The Portrait of the Lady Imp. Question Answers 2025 [AHSEC Class 11 English Solution, HS First Year]

Explore important question answers for 'The Portrait of the Lady' AHSEC Class 11 English, HS First Year 2025 with detailed solutions.

The Portrait of the Lady is a beautiful story in the ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English Textbook Hornbill. Written by Khushwant Singh, the story focuses on the author's close relationship with his grandmother and highlights themes of love, simplicity, and spirituality. In this post, we have provided important ASSEB/AHSEC Class 11 English The Portrait of the Lady Question Answers, including previous year questions and key questions for exams. We cover 1/2 mark questions, as well as long questions that carry 3, 4, 5, and 6 marks. This post is very helpful for students preparing for their HS 1st Year English exams. The "The Portrait of the Lady Question Answers 2025" will help you understand the story in-depth and perform well in your exams.

The Portrait of the Lady Imp. Question Answers 2025 [AHSEC Class 11 English Solution, HS First Year]

About the Author:

Khushwant Singh (1915–2014) was a well-known Indian author, journalist, and editor. He is famous for his novels, short stories, and essays, which often reflect Indian society, history, and politics. Some of his famous works include Train to Pakistan and The Company of Women. Singh had a sharp, witty style of writing and was known for his bold opinions on various social issues. In The Portrait of a Lady, he recalls his childhood memories of his grandmother and the special bond they shared.

Summary of the Story:

The Portrait of a Lady is a story by Khushwant Singh in which he recalls his childhood and the relationship he had with his grandmother. The author describes his grandmother as a simple, religious, and caring woman. When the author was a child, she would accompany him to school every day in the village, helping him with his studies and teaching him moral values.

The Portrait of a Lady कहानी खुसवंत सिंह द्वारा लिखी गई है, जिसमें वह अपने बचपन और अपनी दादी के साथ अपने रिश्ते को याद करते हैं। लेखक अपनी दादी को एक सरल, धार्मिक, और देखभाल करने वाली महिला के रूप में वर्णित करते हैं। जब लेखक बच्चे थे, तो वह हर दिन उन्हें स्कूल छोड़ने जाती थीं और उनकी पढ़ाई में मदद करती थीं, साथ ही नैतिक मूल्यों की शिक्षा भी देती थीं।

In the village, the grandmother led a peaceful life focused on prayer and looking after the family. She would wake up early to pray, visit the temple, and spend her time feeding the birds and animals. However, when the author moved to the city for further education, the grandmother had to adapt to the changes, though she felt disconnected from the new life in the city.

गांव में, दादी एक शांतिपूर्ण जीवन जीती थीं, जिसमें उनका मुख्य ध्यान प्रार्थना और परिवार की देखभाल पर था। वह जल्दी उठकर प्रार्थना करतीं, मंदिर जातीं, और अपना समय पक्षियों और जानवरों को खिलाने में बितातीं। हालांकि, जब लेखक शिक्षा के लिए शहर चले गए, तो दादी को नए जीवन में ढलने के लिए खुद को बदलना पड़ा, हालांकि वह शहर की नई जिंदगी से जुड़ी हुई नहीं महसूस करती थीं।

The story takes a melancholic turn when the grandmother grows old and frail. She spends her final days in quiet prayer, accepting the inevitability of death. After her passing, the sparrows, which had always been around her, mourn her death by sitting in silence and refusing to eat the crumbs offered to them. The story ends with the author reflecting on his grandmother's strong spiritual life and the deep bond they shared, marking the passing of a beloved, selfless figure in his life.

