AHSEC Class 11 Logic and Philosophy syllabus 2024 : Are you a Student of Assam Board Class 11 and Looking for AHSEC H.S 1st Year Logic & Philosophy Syllabus for Academic Year 2023-2024 ! Look no Further, In this page we have Provided a Assam Board Class 11 Logic & Philosophy New syllabus 2023-24. Also Read AHSEC Class 11 Logic & Philosophy Complete Solution Each and Every Chapter In Detailed for 2024 Examination Special.
AHSEC Class 12 Logic & Philosophy New Syllabus 2023-2024
Philosophy enquires into the meaning and significance of life and the world. It is called a second order discipline in so far as it enquires into the foundations and presuppositions of various disciplines. Logic is a Science which deals with forms of arguments. In an extended sense it studies the methodology of deductive as well as inductive Science. Modem logic is a rapidly developing Science and it is closely related to mathematics. It does not cancel the Aristotelian logic but points out its limitations. So in the syllabus, we intend to acquaint the students with the elements of traditional logic, modern logic and scien- tific method. The syllabus will also acquaint students with a few essential problems of Western and Indian Philosophy.
Unitwise Distribution of Course Contents:
GROUP-A: LOGIC (Marks-60)
Unit-I : Logic:
Definition, Nature. Scope and Utility, Traditional and Modern Logic, Utility of Symbols.
Unit-2: Proposition:
Definition, Structure. Traditional classification of Proposition according to Quality and Quantity. The four fold scheme of Proposition AEIO, Transformation of ordinary sentence into logical forms - AEIO, Distribution of Terms. Modern classification of Proposition Simple. Compound and General.
Unit-3: Inference:
Definition, Type- Deduction and Inductive, Mediate 'and Immediate.
Categorical syllogism: Structure, Rules. Figure. Valid-mood, Testing of syllogistic reasoning.
Unit-4: Symbolic Logic:
Characteristics, Symbols, Use of Symbols, Constant, Variables, Truth Function. Basic Truth Function, Construction of Truth Table.
Unit-5: Philosophy:
Its relation to Science, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Axiology.
Unit-6: Indian Philosophy:
Its Characteristics, Classification of Indian Philosophy- Vedic and Non-Vedic.
Unit-7: Theory of knowledge:
Rationalism and Empiricism.
Pramanas: Pratyaksa and Anumana.
Unit-8: Realism and Idealism:
Their basic features.
Prescribed Textbook:
1. Logic and Philosophy, Published by AHSEC.
১. তর্কবিজ্ঞান আৰু দৰ্শন, Published by AHSEC.
[Note: The textbooks are available in Bengali Medium also]