Unit-2 Introduction to the system software Important Questions with Answers [GU BCom 1st Sem Information Technology in Business]

On this page, you will find a collection of important questions and answers for Unit-2 Introduction to the system software, specifically designed ...

On this page, you will find a collection of important questions and answers for Unit-2 Introduction to the system software, specifically designed for Gauhati University BCom 1st Semester Information Technology in Business. These questions and answers are carefully prepared to help you score well in your exams. Use this guide as a valuable reference for your exam preparation.

Gauhati University BCom 1st Semester Information Technology in  UNIT-2  Introduction to the system Software

Gauhati University BCom 1st Semester Information Technology in


Introduction to the system Software

1. Which of the following instructs the computer hardware, what to do and how to do it?

(a) Hardware

(b) Operating system

(c) Software

(d) Device driver

Answer: (c)

2. A set of computer programs used on a computer to perform different tasks is called

(a) computer instructions

(b) processor

(c) software

(d) hardware

Answer: (c) Software helps to transform one interface into another interface.

3. Which of the following is not a type of software?

(a) System software

(b) Application software

(c) Utility software

(d) Driver software

Answer: (d) Software is generally classified into System software, Application software, and Utility software.

4. Which software is used to manage and control the hardware components and allows interaction between the hardware and the other different types of software?

(a) Application software

(b) System software

(c) Utility software

(d) Operating system

Answer: (b)

5. Which of the following is the part of system software?

(a) Operating system

(c) Browser software

(b) Utility software

(d) both a and b

Answer: (d)

6. The main function of computer software is to turn data into

(a) information

(b) program

(c) object

(d) both a and c

Answer: (a)

7. A computer program that functions as an intermediary between a computer user and the computer hardware is called

(a) software

(b) hardware

(c) operating system.

(d) driver

Answer: (c) An operating system is a primary component of the system software in a computer device. Application programs usually require an operating system to performperform tasks. 

8. One or more defects occurring in the computer software that prevents the software from working is called

(a) bot

(b) system error

(c) bug

(d) slug

Answer: (c)

9. Bug means

(a) logical errors in the program

(b) syntax error in the program

(c) runtime error

(d) All of the above

Answer: (a)

10. A mistake in an algorithm that generates incorrect results or output is called

(a) logical error

(b) syntax error

(c) compile-time error

(d) procedural error

Answer: (a)

Very short questions and answer

1._______ refer to renewing or changing components like increasing the main memory, or hard disk capacities, or adding speakers, or modems, etc.

Ans: Upgrades

2. An example of system software is

Ans: Language Translator

3. A person who designs the programs in a software package is called:

Ans: System Programmer

4. ______or to do a specific task. is designed to solve a specific problem

Ans: Application Software

5.______ or to do a specific task. is designed to solve a specific problem

Ans: Application Software

6. The physical devices of a computer is :

Ans: Hardware

7. Assembler is used as a translator for?

Ans: Low level language

8. Name of a process state is

Ans: Ready

9. An example of application software is

Ans: MS-Office.

10. Compiler is a

Ans: Language translator.

Short Questions

1. What do you mean by an operating system? What are its basic functions?

Ans: Operating System (OS) is basically a software program that manages and handles all resources of a computer such as hardware and software. The first OS was introduced in the early 1950s known as GMOs. An OS is responsible for managing, handling, and coordinating overall activities and sharing It acts as an hardware. of computer intermediary among users of computer and compute resource

Functions of OS:

There are many functions of the OS. Some of the importan functions of OS are given below:

Memory and Processor Management

Providing user interface to users

File Management and Device Management

Scheduling of resources and jobs Error Detection


2. Why is the operating system important?

Ans: OS is the most essential and vital part of a compute without which it is considered useless. It enables an interface or act like a link for interaction between computer software that is installe on OS and users. It also helps to communicate with hardware and also maintains balance among hardware and CPU. It also provide services to users and a platform for programs to run on. It perform all common tasks applications require.

3. What's the main purpose of an OS? What are the differen types of OS?

Ans: The main purpose of an OS is to execute user programs and make it easier for users to understand and interact with computers as well as run applications. It is specially designed to ensure that the computer system performs better by managing all computational activities. It also manages computer memory, processes, and operation of all hardware and software.