कहानी एक उदासीपूर्ण मोड़ लेती है जब दादी बूढ़ी और कमजोर हो जाती हैं। वह अपने अंतिम दिनों में शांतिपूर्वक प्रार्थना करती हैं, मृत्यु की अनिवार्यता को स्वीकार करती हैं। उनकी मृत्यु के बाद, पक्षी, जो हमेशा उनके आसपास रहते थे, उनकी मृत्यु पर शोक व्यक्त करते हैं और चुपचाप बैठकर उनके द्वारा दिए गए टुकड़े खाने से मना कर देते हैं। कहानी का अंत लेखक के द्वारा अपनी दादी के मजबूत आध्यात्मिक जीवन और उनके बीच गहरे संबंधों पर विचार करते हुए होता है, जो उनके जीवन में एक प्रिय और निस्वार्थ व्यक्ति की मृत्यु का प्रतीक है।


Short Answer Questions (1-2 Marks)

  1. How did the sparrows react to the death of the grandmother?
    (AHSEC 2012, 2015, 2019, 2020)
    Answer: The sparrows gathered around the grandmother’s body and sat quietly. They did not chirp or eat the crumbs that were offered to them, showing their mourning and sadness over her death.

  2. How did the grandmother spend her time after the author grew up?
    (AHSEC 2011)
    Answer: After the author grew up, the grandmother spent her time in prayer, visiting the temple, and engaging in religious activities. She also spent a lot of time sitting quietly, lost in prayer.

  3. Was it hard for the author to believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty?
    (AHSEC 2011)
    Answer: Yes, it was hard for the author to believe that his grandmother was once young and pretty. He found it difficult to imagine her as a young, beautiful woman, as she appeared very old and frail to him.

  4. Describe the grandmother’s routine at the village school.
    (AHSEC 2013, 2019)
    Answer: The grandmother’s routine at the village school involved teaching children to read and write. She would walk to the school every day and focus on teaching the basics of education with love and care. She would also teach them religious hymns and prayers.

  5. Write about the grandmother’s love for animals.
    (AHSEC 2019, 2024)
    Answer: The grandmother had a deep love for animals. She would often feed stray dogs and birds in the courtyard. She loved to see animals around her and took good care of them, showing her compassionate nature.

  6. Why did the author think his grandmother was beautiful?
    (AHSEC 2022)
    Answer: The author thought his grandmother was beautiful because of her simple, calm, and peaceful nature. Her inner beauty and devotion to her religion made her truly beautiful in the eyes of the author.

  7. Why did the author not believe his grandmother was once young and pretty?
    (AHSEC 2024)
    Answer: The author did not believe his grandmother was once young and pretty because she looked so old and frail in her later years. She had a weathered face, and it was hard for him to imagine her as young and beautiful.

  8. Why did the grandmother stop talking to everyone before her death?
    Answer: The grandmother stopped talking to everyone before her death because she was preparing for her final journey. She believed that her time was near and chose to remain silent and engaged in prayer, waiting for her end.

  9. Why did the grandmother chant prayers continuously?
    Answer: The grandmother chanted prayers continuously because she was deeply devoted to her faith. She believed in the power of prayer, and it gave her solace and peace, especially in her final days.

  10. Why did the author feel that the grandmother was like the winter landscape in the mountains?
    Answer: The author felt that the grandmother was like the winter landscape in the mountains because both were serene, calm, and peaceful. The grandmother’s calm and quiet nature resembled the stillness of the cold, snowy mountains.

  11. Why was the grandmother unhappy about the author’s education in the city school?
    Answer: The grandmother was unhappy about the author’s education in the city school because she felt that the Western-style education was not suitable for him. She believed that traditional education, rooted in religion and moral values, was more important.

  12. How did the grandmother prepare the author for school every day?
    Answer: The grandmother prepared the author for school every day by waking him up early, helping him wash up, and ensuring he had a simple but nutritious breakfast. She also made sure he was dressed properly and ready for school.

  13. Why was the grandmother upset when the author started learning music?
    Answer: The grandmother was upset when the author started learning music because she considered music to be a distraction from religious teachings. She felt it was unnecessary and not in line with the values she upheld.

  14. How was the grandmother’s death mourned by the sparrows?
    Answer: The sparrows mourned the grandmother’s death by sitting quietly around her body, without chirping. They did not eat the crumbs that were offered to them, symbolizing their sorrow and respect for her passing.

