Key Highlights of the Important Questions:
AHSEC/ASSEB Class 11 Education Most Important & Common Questions Bank for Exam
Chapter 1: Concept and Aims of Education
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. Define Education. (AHSEC 2017, 2023)
2. From which word has the term "Education" been derived? (Textual)
3. Who is the chief advocator of the social aim of Education? (AHSEC 2024)
4. What is meant by "Education for Individuality"? (AHSEC 2018)
5. Who said, "Education is a bi-polar process"? (AHSEC 2019)
6. Name the types of Education discussed in the textbook. (Textual)
7. Mention two aims of democratic Education. (Textual)
8. Who said, "Education is the development of all capacities in an individual"? (AHSEC 2021)
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Write two differences between Formal and Non-formal Education. (AHSEC 2015, 2019, 2023)
10. What do you mean by the Vocational Aim of Education? (AHSEC 2021)
11. Write two educative values of teleconferencing. (AHSEC 2023)
12. Mention two merits of the social aim of Education. (Textual)
13. State two ways in which Education is related to Sociology. (Textual)
14. What do you mean by the "Instrument of Social Change" in the context of Education? (AHSEC 2024)
15. Define Education as per Swami Vivekananda. (AHSEC 2017, 2022)
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
16. Write any four differences between the individual and social aims of Education. (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
17. Explain the relationship of Education with Sociology and Philosophy. (AHSEC 2023)
18. "Education is a life-long process." Explain. (AHSEC 2023, 2024)
19. Explain the narrow and wider meanings of Education. (Textual)
20. Distinguish between Formal and Informal Education. (AHSEC 2015, 2019)
21. Discuss the complementary nature of individual and social aims of Education. (AHSEC 2023)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
22. Write a detailed note on the Vocational Aim of Education. (AHSEC 2021)
23. Explain the following concepts:
a. Education as a modification of human behavior (AHSEC 2024)
b. Education as an instrument of social change (AHSEC 2024)
24. Discuss the aims of Education in a democracy. (Textual)
25. Explain the scope of Education in detail. (Textual)
26. Compare Formal, Informal, and Non-formal Education with suitable examples. (Textual)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
27. Explain the social aim of Education along with its merits and demerits. (Textual & AHSEC 2024)
28. Write a detailed note on the relationship of Education with Biology, Sociology, Philosophy, Economics, and Statistics. (AHSEC 2016, 2018, 2023)
29. Discuss the role of Education as an agent of social change. (Textual)
30. Discuss the individual aim of Education and its criticism. (Textual)
Chapter 2: Stages of Human Development
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. What is growth? (Textual)
2. Define development. (AHSEC 2023)
3. Mention the stages of human development according to Rousseau. (Textual)
4. What is infancy? (AHSEC 2023)
5. Write any one characteristic of childhood. (Textual)
6. Name one problem of adolescence. (AHSEC 2019, 2023)
7. Write one difference between growth and development. (AHSEC 2023)
8. What is animism? (AHSEC 2022)
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Write two psycho-physical needs of infants. (AHSEC 2015,2020,2018,2024)
10. What are the characteristics of childhood? Mention any two. (Textual)
11. Explain the concept of adolescence briefly. (AHSEC 2021, 2023)
12. Mention two educational provisions for childhood. (Textual)
13. Write two characteristics of infancy. (AHSEC 2024)
14. Mention two functions of home in child development. (Textual)
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
15. Explain the difference between growth and development. (AHSEC 2023, 2024)
16. Discuss the psycho-physical characteristics of infancy. (Textual)
17. Write about the characteristics of adolescence. (AHSEC 2022, 2023)
18. Describe the influence of home on child development. (AHSEC 2021)
19. Mention four problems of adolescence. (AHSEC 2024)
20. Explain the educational provisions for adolescence. (AHSEC 2023)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
21. Discuss the stages of human development as given by Rousseau. (Textual)
22. Write in detail about the psycho-physical needs of childhood. (Textual)
23. Explain the problems of adolescence and their solutions. (AHSEC 2023, 2024)
24. Discuss the educational provisions for the stage of infancy. (Textual)
25. What is childhood? Discuss its characteristics in detail. (AHSEC 2022)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
26. Compare and contrast the characteristics of childhood and adolescence. (AHSEC 2024)
27. Write a detailed note on the influence of home on child development. (Textual)
28. Discuss the role of education in addressing problems of adolescence. (Textual & AHSEC 2023)
Chapter 3: School and Its Organisation
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. What is meant by school plant?
2. Who said, "Teachers who educate children deserve more honour than parents"?
3. When was SCERT, Assam, established?
4. What is Teleconferencing?
5. Mention one personal quality of a teacher.
6. What is the full form of NCERT?
7. Name any one type of curriculum.
8. What is the meaning of the term 'curriculum'?
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Mention two physical resources required for setting up a school plant.
