Are you searching for Gauhati University's First Semester Indian Financial System 2022 Question Paper If you want to know about Gauhati University First Semester Indian Financial System 2022 question paper, then In this post we have discussed what was asked in Gauhati University First Semester Indian Financial System 2022 Question Paper.
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Gauahti University First Semester Indian Financial System 2022 previous year question paper.
(Honours Elective)
Paper: COM-HE-5066
(Indian Financial System)
Full Marks: 80
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer any ten questions from the following as per direction: 1x10=10
a) Money market in India is regulated by RBI.
(Write True or False)
b) "Financial system is basically involved with the transfer of funds from the surplus sector to the deficit sector of the economy."
(Whether the statement is true or false)
c) National Stock Exchange (NSE) was established in the year
(i) 1995
(ii) 1992
(iii) 1997
(iv) 1990
(Choose the correct option)
d) When the bank accepts deposits of money from the public it occupies the position of
(i) Creditor
(ii) Debtor
(iii) Both (a) and (b) above
(iv) None of the above
(Choose the correct option)
e) Indian banking sector is divided into two parts; one is organized sector and the other is known as_____.
(Fill in the blank)
f) New issue market is also known as primary market.
(Write Yes or No)
g) IRDAI regulates
(i) insurance sector
(ii) banking sector
(iii) both banking and insurance sectors
(iv) None of the above
(Choose the correct option)
h) Fourteen commercial banks were nationalized in the year.
(i) 1949
(ii) 1969
(iii) 1980
(iv) 1976
(Choose the correct option)
i) NBFI is not regulated by RBI.
(Write Yes or No)
j) Capital market is dealing with the long term/short term fund.
(Choose the right answer)
k) Write the full form of CRISIL.
l) Name the oldest stock exchange of our country.
m) In hire purchase, ownership remains with the until the last instalment is paic______.(Fill in the blank)
n) The proportion of share capital of central government in RRB is
(i) 50%
(ii) 35%
(iii) 15%
(iv) None of the above
(Choose the correct option)
o) Which of the following is not a nationalised commercial bank?
(i) PNB
(ii) UBI
(iii) Bank of Baroda
(iv) Federal Bank
(Choose the right option)
p) Credit rating is
(i) fee-based service
(ii) fund-based service
(iii) Both (a) and (b) above
(iv) None of the above
(Choose the right answer)
g) Name the first development bank of India.
Commercial banks have been playing an important role in smooth functioning of the money market.
(Write Yes or No)
2. Answer any five questions from the following: (Answer 'should be in about 50 words) 2x5=10
a) What is the financial system?
b) Give the meaning of pension fund with examples.
c) Mention two distinguishing features of capital market.
d) What is primary market?
e) Name two important laws/legislations directly related with the banking sector in India
f) Give the meaning of financial service.
g) What is leasing?
h ) Define hire purchase.
i) What is insider trading?
j) State two objectives of IRDAI.
3. Answer any four of the following questions in about 200 words each: 5×4=20
a) Give an account of new developments in the Indian financial system.
b) Write the significance of factoring.
c) Explain the classification of the capital market.
d) Discuss the role of financial services in the development of the financial system.
e) What are the sub-markets of the Indian money market? Explain.
f) Explain the regulatory role of PFRDA.
g) State the benefits of venture capital.
h) Mention the objectives of SEBI.
4. Answer any four questions from the following: 10×4=40
a) "A well-developed financial system contributes significantly in the economic development of a country." Explain.
b) What are the primary objectives of financial system? Discuss the structure of Indian financial system. 3+7=10
c) Discuss the constituents of money market and their role in economic development of a country.
d) What are the imperfections of Indian money market? Explain.
e) Discuss the primary and secondary functions of commercial banks.
f) Define bank. Also point out the difference between banking and non- banking financial institutions. 2+8=10
g) Write the features of financial services. Explain the different fund-based financial services. 4+6=10
h) Difference between: 5+5=10
(i) Fund-based and fee-based financial services
(ii) Open ended and close ended mutual fund Open ended and close ended
(iii) Discuss the role of RBI as regulator and supervisor in financial system of our country.
(iv) Discuss in detail the functions of SEBI.
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