Long Answer Questions (4-6 Marks)

  1. Discuss the changing relationship between the author and his grandmother from childhood to adulthood.
    (AHSEC 2016, 2018, 2024)
    The relationship between the author and his grandmother changes significantly from childhood to adulthood. In childhood, the author is closely attached to his grandmother. She wakes him up every morning, helps him with his lessons, and spends a lot of time with him. She was a part of his daily life and routine. However, as the author grows older and moves to the city for his studies, their relationship starts to shift. The author begins to focus more on his academic life and becomes more independent, while the grandmother stays in the village and continues her religious practices. Despite the physical distance, the bond between them remains strong, and the author continues to respect her deeply. Her death marks the end of an era in his life, symbolizing the inevitable changes in relationships over time.

  2. Give a detailed description of the grandmother.
    (AHSEC 2017, 2020)
    The grandmother is an old, frail woman with a weathered face, and her hair has turned white with age. Despite her old age, she maintains a sense of dignity and grace. She is a deeply religious person and spends most of her time in prayer and visiting the temple. Her clothes are simple and modest, reflecting her humble lifestyle. She is very dedicated to her family and takes care of the author, ensuring he is well-prepared for school. She is also very kind and compassionate, showing love for animals and nature. Her deep devotion to religion and her family makes her a pillar of strength in the household.

  3. How did the grandmother celebrate the homecoming of the author?
    (AHSEC 2019)
    The grandmother was overjoyed when the author returned home after a long time. She celebrated his homecoming in a simple but emotional manner. She did not show her excitement outwardly but silently offered her prayers and welcomed him with her warm presence. She was deeply happy and content, spending time with him and reconnecting after his absence. Her devotion to the author and her inner peace made the moment of reunion special for both of them.

  4. What instances show that the grandmother was a deeply religious woman?
    (AHSEC 2018, 2023)
    The grandmother’s deep religiosity is reflected in several instances in the story. She spent a large part of her day praying and chanting religious hymns. She would visit the temple every day to offer her prayers. Her devotion to the rosary, which she would often carry with her, shows her commitment to her faith. When she felt that her time was near, she stopped talking to others and spent her last days praying. Her religious practices and her belief in the power of prayer shaped her daily life and actions.

  5. Explain how the grandmother accepted the changes in her life as the author grew up.
    As the author grew up, the grandmother had to accept the inevitable changes in their relationship and surroundings. She accepted that the author would leave for the city to study, understanding that his education was important. Though initially upset by his learning music, she eventually accepted his new interests, knowing that it was a part of his growing up. As the author became more involved in city life, the grandmother remained deeply rooted in her traditional values, accepting the changing times with calmness and peace. Her ability to adapt to these changes reflected her strength and wisdom.

  6. Describe the daily routine of the grandmother and the values it reflects.
    The grandmother’s daily routine was simple, disciplined, and deeply rooted in religious values. She woke up early in the morning, offered prayers, and visited the temple regularly. She spent time teaching the author, making sure he was prepared for school, and ensured the household chores were done. Her routine reflects values of discipline, devotion, love for family, and simplicity. She was committed to her duties and maintained a sense of peace and tranquility in her daily life.

  7. How does the story highlight the bond between the grandmother and the sparrows?
    The story highlights the bond between the grandmother and the sparrows through their behavior after her death. The sparrows gathered around her body, sitting silently in mourning, and did not eat the crumbs that were offered to them. This unusual behavior shows their deep connection with the grandmother, as though they too felt her passing. The sparrows’ mourning symbolizes the respect and love they had for her, reflecting the deep, almost spiritual bond between them.

  8. What is the significance of the rosary in the life of the grandmother?
    The rosary was an essential part of the grandmother’s life. It symbolized her deep devotion to her faith and her daily spiritual practice. She would often recite prayers while holding the rosary, and it became a part of her identity. The rosary was a symbol of her strength, her religious commitment, and the comfort she found in her beliefs. Even in her final days, she was seen holding the rosary, emphasizing its importance in her life.

