Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Question Paper 2019 [Gauahti University BCom 6th Sem]

In this post we have shared the Gauhati University BCom 6th Semester Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Question Paper 2019

In this post we have shared the Gauhati University BCom 6th Semester Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Question Paper 2019. This Question Paper is highly valuable for exam preparation as it provides a concise overview of the questions asked in the Guwahati University BCom 6th semester examination of 2019.


BCom 6th Semester

Industrial Relations and Labour Laws



Full Marks: 80

Time: 3 Hours

(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.)

Q1. Objective Type Questions Answer the following as directed. (1 × 10 = 10)

1. How many components constitute the Industrial Relations system?

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Three

(d) Four

2. In which year was the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) formed?

(a) 1919

(b) 1920

(c) 1921

(d) 1922

3. Which section of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 defines "layoff"?

(a) Section 2(kkk)

(b) Section 2(l)

(c) Section 2(q)

(d) Section 2(s)

4. Which clause of Model Standing Orders refers to acts of misconduct?

(a) Clause 10

(b) Clause 12

(c) Clause 14

(d) Clause 16

5. Section 46 of the Factories Act, 1948 imposes the obligation for a canteen when the number of workers exceeds:

(a) 100

(b) 200

(c) 250

(d) 300

6. The principle of "Equal pay for equal work for both men and women" is provided under which article of the Constitution?

(a) Article 38

(b) Article 39

(c) Article 41

(d) Article 42

7. A strike is deemed illegal under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 if:

(a) No notice is given

(b) Workers demand wages

(c) It is peaceful

(d) Management approves it

8. Who is responsible for certifying standing orders under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946?

(a) Labour Commissioner

(b) Certifying Officer

(c) Factory Inspector

(d) Employer

9. Define "retrenchment" under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. (True/False)

10. The term "workman" includes managerial employees. (True/False)

Q2. Short Answer Question the following in brief. (2 × 5 = 10)

1. Define Industrial Relations.

2. Mention any two provisions of safety under the Factories Act, 1948.

3. Differentiate between strike and lockout.

4. Write two features of the Trade Union Act, 1926.

5. What is adjudication?

Q3. Short Answer Questions

Answer any four questions.

(5 × 4 = 20)

1. Explain the objectives of Industrial Relations.

2. Discuss the role of employers and trade unions in maintaining industrial harmony.

3. What are the features of collective bargaining?

4. Discuss the main provisions of grievance redressal machinery in India.

5. What are the prerequisites of a successful grievance handling procedure?

6. Explain the process of retrenchment and reemployment under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.

Q4. Long Answer Questions Answer any four questions.(10 × 4 = 40)

1. Discuss the essential conditions for promoting and maintaining sound Industrial Relations.

2. Explain the statutory machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes in India.

3. Describe the safety and welfare provisions under the Factories Act, 1948.

4. Analyze the role of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 in maintaining discipline.

5. Discuss the different forms or methods of workers' participation in management.

6. Evaluate the role of the ILO in shaping industrial relations at the international level.


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