AHSEC Class 12 Enterpreneurship Development Paper 2019 | HS 2nd Year Enterpreneurship Development Question Paper 2019

AHSEC Class 12 Enterpreneurship Development Question Paper 2019, you're in Right place. We've compiled a detailed analysis of the exam paper, complete

 AHSEC Class 12 Enterpreneurship Development Paper 2019 | HS 2nd Year Enterpreneurship Development Question Paper 2019

If you're looking for the AHSEC Class 12 Enterpreneurship Development Question Paper 2019, you're in Right place. We've compiled a detailed analysis of the exam paper, complete with explanations for all the questions.

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H.S 2nd Year Entrepreneurship Development Question Paper 




Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 21

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) MSME Act was implemented in which of the following years? 1

(i)  2006

(ii) 2007

(iii) 2008

(iv) None of these.

(b) India was declared as open economy in which of the following years? 1

(i) 1990

(ii) 1991

(iii) 1992

(iv) None of these.

(c) In the year 1950, the _____Commission of India gave the definition of small-scale industry for the first time. (Fill in the gap) 1

(d) Where is EDII situated? 1

(e) In which year NABARD was established? 1

(f) Write the full form of VAT. 1

(g) The term POSDCORB was initiated by whom? 1

(h) Under which rule the accounts are divided as real, nominal and personal accounts? 1

(i) In which year the first Industrial Policy of India was declared? 1

2. (a) What is meant by woman enterprise? 2

(b) Mention two components of site selection in case of an Enterprise. 2

(c) What is resource? 2

(d) What is indirect tax? 2

3. (a) What is meant by Industrial sickness? Explain. 3

(b) What are the sources of fixed capital for an entrepreneur? 3

(c) Differentiate between market and marketing. 3

(d) Compare between PRICE and PLACE in the context of enterprise management. 3

4. (a) Describe the principles of human resource management in brief. 4

(b) Write a brief note on policy change in the post-liberalisation period. 4

5. (a) What is project report? Explain it. 5

(b) Discuss about the advantages of the use of technology in the entrepreneurship process. 5

(c) Write a note on the main objectives of the Khadi and Village Industries Commission. 5

(d) Explain the marketing process in the context of enterprise management. Support your answer with a diagram. 5

(e) Give a brief idea on the Industrial Policy of Assam. 5

6. Discuss about the steps of a marketing plan. 8


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