  9. How does the story portray the concept of generational differences through the grandmother and the author?
    The story portrays the concept of generational differences through the contrast between the grandmother’s traditional values and the author’s modern, city-based lifestyle. The grandmother represents the older generation, holding on to religious practices, simplicity, and traditional ways of life, while the author, coming from the younger generation, is influenced by education, progress, and modern thoughts. Despite their differences, the bond between them remains strong, and the story reflects how these generational differences shape their perspectives but do not diminish their love for each other.

  10. How does the story portray the grandmother’s dedication to her family and faith?
    The story portrays the grandmother as a woman fully dedicated to her family and faith. She spends her time taking care of the author, ensuring he is well-prepared for school, and managing household duties. Her love and commitment to her family are evident in her daily actions. At the same time, her faith is central to her life. She spends hours praying, chanting hymns, and visiting the temple, demonstrating her devotion to religion. Her actions show how she finds balance between her love for her family and her deep spiritual practices.

  11. Discuss the theme of mortality as presented in the story.
    The theme of mortality is prominent throughout the story, especially in the later part of the grandmother’s life. Her acceptance of death, her quiet preparation for it, and her peaceful passing reflect the natural cycle of life. The author is deeply aware of her aging process, and the story explores how she accepts her death with calmness, focusing on prayer and spiritual reflection in her final days. The sparrows’ mourning and the author’s sadness at her death highlight the emotional and physical realities of mortality.

  12. How does the story emphasize the idea of selfless love through the grandmother?
    The story emphasizes the idea of selfless love through the grandmother’s actions and behavior. She cares for the author without expecting anything in return, waking him up early, preparing him for school, and offering her love and guidance. Her love is unconditional, and she devotes her life to the well-being of her family, especially the author. Even in her old age, when her physical strength is failing, her love remains constant, illustrating the selflessness of a grandmother’s love.

Comprehension-Based Questions

  1. Why did the grandmother always accompany the author to school in the village?
    (AHSEC 2014, 2017)
    The grandmother always accompanied the author to school in the village because she was very protective and caring. She wanted to ensure his safety and guide him on the right path. Additionally, she felt that it was important to support him in his education, and she took her role as a guardian very seriously. Her presence also provided emotional comfort and security for the young author.

  2. How does Khushwant Singh describe the grandmother’s values and principles through her actions?
    Khushwant Singh describes the grandmother’s values and principles through her daily actions and lifestyle. Her dedication to religion, simplicity, and caring nature for the family shows her strong moral values. For example, she would wake up early every morning for prayers, spend time at the temple, and avoid distractions like music and worldly pleasures. She also valued education, but only of a simple, moral nature, and would emphasize the importance of honesty, faith, and love for family. Through these actions, Singh highlights her unwavering commitment to her religious principles and family values.

  3. What role does the rosary play in the grandmother’s life, and how is it symbolic?
    The rosary plays a central role in the grandmother’s life, symbolizing her deep faith and spirituality. It is an important part of her daily routine, as she uses it to chant prayers, and it provides her with comfort and peace. The rosary symbolizes her connection to her religion, offering her a sense of purpose and devotion. Even in her final days, the rosary is seen as a symbol of her unwavering belief in God and her preparation for death, as it represents her lifelong commitment to prayer and spiritual practice.

  4. How does the grandmother’s silence in her final days reflect her acceptance of death?
    The grandmother’s silence in her final days reflects her peaceful acceptance of death. She stops speaking to others and remains absorbed in prayer, as if preparing for the spiritual journey ahead. Her quietude indicates that she is at peace with the idea of death and is focused on her connection with God. The silence also signifies that she has come to terms with her mortality, choosing to spend her last moments in contemplation rather than in conversation. This peaceful acceptance of death shows her calm, spiritual nature and her readiness to face the end of her life.

Essay-Style and Analytical Questions

  1. The story The Portrait of a Lady is a tribute to the author’s grandmother. Discuss.
    Answer:The Portrait of a Lady is indeed a tribute to Khushwant Singh’s grandmother. The story depicts her life and character in a deeply affectionate and respectful manner, highlighting her unwavering dedication to family, religion, and simplicity. Through vivid descriptions, the author paints a picture of his grandmother as a person of deep faith, discipline, and grace. The way she lived her life, her relationship with the author, and her acceptance of death are all presented with great reverence, making the story a heartfelt tribute to the grandmother’s enduring influence on the author’s life.

