(v) Describe the importance of human resource information system. What are the steps involved in designing human resource information system? 5+5=10

(vi) Explain the emerging challenges of human resource management in the present business environment.

(vi) Describe the essentials of a good incentive plan. Why should it consist of both monetary and non-monetary incentives? Discuss

(viii) Discuss the problems of performance appraisal. How can performance appraisal be made more effective ?


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