MCO-01 Question Paper 2024 December [IGNOU MCOM Organisational Theory and Behaviour]

If you're preparing for the MCO-01: Organisational Theory and Behaviour exam in the Master of Commerce (M.Com) program at IGNOU, you're in the right place! In this post, we have provided the IGNOU MCO-01 Organisational Theory and Behaviour Question Paper 2024 December Term-End Examination to help you prepare.

IGNOU MCO-01: Organisational Theory and Behaviour Question Paper 2024 (December)

IGNOU MCO-01: Organisational Theory and Behaviour  Question Paper 2024 (December)

(М. СОМ.)
Term-End Examination
December, 2024
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Weightage: 70%

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is management? Discuss the functions and roles of managers. 20
2. Identify various types of organisations. Explain the features of modern organisation. 20
3.(a) Describe the factors influencing the perception. Give suitable examples. 10
(b) How can you develop perceptual skills in an organisation? 10
4. Do you think McClelland's theory of motivation is more practicable than Maslow and Herzberg's theories of motivation? Discuss the McClelland's theory of motivation. 20
5. What is a group? Discuss various variables of group structure. 20
6. What is stress? Discuss consequences of stress in an organisation with suitable examples. 20
7. Explain the process of conflict in an organisation. How does conflict reduce the efficiency in the organisation? 20
8. What is informal power? Explain different types of informal power in the organisation. 20
9. Discuss in detail the principles of good communication with suitable examples. 20

The IGNOU MCO-01 Organisational Theory and Behaviour exam tests your understanding of the key external and internal factors that affect business. By using IGNOU MCO-01: Organisational Theory and Behaviour Question Paper 2024, you can revise important concepts and be well-prepared for your Term-End Examination.

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