10. Write two functions of NCERT.
11. Mention two roles of a teacher as a facilitator.
12. Write two advantages of Teleconferencing.
13. Mention two qualities of a good library.
14. What are two objectives of co-curricular activities?
15. Write two characteristics of a good school building.
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
16. Write four differences between formal and informal education. (AHSEC 2015, 2019)
17. Explain four principles of curriculum construction. (AHSEC 2023)
18. Mention four challenges faced by a teacher in modern education. (AHSEC 2024)
19. Write a short note on the role of SCERT in education. (Textual)
20. Discuss four objectives of co-curricular activities. (Textual)
21. Write four principles of constructing a good classroom. (Textual)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
22. Write a detailed note on the role of a teacher as a facilitator and motivator. (AHSEC 2023)
23. Discuss the functions of NCERT, SCERT, and DIET. (Textual)
24. Explain the importance of physical resources in a school plant. (Textual)
25. Write a detailed note on the role of technology in education. (Textual)
26. Discuss the importance of co-curricular activities in school education. (AHSEC 2022, 2023)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
27. Write an essay on the relationship between education and guiding agencies (UGC, NCERT, SCERT, DIET). (Textual)
28. Discuss in detail the principles of curriculum construction and its defects. (AHSEC 2023, 2024)
29. Explain the role of a teacher in shaping a student's character and behavior. (Textual)
30. Write an essay on the role of technology in modern education. (Textual)
Chapter 4: Psychology and Education
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. Who is regarded as the father of Educational Psychology? (Textual)
2. What is Psychology? (Textual)
3. Write the meaning of the term "Psyche." (Textual)
4. Who gave the definition of Educational Psychology as "the science of behaviour"? (Textual)
5. Name two important branches of Psychology. (Textual)
6. What is Introspection Method? (Textual)
7. What is Observation Method in Psychology? (Textual)
8. Mention one significance of Educational Psychology in teaching. (Textual)
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Define Educational Psychology. (Textual)
10. Write two differences between General Psychology and Educational Psychology. (Textual)
11. Write two objectives of Educational Psychology. (Textual)
12. State two methods of Educational Psychology. (Textual)
13. Mention two advantages of Observation Method in Psychology. (Textual)
14. Write two educational implications of Educational Psychology. (Textual)
15. What is the significance of Psychology in education? (Textual)
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
16. Write four differences between Psychology and Educational Psychology. (AHSEC 2023)
17. Discuss four methods of Educational Psychology. (Textual)
18. Write four characteristics of Observation Method. (Textual)
19. Explain four objectives of Educational Psychology. (Textual)
20. Write a short note on the relationship between Education and Psychology. (Textual)
21. Discuss four advantages of studying Educational Psychology for teachers. (Textual)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
22. Discuss the significance of Educational Psychology in modern education. (AHSEC 2023)
23. Write a detailed note on the methods of Educational Psychology. (Textual)
24. Explain the relationship between Education and Psychology. (Textual)
25. Discuss the scope of Educational Psychology. (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
26. Write about the contribution of Psychology to classroom teaching. (Textual)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
27. Write an essay on the scope and significance of Educational Psychology. (Textual & AHSEC 2024)
28. Discuss the relationship between Education and Psychology in detail. (Textual)
29. Explain the role of Educational Psychology in curriculum development. (Textual)
30. Discuss the importance of Educational Psychology for teachers and students. (Textual)
Chapter 5: Physical Basis of Mental Life
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. What is the basic unit of the nervous system? (Textual)
2. Name the three main parts of a neuron. (Textual)
3. What is the function of dendrites? (Textual)
4. Name two glands that influence human behavior. (Textual)
5. What is the role of insulin in the human body? (Textual)
6. What hormone is secreted by the thyroid gland? (Textual)
7. Write one function of the central nervous system. (Textual)
8. Name one hormone secreted by the adrenal gland. (Textual)
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Write two differences between neurons and glial cells. (Textual)
10. Mention two functions of the spinal cord. (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
11. What are receptors and effectors? (Textual)
12. Write two functions of the endocrine glands. (Textual)
13. Mention two characteristics of thyroid glands. (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
14. What are the effects of adrenaline on the human body? (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
15. Write two ways in which physical health affects mental health. (Textual)
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
16. Write four functions of the nervous system. (Textual)
17. Discuss four functions of the brain. (Textual)
18. Write a short note on the endocrine system. (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
19. Mention four effects of hormonal imbalance in humans. (Textual)
20. Explain the relationship between the mind and body. (Textual)
21. Write four characteristics of neurons. (Textual)
22. Discuss the relationship between physical and mental health. (AHSEC 2022, 2024)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
23. Explain the structure and functions of a neuron. (AHSEC 2023)
24. Write a detailed note on the endocrine glands and their functions. (Textual)
25. Discuss the relationship between physical and mental health. (Textual)
26. Explain the role of hormones in regulating human behavior. (AHSEC 2024)
27. Describe the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. (Textual)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
