In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Question Paper 2018 (Non-CBCS) Now B.Com FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem. This question paper is now highly relevant for FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles of Marketing students, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar so read this question paper top to bottom.
Principles of Marketing Question Paper 2018
[Gauhati University BCom Question Papers]
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)
1. Answer the following questions as directed: 1x10=10
1) ‘Mobile hand-set’ is an example of
a) Perishable goods.
b) Non-durable goods.
c) Durable goods.
d) None of the above.
2) Which one of the following is not psychological factor of consumer behaviour?
a) Motivation.
b) Family income.
c) Attitude.
d) Perception.
3) Who introduced the concept of ‘Marketing Mix’?
a) William J. Santon.
b) Philip Kotler.
c) Henry L. Hemen.
d) N. H. Borden.
4) Which one of the following is not an uncontrollable factor of Marketing Environment?
a) Economic growth.
Financial news subscriptions
b) Level of education.
c) Marketing Mix.
d) Price policy.
5) Which one of the following methods is used for measuring effectiveness of advertising?
a) Enquiry test.
b) Recognition test.
c) Real test.
d) All of the above.
6) Modification and adding new features in the existing products amount to new product. (State true or false)
7) Under ‘Penetration Pricing Policy’ the price of new product fixed at initial stage is high. (State true or false)
8) Product diversification is essential to meet changing test and desire of ________. (Fill up the blank)
9) When the market is segmented on the basis of age, gender, marital status of consumers, it is known as _______ segmentation. (Fill up the blank)
10) “ ________ is an attempt to recognise distinct stages in the sales history of the product.” (Fill up the blank)
2. Answer the following questions very briefly: 2x5=10
1) What is Macro or uncontrollable marketing environment?
2) What is Buying motive?
3) What is ‘Price differential pricing policy’?
4) What is Advertising budget?
5) What is Product diversification?
3. Answer any four of the following questions briefly: 5x4=20
1) Describe the scope of marketing management.
2) What are the sociological factors that influence the consumer behaviour?
3) What is Packaging? Discuss briefly its functions.
4) What is Product line Policy? Discuss its salient features.
5) Write the meaning of Distribution channel. Explain briefly its functions.
6) Write the functions performed by Advertising Agency.
4. What is Marketing Environment? Discuss the various forces of Marketing Environment. 10
What is Marketing Mix? What are the factors affecting Marketing Mix? Discuss.
5. What is Market Segmentation? What factors involved in market segmentation? 10
What is Sales Forecasting? Discuss the importance and types of Sales Forecasting in business management.
6. What is Product life cycle? What are the different stages of Product life cycle? 10
What are the different types of distribution channels? Explain each of them with suitable example.
7. What is Pricing? Briefly explain the various pricing policies adopted by companies. 10
What is Sales promotion? Discuss objectives and importance of sales promotion. Distinguish between personal selling and advertisement.