GU Advertising Question Paper 2022 PDF[Gauahti University B.Com 5th Sem]

Gauhati University Advertising Question Paper 2022 Pdf, B.Com 5th Sem GU NEP FYUGP,
GU Advertising Question Paper 2022 PDF[Gauahti University B.Com 5th Sem]

In this post we have Shared Gauhati University Advertising Question Paper 2022 Pdf, B.Com 5th Sem CBCS and 3rd Sem GU NEP FYUGP, Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the GU Advertising question paper 2022.

4 (Sem-5/CBCS) COM НЕ З ( ADVT)


(Honours Elective)

Paper: COМ-НЕ-5036 


Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

1. Answer the following as directed: (any ten) 1×10=10

(a) Advertising can be used to sell

(i) product

(ii) service

(iii) idea

(iv) All of the above

(Choose the correct answer).

(b) Which media is useful for illiterate consumers ?

(i) Print

(ii) Broadcast

(iii) Poster 

(iv) Transit means

(c) Personal selling is not targeted towards

(i) mass audience

(ii) personal contact

(iii) two-way

(iv) quick feedback

(d) The best means of increasing sale of article is

(i) exhibition 

(ii) fairs 

(iii) advertisement

(iv) None of the above

e) The fastest growing medium of advertising is 

(Choose the correct answer)

(i) TV

(ii) Radio

(iii) Internet

(iv) Newspaper 

(Choose the correct answer)

(f) Which role people donot play in making decision on buying ?

(i) Initiator

(ii) Influencer

(iii) Attitude 

(iv) Decider

(Choose the correct answer) 

(g) Which of the following is not a feature of the advertisement ?

(i) Paid activity

(ii) Identified sponsor

(iii) Visual or oral

(iv) Personal 

(Choose the correct answer)

(h) Primary purpose of advertising is to

(i) inform 

(ii) persuade 

(iii) remind

(iv) All of the above

(Choose the correct answer)

(i) Which of the following is not a feature of advertising ?

(i) Information

(ii) Brand image building

(iii) Persuation

(iv) Pricing

(Choose the correct answer)

(j) Brand switching is one of the objectives of

(I) anagement 

(ii) marketing

(iii) advertisement

(iv) publicity 

(Choose the correct answer)

(k) The client of an advertising is called

(ii) major 

(iii) corporate 

(iv) account

(Choose the correct answer)

(l) Which one of the following is not a media vehicle ?

(i) Leaflet

(ii) TV

(iii) Conference Hall

(iv) Internet

(Choose the correct answer)

(m) Egyptians used to make sales messages and wall posters.

(i) papyrus 

(ii) fabric 

(iii) pine

(iv) eucalyptus 

(Choose the correct answer) 

(n) The first American advertising agency set-up by

(i) Gutenberg 

(ii) Volney Palmer

(iii) Kuleshov

(iv) E. S. Porter

(Choose the correct answer)

(o) Write the full form of ASCI.

(p) Write the full form of USP.

(q) Write the full form of TRP.

(r) _______brings the attention to products to potential customers. (Fill in the blank)

2. Briefly answer the following: (any five) 2×5=10

(a) What is advertising audit ?

(b) What is online advertising ?

(c) What is advertising budget ?

(d) Write the meaning of advertising appeal.

(e) What is media scheduling ?

(f) Write the concept of brand.

(g) Mention any two functions of advertising agency.

(h) What is sales promotion ?

(i) Mention any two advantages of internet advertising.

(j) Mention any two advantages of internet advertising.

(k) Write any two outdoor media used for advertising.

3. Write short answers to any four of the following: 5×4=20

(a) Explain the objectives of advertising.

(b) what is media planning ? Explain it.

(c) Explain the qualities of a good advertising copy.

(d) Explain the future role of advertising in India.

(e) Discuss the AIDA model of communication.

(f) Explain the advantages of advertising.

(g) Explain some commonly used direct advertising.

h) Write a note on advertising on social media.

4. Write long answers to any four of the following: 10×4=40

(a) "Affordability is the best way to decide the advertising budget.” Discuss.

(b) Broadly explain the emerging trend in advertising.

(c)Write the meaning of advertising ncy. What are the various types of advertising agency ? Explain.

(d) What are the various Acts available in India to control advertisement ? Explain.

(e) Explain the nature and importance of advertising.

(f) What is audience analysis ? What 'are the factors that affecting audience analysis ? Explain.

(g) Explain the procedure of advertising budget. What are the factors to be considered while deciding advertising budget? Explain.

(h) What are the different types of advertising appeals ? Explain.

(i) Discuss the major factors which influence media scheduling.

(j) Has technology played a role in modern day advertising ? If yes, discuss its effects.


Also Visit : Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Question Papers, Solved Papers, PDF & Notes

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