Types of OS:

Batched OS (Example: Payroll System, Transactions Process, etc.)

Multi-Programmed OS (Example: Windows O/S, UNIXO/S, etc.) 

Timesharing OS (Example: Multics, etc.)

Distributed OS (LOCUS, etc.)

Real-Time OS (PSOS, VRTX, etc.)

4. What are the benefits of a multiprocessor system?

Ans: A Multiprocessor system is a type of system that includes two or more CPUs. It involves the processing of different computer programs at the same time mostly by a computer system with two or more CPUs that are sharing single memory.


  • Such systems are used widely nowadays to improve performance in systems that are running multiple programs concurrently.

  • By increasing the number of processors, a greater number of tasks can be completed in unit time.

  • One also gets a considerable increase in throughput and is cost-effective also as all processors share the same resources.

  • It simply improves the reliability of the computer system.

5. What are the different kinds of operations that are possible on semaphore?

Ans: There are basically two atomic operations that are possible:



6. What is a bootstrap program in OS?

Ans: It is generally a program that initializes OS during startup i.e., first code that is executed whenever computer system startups. OS is loaded through a bootstrapping process or program commonly known as booting. Overall OS only depends on the bootstrap program to perform and work correctly. It is fully stored in boot blocks at a fixed location on the disk. It also locates the kernel and loads it into the main memory after which the program starts its execution.

7. What do you mean by RTOS?

Ans: Real Time Operating System (RTOS) is an operating system that is used for real-time applications i.e., for those applications where data processing should be done in a fixed and small measure of time. It performs much better on tasks that are needed to be executed within a short time. It also takes care of execution, monitoring, and all-controlling processes. It also occupies less memory and consumes fewer resources.

Types of RTOS:

Hard Real-Time

Firm Real-Time

Soft Real-Time

RTOS is used in Air traffic control systems, Anti-lock Bral Systems, and Heart pacemakers.

8. What do you mean by process synchronization? 

Ans: Process synchronization is basically a way to coordination processes that use shared resources or data. It is very much essential to ensure synchronization execution of cooperating so that will maintain data consistency. Its main purpose is to share resources without any interference using mutual exclusion. There are two type of process synchronization:

Independent Process

Cooperative Process

9. What is different between main memory and seconda memory.

Ans: Main memory: Main memory in a computer is RA (Random Access Memory). It is also known as primary memory read-write memory or internal memory. The programs and data t the CPU requires during the execution of a program are stored in t memory.

Secondary memory: Secondary memory in a computer a storage devices that can store data and programs. It is also known external memory or additional memory or backup memory or auxilia memory. Such storage devices are capable of storing high-volun data. Storage devices can be hard drives, USB flash drives, CD etc.

Primary Memory

  • Data can be directly accessed by the processing unit.

  • It can be both volatile and non- volatile in nature.

  • It is more costly than secondary memory

  • It is temporary because data is stored temporarily

  • In this memory, data can be lost whenever there is a power failure.

  • It is much faster than secondary memory and saves data that is currently used by the computer

  • It can be accessed by data.

Secondary Memory

  • Firstly, data is transferred to primary memory and after then routed to the processing unit.

  • It is non-volatile in nature.

  • It is more cost-effective or less costly than primary memory.

  • It is permanent because data is stored permanently.

  • In this memory, data is stored permanently and therefore cannot be lost even in case of power failure.

  • It is slower as compared to primary memory and saves different kinds of data in different formats.

  • It can be accessed by I/O channels.

9. What do you mean by overlays in OS?

Ans: Overlays is basically a programming method that divides processes into pieces so that instructions that are important and need can be saved in memory. It does not need any type of support from the OS. It can run programs that are bigger in size than physical memory by only keeping only important data and instructions that can be needed at any given time.

