Advertising Question Paper 2021 Pdf [Gauahti University B.Com 5th Sem]

Advertising Question Paper 2021(Held in 2022) Pdf, B.Com 5th Sem GU Paper , Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read

Advertising Question Paper 2021 Pdf [Gauahti University B.Com 5th Sem]

In this post we have Shared Gauhati University Advertising Question Paper  2021(Held in 2022) Pdf, B.Com 5th Sem GU Paper , Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question paper.

Also Read: Advertising Solved Paper 2021

Advertising Question Paper 2021

Gauhati University B.Com 5th Sem CBCS Pattern

Gauhati University Advertising Question paper 2021

2021(Held in 2022) 


(Honours Elective)

Paper: COM-HE-5036


Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following questions as directed: 1×10=10

a) The words used in an advertisement referred to as

(i) data

(ii) artwork

(iv) copy

(iv) text

(Choose the correct answer)

b) Advertising contributes to 

(i) economic growth of society

(ii) national capital

(iii) power of marketing firms 

(iv) chaos in the already congested marketplace

( Choose the correct answer )

c) One of the most effective methods for advertising a product is to compare it with competitive offerings.

(Write True or False )

(d) Products are purchased for the benefits, it offers to the customers. (Write Thie or False ) 

(e) Write the full form of AIDA. 

(f) Write the full form of TRP. 

(g) Advertising can be used to sell

(i) products

(ii) services 

(iii) ideas

(iv) All of the above

(Choose the correct answer) 

(h) The first American ad agency was set up by

(i) Gutenberg

(ii) Volney Palmer

(iii) Kuleshov

(iv) E. S. Porter

( Choose the correct answer )

(i) Consumer jury technique is adopted for

(i) print media

(ii) direct mail

(iii) broadcast mail

(iv) All of the above

( Choose the correct answer )

(j) Advertising means______

(i) market

(ii) television

(iii) services

(iv) publicity

(Choose the correct answer)

2. Briefly answer the following:

2 x 5 = 10

(a) What is advertising?

(b) What is media selection ? 

(c) What is emotional advertising? 

(d) What is advertising theme?

(e) Give a brief note on full-service advertising agency.

3 Write short answers to any four of the following : 5x4=20

(a) Discuss the qualities of a good advertisement copy. 

(b) Write a note on advertising on social media.

(c) Explain the objectives of advertising. 

(d) Write about advertising audit.

(e) Discuss the recent trends in advertising.

(f) What are the advantages of online marketing? Discuss.

4. Write long answers to any four of the following : 10×4=40

(a) What are different types of advertising agencies and how do they differ from one another ?

(b) As advertising manager of a firm selling cars, give reasons for your demand of twenty per cent increase in advertising budget.

(c) What are the major types of advertising media? Explain their characteristics.

(d) Discuss the nature and importance of advertising.

(e) How do the legal aspects influence in advertising ? Explain.

(f) Explain the growth of advertising industry and write a short note on future of advertising in India.

(g) Explain the functions of advertising agency.

(h) What are the common advertising appeals ? Discuss it.


Also Visit : Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Question Papers, Solved Papers, PDF & Notes

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