  2. Analyze the grandmother’s character as a symbol of Indian tradition and culture.
    The grandmother in the story symbolizes Indian tradition and culture in many ways. She embodies the values of devotion, simplicity, and selflessness that are deeply ingrained in Indian society. Her daily routine is a reflection of the importance of spirituality, with prayer and religious activities central to her life. Her simple lifestyle, rooted in moral teachings and family bonds, mirrors the traditional Indian way of life, where elders are respected, and the focus is on spiritual growth rather than materialism. Her character represents the preservation of cultural values despite the changing times.

  3. Explain the significance of the title The Portrait of a Lady.
    The title The Portrait of a Lady is significant as it refers not just to the physical appearance of the grandmother but also to her character and spirit. It captures the essence of the grandmother, symbolizing her as a noble figure of grace, wisdom, and strength. The term "portrait" suggests a detailed depiction, not just of her external features, but also of her internal qualities. The title serves to honor her as a lady who represents ideals of tradition, spirituality, and moral integrity, qualities often associated with the women in Indian culture.

  4. How does the story reflect the themes of change and adaptation in life?
    The story reflects the themes of change and adaptation primarily through the relationship between the author and his grandmother. As the author grows up and moves to the city for education, there is a noticeable shift in their lives. The grandmother, though initially upset by the author’s education and new interests, adapts to these changes, accepting his growing independence. She remains rooted in her own beliefs and practices while gracefully accepting the evolving circumstances of life, including the changing relationship with her grandson. Her adaptability, even in the face of death, further underscores the theme of change in life.

  5. Discuss the role of nature (sparrows) in portraying the grandmother’s character.
    The sparrows in the story play a symbolic role in portraying the grandmother’s character. Their reaction to her death—sitting in silence around her body and refusing to eat the crumbs—shows their deep connection with her. Sparrows, often seen as symbols of peace and innocence, reflect the grandmother's own serene and compassionate nature. The bond between the grandmother and the sparrows highlights her nurturing spirit, as she was always kind and caring towards animals. This connection also reinforces the idea that her life was one of simplicity, harmony with nature, and devotion.

  6. How does the story highlight the bond between humans and animals?
    The bond between humans and animals is highlighted in the story through the grandmother’s relationship with the sparrows. Her kindness toward the birds, who would gather around her and wait for the crumbs she fed them, symbolizes the mutual respect and understanding between the two. The sparrows’ mourning after her death further demonstrates this bond, as they silently express their sorrow and refuse to eat. This portrayal of empathy between humans and animals underscores the grandmother's gentle, selfless nature and her harmonious existence with the world around her.

  7. What do we learn about the grandmother’s simplicity and grace through Khushwant Singh’s portrayal?
    Through Khushwant Singh’s portrayal, we learn that the grandmother’s simplicity and grace are the core aspects of her character. She does not seek material wealth or social status. Instead, she finds fulfillment in prayer, family, and nature. Her grace is reflected in her quiet demeanor, her devotion to her faith, and her acceptance of life’s changes. Even in her old age, when she is frail and physically weak, her dignity and spiritual strength shine through. The grandmother’s character embodies the beauty of simplicity—living a life focused on spiritual and emotional well-being rather than on external accomplishments.

  8. Why is the grandmother described as the pivot of the family?
    The grandmother is described as the pivot of the family because she is the central figure around whom the family’s daily life revolves. She is the caretaker, the guide, and the spiritual anchor of the household. Her religious practices, wisdom, and caring nature make her an indispensable part of the family structure. The author often reflects on how her presence gave the family a sense of stability and peace. Her role as the emotional and spiritual center of the family makes her the cornerstone that holds everyone together.

