Cost And Management Accounting 2016 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom 4th Sem]

Gauhati University FYUGP NEP BCom 4th Sem Cost and Management Accounting question paper from 2016

In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Cost and Management Accounting Question Paper 2016 (Non-CBCS). This question paper is highly beneficial for FYUGP NEP 4th Semester all Major students . It is particularly relevant for students pursuing Accountancy Major, Finance Major, HRM Major, and Marketing Management Major, as the syllabus for both Non-CBCS and NEP patterns is quite similar.

We strongly recommend studying this Gauhati University FYUGP NEP BCom 4th Sem Cost and Management Accounting question paper from 2016 thoroughly to enhance your preparation for the FYUGP NEP 4th Semester Honours Course. This previous year’s Non-CBCS question paper will be a valuable resource for all major courses under the FYUGP NEP 4th-semester syllabus.

Cost And Management Accounting 2016 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom 4th Sem]

Gauhati University Question Papers

Cost And Management Accounting 2016

Full Marks: 80

Time Allowed: 3 hours



Marks: 40

Answer either in English or Assamese

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


1. (a) Answer the following as directed:                                             1x6=6

1)  All costs are controllable. (Write True or False)

2)  Variable cost varies

a.   In proportion to volume of production.

b.  Not in proportion to volume of production.

c.   In proportion to administrative overheads.

d.  Not in proportion to distribution overheads.

                                     (Choose the correct option)

3)  Bin card shows

a.   Works in process inventory and value of stores.

b.  Quantity of stores.

c.   Both value and quantity of stores.

d.  Value of waster material.

                                     (Choose the correct option)

4)  Recording of employees’ attendance in and out of the factory or department is known as time-keeping. (Write True or False)

5)  Salary of salesmen is

a.   An example of fixed overhead.

b.  An example of variable overhead.

c.   A case of controllable direct cost.

d.  A case of uncontrollable indirect cost.

                                     (Choose the correct option)

6)  Departmentalisation of items of cost is known as primary distribution.  (Write True or False)

(b) Answer any two questions of the following:                           2x2=4

1)      Give two examples of semi-variable cost.

2)      Write the objectives of Cost Accounting.

3)      Write the time rate of wages.

(c) Answer any two questions of the following:                           5x2=10

1)  Write the classification of cost.

2)  What are the different techniques of costing?

3)  What is ABC analysis?

4)  What are under absorption and over absorption?

2. What is Cost Accounting? Explain the differences between Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting.                         10


What is a cost sheet? You are also required to prepare a Cost Sheet from the following information:   2+8=10

Mr. Gopal furnishes the following data relating to the manufacture of a standard product for the month of April 2010:


Raw materials used

Direct labour charges

Machine hours worked

Machine hour rate

Administrative overheads

Selling overhead

Units produced

Units sold



900 hours


20% on works cost

0.50 per unit

17,100 units

16,000 units at Rs. 4 per unit

3. What is labour turnover? What are the costs associated with it?              4+6=10


What do you understand by standard costing? What are the advantages of standard costing?      4+6=10



Marks: 40

4. (a) Indicate whether the following statements are True or False:                     1x6=6

a)  Management Accounting composed of those accounting activities which promote efficiency in business operations.

b)  Budgetary control is one of the tool and technique of Management Accounting.

c)   Current ratio is used to make the analysis of a long-term financial position.

d)  A funds flow statement is good substitute for income statement.

e)  Sales + Variable Cost = Fixed Cost ± Profit.

f)   A budget prepared on the basis of standard or fixed level of activity is termed as fixed budget.

(b) Answer any two questions of the following:  2x2=4

a)  Write the scope of Management Accounting?

b)  Explain any two uses of ratio analysis.

c)   What is meant by funds from operation?

d)  What is P/V ratio?

(c) Answer any two questions of the following:                          5x2=10

1)                  Write the relationship between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting.

2)                  The following liquidity ratios related to two companies:

X Company

Y Company

Current ratio

Quick ratio





Comment on the liquidity position of the two companies.

3)  What are the different types of financial statement?

4)  State briefly the effects of the following on break-even point and profit-volume ratio:

a)  Reduction in variable cost per unit.

b)  Increase in total fixed cost.

5. Find out (a) Current assets, (b) Current liabilities, (c) Liquid assets and (d) Inventory from the following information:  10


Current ratio

Acid-test ratio

Working Capital





Explain the marginal applications of marginal costing in any four areas of decision making.                     10

6. Write notes on the following:                            5+5=10

a)  Any two tools and techniques of Management Accounting.

b)  Break-even chart.


You are required to prepare a flexible budget for the production of 7000 units. The expenses for the production of 5000 units in a factory are given below:                                    10

(per unit)




Variable overhead

Fixed overhead (Rs. 50,000)

Administrative Expenses (10% variable)

Selling expenses (20% fixed)

Distribution expenses (20% fixed)








Total cost of sales



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