Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. (a) What is meant by profession?
Which function of management ensures work accomplishment according to plan ?
(b) Give the meaning of time study.
(c) Under which environmental factor does fiscal policy fall?
What is disinvestment?
(d) What is meant by apprenticeship training? 1
(e) What is the other name of long term investment decision?
(f) What is treasury bill?
2. What is right issue ? 2
Write two features of new issue market.
3. What is meant by management by exception?
4. Write two objectives of training. 2
5. What is the role of budget in a plan?
6. Write three differences between training and development.
Briefly explain three internal sources of recruitment.
7. Write three importance of controlling. 3
Write a note on 'return on investment' as a modern technique of control.
8. What is the significance of the concept called 'consumer welfare' ?
Briefly write three importance of consumer protection from the point of view of consumers.
9. Why entrepreneurship is regarded as a creative activity? Briefly explain. 3
Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting the interest of consumers.
10. 'Management is not considered as a full fledged profession.' Discuss.
Explain the nature of coordination.
11. Discuss the principle of unity of command and unity of direction. 5
Distinguish between scientific management and general management.
12. Give five impacts of globalization on Indian economy. 5
13. Write five limitations of planning.
14. What are the different sources of working capital? Briefly discuss. 5
15. Briefly outline any five regulatory functions of SEBI. 5
Briefly explain five money market instruments.
16. What is formal organisation ? Briefly write advantages of formal organization. 3+5=8
Discuss the principles of effective delegation.
17. Discuss the significance of motivation in business. 8
What is communication? Explain the different barriers to effective communication.
18. What is marketing? Explain the role of marketing in present day business. 2+6=8
What is publicity ? Distinguish between advertising and publicity. 2+6=8
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