How Do We Understand Fractions and Their Types?

Convert a fraction into its equivalent decimal and percentage value with a fraction calculator and apply different arithmetic operations easily.

In mathematics, fractions are the numbers representing a part of a whole. It is expressed in the form of the quotient, having a numerator and denominator. There can be different values of the numerator and denominator in a fraction. A fraction can be expressed in the form of a quotient like 2/5,3/6, 7/5, 3(¼), etc. Fractions are grouped into different types relative to numerator and denominator values.


Fractions can also expressed in the form of percentages and decimal values. You can convert a fraction into its decimal notation with a comparing fractions calculator. You can apply maths operations on fractions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with the calculator which reduces the need for any manual labor. This can save time and can make the business transaction more efficient.

Types of Fractions

It is quite essential to identify various types of fractions. If a student is not able to spot a difference between various types of fractions. Then find difficulty in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions. 

There are various methods to solve various kinds of fractions. The online fraction calculator also considers all of them and helps its users to solve different fraction sets and give them the most simplified result, visual presentation, and steps involved.

There are three main types of fractions

  1. Proper fraction

  2. Improper fraction 

  3. Mixed fraction 

Proper Fraction

In proper fractions, the numerator is less than the denominator and can be recognized at once. You can spot them at once if you are familiar with the definition of the proper fractions.

Numerator < Denominator

Like ⅜, ⅖, 3/9, ⅞, 4/11, 3/5, etc 

Fractions are commonly used in various fields and normally encounter them in your life. You need to understand, the decimal is interconvertible to fractions and vice versa. This is simple and you can again convert it into a decimal by a basic procedure. You can’t escape fractions in your life, as we are commonly using them in our business applications. 

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Improper Fraction

Where the numerator is greater than the denominator.

Numerator > Denominator

Like 9/5, 7/4,6/5,9/7,12/11, etc.

You can figure out all the fractions, all the fractions have larger numerators than the denominator. For the division of the fractions, we usually reverse the fractions and then simply multiply the fractions. 

Mixed Fraction:

A mixed fraction is a simple combination of a fraction and a natural number.

Examples of mixed numbers are

2 ⅓, 4 ⅓, 7 3/9, 8 ⅝ etc.

How to Solve Mixed Fractions?

You can solve the mixed fractions simply by multiplying the denominator by the natural number. Then add the answer with the numerators, this is simple once you have learned the procedure. 

Solution of Mixed Fraction:

Consider a mixed fraction 4 (⅝), we are going to break down this fraction in simple steps

  • First, you are going to multiply the denominator “8” with the natural number “4”, in this case, the answer would be 32.

  • Then, we add the answer “32” to the numerator, then we get “37” in this case.

  • So the resultant fraction would be 37/8, which is a proper fraction as the numerator is larger than the denominator.

A fraction calculator is handy for solving mixed fractions and applying operations.


It is easy to solve fractions if you can identify various kinds of fractions. The proper and improper fractions are simple to understand; only the position of the numerator and denominator is going to change. Mixed fractions are easily recognized as they have a whole number and a proper fraction.

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