28. Write an essay on the relationship between the nervous system and mental health. (Textual)
29. Discuss the structure and functions of the brain and spinal cord. (Textual)
30. Explain in detail the endocrine system and its impact on behavior. (Textual)
31. Write an essay on the role of physical health in maintaining mental well-being. (AHSEC 2024)
Chapter 6: Bases and Direction of Human Behaviour
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. What is an instinct? (Textual)
2. Who is considered the father of behaviorism? (Textual)
3. What is a habit? (Textual)
4. Write one difference between instinct and reflex action. (Textual)
5. What do you mean by drive? (Textual)
6. Mention one characteristic of emotion. (Textual)
7. What is catharsis? (Textual)
8. Write the meaning of sublimation. (Textual)
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Write two differences between need and drive. (Textual)
10. Mention two characteristics of instinct. (Textual)
11. What are two educational implications of drives? (Textual)
12. Write two ways to modify instincts. (Textual)
13. Mention two roles of emotions in human life. (Textual)
14. Write two characteristics of habit. (Textual)
15. State two ways of dissolving bad habits. (Textual)
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
16. Write four characteristics of instincts. (Textual)
17. Discuss four methods of modification of instincts. (Textual)
18. Write four characteristics of emotions. (Textual)
19. Explain the educational significance of needs and drives. (Textual)
20. Write a short note on the formation of good habits. (Textual)
21. Explain the role of family and teachers in dissolving bad habits. (Textual)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
22. Explain the concept of need, drive, and emotion. (Textual)
23. Discuss the modification of instincts and their educational significance. (Textual)
24. Explain the importance of habit formation and ways to dissolve bad habits. (Textual)
25. Discuss the role of emotions in child development. (Textual)
26. Write about the relationship between instincts and emotions. (Textual)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
27. Write an essay on the educational significance of needs, drives, and motives. (Textual)
28. Discuss in detail the methods of modifying instincts with examples. (Textual)
29. Explain the role of emotions and sentiments in child development. (Textual)
30. Write an essay on habit formation and its educational significance. (Textual)
Chapter 7: Primary Education in India and Assam
Section A: Very Short Answer (1 Mark)
1. In which year was the Assam Primary Education Act passed? (AHSEC 2022)
2. Name one missionary who contributed to education in Assam. (AHSEC 2020)
3. What is the full form of SSA? (Textual)
4. Who introduced the Wardha Scheme of Education? (Textual)
5. What is the significance of the Charter Act of 1813? (Textual)
6. What is TLC? (Textual)
7. Write one objective of DPEP. (Textual)
8. Mention one recommendation of Wood's Despatch (1854). (Textual)
Section B: Short Answer (2 Marks)
9. Mention two key features of the Wardha Scheme of Basic Education. (Textual)
10. Write two objectives of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). (Textual)
11. State two contributions of missionaries to the education system in Assam. (AHSEC 2020)
12. What are two important features of the Hunter Commission (1882)? (Textual)
13. Mention two functions of DPEP. (Textual)
14. Write two provisions of the Assam Primary Education Act (1926). (Textual)
15. State two objectives of the Total Literacy Campaign (TLC). (Textual)
Section C: Short Notes (4 Marks)
16. Write four key provisions of the Assam Primary Education Act (1926). (Textual)
17. Discuss four objectives of SSA. (Textual)
18. Explain the contributions of missionaries to the spread of education in Assam. (AHSEC 2020)
19. Write four recommendations of the Hunter Commission (1882). (Textual)
20. Discuss four key features of the Wardha Scheme of Basic Education. (Textual)
21. Write a short note on Total Literacy Campaign (TLC). (Textual)
Section D: Long Answer (6 Marks)
22. Discuss the significance of Wood's Despatch (1854) in the field of education. (Textual)
23. Write a detailed note on the contributions of missionaries to education in Assam. (AHSEC 2020)
24. Discuss the objectives and importance of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). (Textual)
25. Explain the features and objectives of District Primary Education Programme (DPEP). (Textual)
26. Discuss the salient features and impact of the Wardha Scheme of Basic Education. (Textual)
Section E: Essay Type (8 Marks)
27. Write an essay on the development of primary education in Assam during the British period. (Textual)
28. Discuss the contributions of various commissions (Hunter, Wood's Despatch, Wardha) to primary education in India. (Textual)
29. Explain the role and importance of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and District Primary Education Programme (DPEP). (Textual)
30. Write an essay on the Universalization of Primary Education and its challenges in India. (Textual)
Why AHSEC Class 11 Education Important Questions are Essential for Students
The AHSEC Class 11 Education Important Questions for the 2025 exam are very helpful for students. These questions are carefully selected by experts to cover key topics and help students prepare better for their exams. Here’s why they are important:
- Helps Focus on Key Topics:These questions highlight the most important topics, so students can focus their study time wisely.
- Expert Guidance:The questions are picked by subject experts, ensuring they are relevant and based on the exam pattern.
- Improves Exam Scores:By practicing these questions, students become familiar with common exam patterns, which can help them score higher marks.
- Marks Distribution:The questions also show how marks are distributed, helping students manage their time and focus on high-weightage topics.
- Builds Confidence:Practicing these important questions will make students feel more confident and prepared for the exam.
In short, using these important questions is a smart way for Class 11 Education students to study effectively and do well in the 2025 exams.