Gauahti University 4 Year's B.Com New Syllabus 2023-2024 | Gauahti University BCom FYUGP Program | Gauhati University BCom Syllabus as per New Education Policy

In this page we have discussed about Gauahti University 4 Year's B.Com New Syllabus 2023-2024 as per NEP 2023
Gauahti University 4 Year's B.Com New Syllabus 2023-2024 | Gauahti University BCom FYUGP Program | Gauhati University BCom Syllabus as per New Education Policy

Gauhati University BCom Syllabus as per New Education Policy

GU BCom  FYUGP Program

1st Semester

1.    Business organization and management

2.    Financial Accounting

3.    Indian financial system


2nd Semester

1.    Corporate Accounting

2.   Principles and practice of management

3.    Principles of marketing

 Specialization: Accounting


3rd Semester

1.    Advance financial Accounting (Major 1)

2.    Entrepreneurship (Major 2)

3.    Business laws (Major 3)


4th Semester

1.    Fundamentals of financial management (Major 4)

2.    Cost Accounting (Major 5)

3.    Income Tax Law and Practices( Major 6)

4.    Advanced corporate accounting (Major 7)


5th Semester

1.    Indian Economy Economy (Major 8)

2.    Management Accounting (Major 9)

3.    Fundamentals of investment (Major 10)

4.    Indirect taxes (Major 11)


6th Semester

1. International business (Major 12) 

2. Operations Research in Business (Major 13)

3. Computerized Accounting (Major 14)

4. Auditing and Assurance (Major 15)

Specialization: Human Resource Management


3rd Semester

1.    Human resource management (Major 1)

2.    Entrepreneurship (Major 2)

3.    Business laws (Major 3)


4th Semester

1.    Fundamental of financial management (Major 4)

2.    Labour Laws (Major 5)

3.    Industrial Relation (Major 6)

4.    Cost and Management Accounting (major 7)


5th Semester

1.    Cost and Management Accounting (Major 8)

2.    Strategic Human Resource Management (Major 9)

3.    Labour Welfare and social security (Major 10)

4.    Performance management (Major 11)


6th Semester

1.    International Business (Major 12)

2.    Operations Research in Business (Major 13)

3.    Technology in Human Resource Management (Major 14)

4.    Training and development (Major 15) 

Specialization: Marketing Management

3rd Semester

1.    Advertising (Major 1)

2.    Entrepreneurship (Major 2)

3.    Business Laws (Major 3)


4th Semester

1.    Fundamentals of financial management (Major 4)

2.    Retail Management (Major 5)

3.    Customer Relationship Management (Major 6)

4.    Cost and Management Accounting (Major 7)


5th Semester

1.    Indian Economy (Major 8)

2.    Consumer Behaviour (Major 9)

3.    Personal selling and salesmanship (Major 10)

4.    Brand Management  (Major 11)


6th Semester

1.    International Business (Major 12)

2.    Operations Research in Business (Major 13)

3.    Consumer affairs and customer care (Major 14)

4.    Marketing of services (Major 15)

 Specialization: Finance


3rd Semester

1.    Banking (Major 1)

2.    Entrepreneurship (Major 2)

3.    Business laws (Major 3)


4th Semester

1.    Fundamental of financial management (Major 4)

2.    Financial Market Operations (Major 5)

3.    Insurance (Major 6)

4.    Cost and Management Accounting (Major 7)


5th Semester

1.    Indian Economy (Major 8)

2.    Micro Finance (Major 9)

3.    Financial Services (Major 10)


6th Semester

1.    International Business (Major 12)

2.    Operation Research in Business (Major 13)

3.    Treasury Risk and Management (Major 14)

4.    Marketing of Services (Major 15)

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