AHSEC Class 12 Sociology Question Paper 2023 [HS 2nd Year]

The AHSEC Class 12 Sociology Question Paper 2023 serves as an essential resource for students preparing for their final exams.
The AHSEC Class 12 Sociology Question Paper 2023 serves as an essential resource for students preparing for their final exams under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC). The HS 2nd Year Sociology Question Paper 2023 not only helps you understand the exam pattern but also provides insights into the types of questions typically asked in the examination.

AHSEC Class 12 Sociology Question Paper 2023 – Overview

Exam Name: AHSEC Class 12 Sociology Exam 2023
Board: Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC)
Subject: Sociology
Year: 2023
Format: Text
Availability: PDF Not Available Only Text

AHSEC Class 12 Sociology Question Paper 2023

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer any twelve from the following:      1x12=12

(a) Give an example of “Closed Stratification”.

(b) What is the name of Dormitory of Naga?

(c) Who was the founder of “Arya Samaj”?

(d) Where did Jyotiba Phule open the first school for women?

(e) Which city is known as the “Financial Capital” of India?

(f) What is meant by “Infant Mortality Rate”?

(g) Write the full form of “AIDS”.

(h) Who is the writer of the book, Marriage and Family in India?

(i) Where was the “National Commission for Minorities Act” passed?

(j) In Which year India introduced “National Family Planning Programme”?

(k) Who was the leader of “Chipko Movement”?

(l) Name the first Newspaper published in India.

(m) Who was the leader of Social Movement in Jharkhand?

(n) Who formed the “All India Schedule Caste Federation”?

(o) Who put forwarded the “Occupational Theory of Caste”?

2. Answer the following questions: (any twelve)   2x12=24

(a) Write any two demerits of population growth.

(b) What is “Cooperative Farming”?

(c) What is meant by “Corporate Culture”?

(d) Name two social reformers who carried out Social Reform Movement during the British Colonialism in India.

(e) Write two characteristics of Capitalism.

(f) Write two demerits of Green Revolution.

(g) Define Westernisation.

(h) Write two advantages of Liberalisation.

(i) What is “Zamindari System”?

(j) Why Tribal Movements started in India?

(k) Write two obstacles in National integration.

(l) Name any two Women’s Organisations of Modern India.

(m) Mention any two characteristics of the Indian Constitution.

(n) Write two demerits of Democracy.

(o) Write the names of any two regional political parties of Assam.

(p) Write two differences between the Social Demography and Formal Demography.

3. Answer the following question: (any ten)     4x10=40

(a) Write any four impacts of Colonialism on Indian Society.

(b) Write a note on Indian Family Planning Programme.

(c) What are the common characteristics of a tribe?

(d) Explain Market as a Social Institution.

(e) Analyse Indian Caste System as a Discriminatory System.

(f) “Inequalities between men and women are social rather than natural.” Explain with the help of examples.

(g) What is meant by Patriarchy? Write any three characteristics of Patriarchal System.       1+4

(h) What is mean by Regionalism? Write any three causes of Regionalism in India.

(i) Write any four negative impact of Modernization.

(j) Write a note on Sanskritisation.

(k) Write four functions of Panchayat.

(l) Define Democracy. What were the three conditions forwarded by John Stuart Mill for success of Democracy?      1+3=4

(m) Write two merits and two demerits of Industrialization.

(o) Name four newspapers which are published in India.

(p) Give four features of Social Movement.

4. Answer the following questions: (any four)        6x4=24

(a) What type of changes did Colonialism brought about in the Caste System of India? Explain.

(b) Discuss the role of Colonialism in the emergence of New Market.

(c) What is Land Reform? Discuss Land Reform Policy before and after Independence of India.       1+5=6

(d) What do you mean by Minority? State the Constitutional provisions to protect Minority Rights.    1+5=6

(e) Define Globalisation. Write a note on effects of Globalisation on different sections of the Society.     1+5=6

(f) Define Media. Write a note on the role of Social Media as an Agent of Social Change.      1+5=6

(g) Define Peasant Movement. Explain the Peasant Movement that started in India.      1+5=6

(h) What is meant by Dalit Movement? Highlight the consequences of Dalit Movement.        1+5=6


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