E-COMMERCE Question Paper 2024 [Gauhati University BCom FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem]

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the E-Commerce question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester 2024

In this post, you will get a complete overview of the E-Commerce question paper 2024 Gauhati University's FYUGP NEP 2nd Semester (2024). Whether you're looking for the paper pattern, key topics, or helpful insights to prepare effectively. This Previous Year question paper will help 2nd-semester students understand the exam pattern, focus on important topics, and prepare effectively for scoring better in the Gauhati University E-Commerce subject under the BCom 2nd Sem FYUGP NEP Exam.

E-COMMERCE Question Paper 2024 [Gauhati University BCom FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem]




(Skill Enhancement Course)

Full Marks: 30

Time: 1 hr 30 minutes

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following. 1X5=5

(i) Which of the following is not an e-commerce activity?


(b) B2C


(d) A2B

(ii) e-Bay is one of the example of type of e-commerce.

(a) B2C

(b) C2B

(c) C2C

(d) B2G

(iii) Which of the following may be called the most basic security activity?

(a) Encryption

(b) Phishing

(c) Malware

(d) Authentication

(iv) Which of the following is not a function of e-commerce?

(a) Marketing

(c) Advertising

(b) Warehousing

(d) None of these

(v) Which of the following is not an example of e-payment?

(a) Smart Card

(b) Digital Cheque


(d) Electronic Billing

2. Answer any five of the following.2 X 5 =10

(a) What is Firewall?

(b) Mention any four technologies used in e-commerce.

(c) What is Digital Certificate?

(d) Write the full form of FTP and HTTP.

(e) What is encryption?

(f) Write two advantages of online banking.

(g) Write the full form of RTGS and NEFT.

(h) Write two advantages of Credit card.

3. Answer any three of the following.5 X 3 =15

(a) Write the five functions of e-commerce.

(b) Mention the different e-commerce models. Explain any one of them.

(c) Mention the different security threats to e-commerce. Explain any one of them.

(d) Mention the different methods of e-payment in e-commerce. Explain any of them.

(e) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce.

(f) Explain the risks and challenges involved e-payment system.


Must Explore: GU B.Com 2nd Semester FYUGP Notes, Question Papers, Solved Papers (PDFs)

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