AHSEC Class 12 Education syllabus 2024 : Are you a Student of Assam Board Class 12 and Looking for AHSEC H.S 2nd Year Education Syllabus for Academic Year 2023-2024 ! Look no Further, In this page we have Provided a Assam Board Class 12 Education New syllabus 2024-25. Also Read AHSEC Class 12 Education Complete Solution Each and Every Chapter In Detailed for 2024 Examination Special.
AHSEC Class 12 Education Latest Syllabus 2023-2024
Education is a triune concept having three connotation-a process, a product and a discipline. Education as a discipline in an organized body of knowledge which deals with issues of what, why, how, who and even when in the educational process. Thus, as a subject of study Education deals with such questions of context, reasons and methods and timing in the process of education as well as the background of the indi- vidual to be educated. These questions are under different specialization within the broader field of Education. The need of the subject 'Education' is felt, basically, for professional growth of teacher as well as those assciated with various areas of education system. The Higher secondary course in Education is to be treated as a preparatory course leading to the higher study in the subject. Therefore, general objective of this course is to provide a general understanding of the basic and fundamental concepts of the subject and to create an appreciation towards the subject.
Specific Objectives:
The specific objectives of Higher Secondary Second year course are
(a) to acquaint the students with the developmental trend of Secondary Education in India as well as in Assam
(b) to make students familiar with the system of Non-formal Education as an aberative mode of formal education
(c) to acquaint the students with different current trends in Education
(d) to develop an understanding among the students about the psychological process of luming.
(e) to familarze students with the mental processes of memory, attention and interest as important elements in leaming process.
(f) to make students aware about the importance of mental health and hygiene
(g) to introduce students with the elementary statistical techniques.
Unitwise Distribution of Course contents:
Unit-I: Secondary Education in India and Assam (Post Independence Period):
(a) Mudaliar Commission-
- Defects of education
- Aims of education
(b) Kothari Commission
- Aims of education
- Structural pattern
- Vocationalisation of Secondary Education
(c) National Policy of Education 1986-Salient Features
(d) Secondary Education in Assam in Post Independence Period
- Development after independence
- Problems of Secondary Education in Assam
Unit-II: Non-formal Education
(a) Non-formal Education
- Meaning, definition, Objective, scope and Characteristics of Non-formal Education Importance of Non-formal Education
(b) Correspondence Education-
- Meaning, definition, objective and importance
(c) Distance Education-
- Meaning, definition objective, nature and importance
(d) Open Education-
- Meaning, objective, merits and demerits
(e) Open University-
- Meaning, objective and development of Open University
Unit-III: Current Trands in Education
(a) Environmental Education
- Concept, Objective and Scope
- Need and Importance
- Principles of Environmental Education
- Environmental Education in Educational institutions.
(b) Population Education
- Concept, Objectives and Characteristics
- Need and importance
- Population Education in Educational institutions
(c) Physical Education
- Meaning and Definitions
- Need and importance
- Physical Education in Educational institutions
(d) Value Education
- Meaning and characteristics
- Need and importance
- Value Education in Educational institutions
(e) Women empowerment
- Meaning and Definitions
- Status of women in Indian Educational system
- Education for women empowerment
Unit-IV: Learning
- Meaning, nature and characteristics
- Leaming and maturation
- Factors of leaming
- Methods of learning-
-Trial and error
- Learning by conditioning
- Insightful leaming
- Major laws of learning and their Educational significance
Unit-V:Memory, Foregetting. Attention and interest
(a) Memory and forgetting
- Meaning and characteristics of Memory
- The process of memorization
- Types and marks of good memory
- Improvement of memory
- Meaning of forgetting
- Causes of forgetting
- Role of teacher in improvement of memory.
(b) Attention and interest
- Meaning and characteristics of attention
- Determinants (conditions) of attention
- Types of attention
- Interest-Meaning, Sources and Types
- Relation between attention and interest
- Educational significance of attention and interest
Unit-VI: Mental Health and Hygiene
(a) Mental health
- Meaning and characteristics
- Characteristics of a mentally healthy person
(b) Mental hygiene
- Meaning, Objective and Scope
- Functions of Mental Hygiene
- Home environment and Mental health
- Mental health and school
Unit-VII: Educational Statistics
(a) Concept of Stanstics,
- Uses of statistics in Education and Psychology
(b) Statistical methods-
- Tabulation of data Frequency distribution table
- Graphic representation of data- meaning advantages and rules-Histogram and polygon
- Diagram Bar diagram and Pie diagram
- (c) Measures of Central Tendency Meaning and uses
- Various measures of Central Tendency teen, median and mode)-Their meaning uses, mer
- its and demerits Calculation of mean, median and mode-from grouped and ungrouped data (In case of mean both long and short method)
(d) Measures of variability
- Meaning and uses
- Various messures of variability
- Range-mearing, uses, ments-dements and calculation Quartile Deviation-meaning, uses, merits-demerits and calculation.