Gauhati B.Com 1st Sem Environmental studies Question Paper

Environmental studies Question Paper Gauhati B.Com 1st Sem

Gauhati B.Com 1st Sem Environmental Studies Question Paper 

Note:- This Question Paper is 2nd Sem cbcs also important for New FYUGP 1st Sem students.



(Ability Enhancement Compulsory)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Fill in the blanks : 1×10=10

(a) The flow of energy in an ecosystem is_______.

(b) The Environment Protection Act was implemented in the year_______.

(c) Ozone layer is present in of the atmosphere______part of the atmosphere.

(d) Micro consumer is also known as_______.

(e) During the flow of energy, ecosystem always follow two laws of______.

(f) Pyramid of inverted form. is never found in______.

(g) National Park is an example of_______ conservation.

(h) In 1992, Convention on Biological Diversity was held in______city of Brazil.

(i) In nitrogen cycle, the main reservoir of nitrogen is______.

(j) Greenhouse gases have the ability to absorb_______energy.

2. Answer the following questions in short: 2x5

(a) What is acid rain?

(b) What do you mean by food chain?

(c) What are greenhouse gases?

(d) Give examples of some non-renewable resources.

(e) Mention different causes of depletion of biodiversity.

3. Write short notes on: (any four) 5×4=20

(a) Ecological pyramids

(b) Significance of environmental education

(c) Ecological succession

(d) Food web 

(e) Rain water harvesting 

(f) Man-made ecosystem 

4. Answer the following: (any four) 10×4=40

(a) What do you mean by natural resources? Discuss different types of renewable resources. 2+8=10

(b) Explain the structure of an ecosystem with examples.

(c) What is population explosion? Discuss the impacts of population explosion on earth. 2+8=10

(d) What do you mean by wildlife conservation? Describe the in situ means of wildlife conservation. 2+8=10

(e) What are the different sources of water pollution? Discuss the effects of water pollution on human health. 4+6=10

(f) What is sustainable development? Describe the importance of sustainable development. 3+7=10

(g) Define environmental science. Describe the scope of environmental science. 2+8=10

(h) Discuss the effects of mining operations on forest and tribal people.


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