Entrepreneurship Development New Syllabus - 2024 HS 2nd Year | AHSEC CLASS 12

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Entrepreneurship Development New Syllabus - 2024 HS 2nd Year | AHSEC CLASS 12

Entrepreneurship Development New Syllabus HS 2nd Year - 2024 | AHSEC CLASS 12

Unitwise Distribution of Course contents:



  • SME sector and its role in economic development.
  • Enterprise and its classification. Identification of the project.
  • Enterprise planning & business module formulation. 
  • Preparation of detail project report (DPR).


Sources of assistance available:

(i) Promotional 

(ii) Financial

(iii) Technical

(iv) Marketing

  • Market strategy
  • Project funding
  • Input on resource mobilization. Registration, licensing and other legal formalities.


Management: Concept & process 

Financial management:

(i) Term finance

(ii) Short term finance

(iii) Cost of production & pricing

Marketing management:

(i) Channel of distribution

(ii) Sales promotion technique Product mix

(iii) Human resource management.

  • Operational management. 
  • Record & Account management.
  • Taxation (Income tax/ VAT, CST. Excise duty etc.)


  • Industrial policies (since liberalization, 1991).
  • MSME Act 2006


  • Internal Assessment: (Practical)Preparation of individual bankable project report.
  • Case Study on successful as well as unsuccessful entrepreneur, industrial profile, performance of local SME, marketing strategies of consumer durable etc.
  • External Assessment: (Theory) Written examination on the content of UNIT-1 to 4. Marks of each UNIT should not be allocated so as to evaluate the total course as a whole.


Teachers have to play the role of change agents. Their roles are more of Facilitator rather normal teacher. The role of Trained Teacher will be very important in implementing Entrepreneurship subject in their respective institutes. As it is known fact that trained teacher in the field of entrepreneurship are very limited, it is imperative that educational institutions provide training on Entrepreneurship to selected teachers by way of their participation in Teachers Training Programme (TTP)/ Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Entrepreneurship as mentioned. This apart, at least one member (teacher) must be trained in a longer duration Entrepreneur Trainer-Motivators Programme. Subsequently, these teachers may opt for further training in specialized areas of Entrepreneurship such as Business Opportunity Guidance (BOG). Project Identification Formulation and Appraisal (PIFA), Marketing as well as Financial management etc. In order to create an environment within the educational institution for promoting entrepreneurship among the students, the following initiatives are envisaged Teachers will be required to be out of the classroom for establishing institutional networking and contacts required for gening external support. High level of involvement of teachers is an aspect in developing Entrepreneurship among the students. This is in turn, calls for putting in additional hours of effect of the part of the teachers apart from normal working hours. There is a need to establish a strong network among various organizations and agencies involved in finance, infrastructure and technology infusion & upgradation etc. Such support system agencies are to be taken into-confidence while implementing ED activities in the educational institution Establishing contacts with entrepreneurs and industry associations would be beneficial while organizing industrial visit, getting information on various products and also in placing the students in the industrial units for the preparation of project reports. A strong follow-up and monitoring mechanism is to be set up by the teachers. This will require a different type of approach through the Alumni Association since the students in science and technology stream are at the national level.

A series of seminars, workshop, symposium and popular talk can be organized based on the needs of the students who have just established or on the verge of establishing their enterprises. These short duration activities can cover recent management techniques: expert procedures, patent, nules etc.


This is the path-breaking stage as it aims at making the students look at Entrepreneurship as on effective alternative to a White-collar job. The following activities could be taken up for creating awareness about entrepreneurship among the XII year students so that from very initial stage, they can focus their attention on the option of setting up their own enterprises. Creative Corner: A prominent place of the institution may be allotted to display information about product, success stories of high achievers and sabent features of an Entrepreneurship Development Programme. Forming an Entrepreneurship Forum: Those students, who are interested in Entrepreneurship, cun club-together and form a forum with the support from the faculty of the institutions. The forum can organize on a continuous basis activities such as i) inviting achievers and successful entrepreneurs to talk to the students.) elocution & essay compactions, in) exhibitions on new products/ process and iv) video films on success stories, products/process, etc. Trade Fair Visit: Interested students can be taken to trade fairs to collect information on industrial products of their interest Seminars: One day seminars on 'I can do it can be organized on business opportunities based on available resources & skills and how these can be utilized in establishing business ventures Institutional Visit: Students visit to financial institutions, promotional organizations, industry associa tions, research institutions and banks would help them in collecting information on availability of finance, technology, raw-materials and export potentials Establishment of a Commercial Activities Centre: The educational institutions can take up the initiative to establish a Commercial Activities Centre (CAC) within the institution. Such a centre may include a stationery shop, canteen etc. to be run by the students or the members of Entrepreneurship forum. The main objective of the CAC is to provide students "hand-on-experience of managing a commercial activity. Later on, the Centre can extend its role by providing market opportunities for the products designed and produced by the students. This will promote not only new initiatives among the students but also experimental learning in Entrepreneurship.


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