10. Write top 10 examples of OS?

Ans: Some of the top OS's that are used mostly are given




Mac OS



Free BSD

Chrome OS




Intermediate OS Interview Questions

11. What is the main objective of Multi programming? 

Ans: It refers to the ability to execute or perform more tha one program on a single processor machine. This technique wa introduced to overcome the problem of underutilization of CPU and main memory. In simple words, it is the coordination of execution of Various programs simultaneously on a single processor (CPU). The main objective of multiprogramming is to have at least some processer running at all times. It simply improves the utilization of the CPU as it organizes many jobs where the CPU always has one to execute.

12. What is the difference between multitasking and multiprocessing OS?

Ans:Multitasking: It is a system that allows more efficient use of computer hardware. This system works on more than one task at one time by rapidly switching between various tasks. These systems are also known as time-sharing systems.

Multiprocessing: It is a system that allows multiple or various processors in a computer to process two or more different portions of the same program simultaneously. It is used to complete more work in a shorter period of time.


  • It performs more than one task at a time using a single processor.

  • In this, the number of CPUs is only one.

  • It is more economical.

  • It allows fast switching among various tasks.

  • It is less economical.

  • It allows smooth processing of multiple tasks at once.

Multi processing

  • It performs more than one task at a time using  multiple processors.

  • In this, the number of CPUs is more than one.

  • It is less efficient than multiprocessing.

  • It requires more time to execute tasks as compared multiprocessing. 

  • It is more efficient than multitasking.

  • It requires less time for job processing as compared to multitasking.

13. What do you mean by Sockets in OS?

Ans: The socket in OS is generally referred to as an endpoint for IPC (Interprocess Communication). Here, the endpoint is referred to as a combination of an IP address and port number. Sockets are used to make it easy for software developers to create network- enabled programs. It also allows communication or exchange of information between two different processes on the same or different machines. It is mostly used in client-server-based systems.

Types of Sockets

There are basically four types of sockets as given below:

Stream Sockets

Datagram Sockets

Sequenced Packet Sockets

Raw Sockets

14. Explain zombie process?

Ans: Zombie process, referred to as a basically a process that is defunct process. terminated or completed but the whe process control block is not cleaned up from the main memory beca it still has an entry in the process table to report to its parent

It does not consume any of the resources and is dead, but it still exis proce It also shows that resources are held by process and are not free

15. What is starvation and aging in OS?

Ans: When we use Priority Scheduling or Shortest Job F Scheduling, Starvation can happen, This algorithm is mostly used CPU schedulers

Starvation: It is generally a problem that usually occurs wh a process has not been able to get the required resources it needs progress with its execution for a long period of time. In this conditio low priority processes get blocked and only high priority procese proceed towards completion because of which low priority process suffer from lack of resources.

Aging: It is a technique that is used to overcome the situatio or problem of starvation. It simply increases the priority of processe that wait in the system for resources for a long period of time. It considered the best technique to resolve the problem of starvation 2 it adds an aging factor to the priority of each and every request b various processes for resources. It also ensures that low-level queu jobs or processes complete their execution.

16) What is an operating system?

Ans: The operating system is a software program the facilitates computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. It is the most important part of a computer syster without it computer is just like a box.

17) What is the main purpose of an operating system?

Ans: There are two main purposes of an operating system:

  • It is designed to make sure that a computer system performs well by managing its computational activities.

  • It provides an environment for the development and execution of programs.

18) What are the different operating systems?


  • Batched operating systems

  • Distributed operating systems

  • Timesharing operating systems

  • Multi-programmed operating systems

  • Real-time operating systems

19) What is a socket?

Ans: A socket is used to make connection between two applications. Endpoints of the connection are called socket.

20) What is a real-time system?

Ans: Real-time system is used in the case when rigid-time requirements have been placed on the operation of a processor. It contains a well defined and fixed time constraints.

21) What is a Batch Operating System?

Ans: Batch Operating System is a type of Operating System which creates Batches for the execution of certain jobs or processes. The Batches contains jobs of such a kind that the jobs or processes which are very similar in the procedure to be followed by the jobs or processes. The Batch Operating System has an operator which performs these tasks.

An operator groups together comparable jobs or processes that have the same criteria into batches. The operator is in charge and takes up the job of grouping jobs or processes with comparable requirements.


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