GU Management Accounting Question Paper 2019 [Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Non-CBCS]

Management Accounting Question Paper 2019 Non-CBCS Pettern. Which Can be Very Useful For Your GU B.Com 5th Semester Sessional or Final Semester Examin

In this Post we have shared Gauhati University Bcom 5th Sem Management Accounting Question Paper 2019 Non-CBCS Pettern. Which Can be Very Useful For Your GU B.Com 5th Semester Sessional or Final Semester Examination. GU 5th Management Accounting Question paper 2019 in PDF Gauhati University. 

Gauhati University B.Com 5th Sem

Management Accounting Question Paper 2019

Paper: 205 (A)

(Accountancy Major)

Full Marks – 80

Time – Three Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. (a) State whether the following statements are true or false: 1x5=5

(i) In Management Accounting only those figures are used which can be measured 

in monetary terms.

Ans: False

(ii) In Management Accounting no emphasis is given to actual figures.

Ans: False

(iii) Fixed overhead is viewed as a product cost and is charged to product.

Ans: False, Fixed overheads are period cost

(iv) A flexible budget consists of a series of budgets for different levels of activity.

Ans: False

(v) Standard costing does not help in measuring efficiency.

Ans: False

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s): 1x5=5

(i) Cost control is not possible in financial Accounting.

(ii) Contribution to Sales is called p/v ratio.

(iii) The excess of Actual Sales over sales at B.E.P is called margin of safety.

(iv) Budgetary control is a system of controlling cost.

(v) The difference between Actual Cost and Standard Cost is known as variance.

2. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

(a) State two limitations of Management Accounting.

(b) Define “Marginal Costing".

(c) Mention two objectives of Budgetary Control.

(e) State two advantages of Standard Costing.

3. Answer the following questions: 5x4=20

(a) Explain briefly the scope of Management Accounting.

(b) What is B.E.P (Break Even Point)? Describe its importance.


From the following information, calculate

(i) P. V. Ratio

(ii) Break Even Sales and M

(iii) Ascertain how much the value of sales is to be increased to reach Break Even 


Sales Rs. 80,000

Fixed cost Rs. 36,000

Variable cost Rs. 54,000

(c) Briefly explain the advantages of “Zero Based Budgeting".

(d) Difference between fixed budget and flexible budget.


Explain in brief the Managerial use of Variance Analysis.

4. “Management Accounting is the presentation of accounting information in such 

a way as to assist the management in the creation of policy and in the day to day 

operation of the undertaking”. Explain the statement. 10


“The managerial objectives of accounting are to provide data to management in 

planning, decision making, coordinating and controlling operations”. Discuss. 10

5. “Marginal Costing technique is a valuable aid to management in taking many 

managerial decisions”. Explain the statement with reference to Managerial 

Application of Marginal Costing. 10


You are given the following data: 2+2+2+2+2=10

Year Sales (Rs.) Profit (Rs.)

2017 - 1,20,000 - 9,000

2018 - 1,40,000 - 13,000

Assuming that the cost structure and selling price remain unchanged in the two 

years, calculate:

(i) P. V. Ratio

(ii) Break Even Point (in sales)

(iii) Profit when sales are Rs. 1, 00,000

(iv) Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 20,000

(v) Margin of safety in 2018.

6. What do you understand by the term “Budget”? Briefly explain the requisites for a 

successful Budgetary Control system. 3+7=10


From the following data, forecast the cash position at the end of April, May and June 2018 of an organisation: 10

GU Management Accounting Question Paper 2019 [Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Non-CBCS]

Further information:

(i) 10% of sales is realised in the month of sale and the balance is realised equally 

in two subsequent months.

(ii) Creditors allow a credit of one month.

(iii) 20% of the wages of a month remains as arrear which is paid in the following 


(iv) Sundry expenses are paid in the month itself.

(v) Income tax Rs. 20,000 and dividends Rs. 12,000 are payable in June.

(vi) Cash in hand as on 1st April, 2018 was Rs. 40,000.

7. What is the meaning and importance of Standard Costing? Discuss the  preliminary steps for establishing a system of Standard Costing. 2+2+6=10


The standard time and rate for unit component “A” are given below: 3+3+4=10

Standard hours per unit 15

Standard rate Rs. 4 per hour

The actual data and related information are as under:

Actual production 1,000 units +

Actual hours 15,300 hours

Actual rate Rs. 3.90 per hour


(i) Labour cost variance

(ii) Labour efficiency variance and

(iii) Labour rate variance.


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