  9. How does the author create a vivid image of the grandmother through his writing?
    The author creates a vivid image of the grandmother through detailed descriptions of her physical appearance, actions, and personality. He describes her as an old, frail woman with a weathered face and white hair, but one who carries herself with dignity. Through his writing, we also see her daily routine of prayer, her interaction with the author, and her kindness to animals. Her deep spirituality and selflessness come across through the author’s portrayal of her calm demeanor and quiet wisdom. The portrayal is not just of her physical presence but of the deeper qualities that made her a remarkable woman.

  10. Explain how the grandmother’s prayers and her bond with the rosary define her character.
    The grandmother’s prayers and her bond with the rosary define her as a deeply spiritual and devoted woman. Her daily routine was centered around prayer, and the rosary was an integral part of her religious practice. It symbolized her connection with God and her faith in the power of prayer. The way she clutched the rosary in her final moments shows her unwavering belief in its spiritual significance. The rosary is not just a physical object for her; it is a symbol of her lifelong commitment to her faith and her inner peace.

  11. What does the sparrows’ reaction to the grandmother’s death signify?
    The sparrows’ reaction to the grandmother’s death signifies the deep emotional bond between her and the natural world. Their silence and refusal to eat the crumbs offered to them reflect the mourning of a life well-lived. The sparrows’ behavior suggests that they, too, understood the significance of her passing. This symbolic act highlights the grandmother’s gentle and loving nature, as well as her harmonious relationship with all living beings. It also underscores the theme of respect for life and the interconnectedness of all creatures.

  12. How is the grandmother’s life a reflection of traditional Indian values?
    The grandmother’s life is a reflection of traditional Indian values in many ways. Her devotion to religion, her simplicity, and her emphasis on moral teachings align with the core values of Indian culture. She believes in the importance of family, duty, and spirituality. The way she lives her life—focused on prayer, service to her family, and love for nature—embodies the ideals of humility, selflessness, and respect for elders, all of which are central to traditional Indian values. Her character represents the cultural heritage of India, where tradition, faith, and family ties are deeply cherished.

Likely Important Questions (Not Previously Asked in Exams)

  1. Compare and contrast the life of the grandmother in the village with her life in the city.
    In the village, the grandmother led a simple, routine-driven life, focused on spiritual practices, family, and nature. She would wake up early, visit the temple, and spend her time with the author, teaching him and preparing him for school. Her connection with nature was strong, especially with the animals and sparrows. In contrast, her life in the city was more isolated, and the change in environment affected her deeply. She had to adjust to the modern life in the city, where her spiritual practices and simple routine were disrupted. She felt out of place in the fast-paced city life and became more withdrawn, spending much of her time in prayer. The city represented a break from her natural lifestyle, whereas the village was where she felt truly at home.

  2. How did the sparrows’ reaction to the grandmother’s death reflect her bond with nature?
    The sparrows’ reaction to the grandmother’s death reflected the deep connection she had with nature. When the grandmother passed away, the sparrows gathered around her body, sitting silently in mourning, which suggested that they too sensed the loss. They refused to eat the crumbs that were offered to them, which was unusual behavior, signifying their respect and affection for the grandmother. This bond with the sparrows symbolizes the grandmother’s harmonious relationship with nature, as she was always kind to the birds and animals, feeding them regularly. The sparrows’ mourning for her reflects the mutual respect between her and the natural world.

  3. Explain the role of the rosary in the grandmother's life.
    The rosary played a central role in the grandmother’s spiritual life. It was a symbol of her deep religious faith and a tool for her prayers. She used the rosary to chant prayers throughout the day, and it was an essential part of her daily routine. The rosary not only provided her with comfort and strength but also connected her to God, offering a sense of peace and purpose. In her final days, the rosary was always with her, symbolizing her readiness for death and her unwavering devotion to her spiritual practices. It served as a constant reminder of her commitment to faith and the serenity she found in prayer.

  4. How does Khushwant Singh bring out the values and principles of the grandmother through his description?
    Khushwant Singh brings out the values and principles of the grandmother through detailed descriptions of her actions, behavior, and lifestyle. Her commitment to prayer, her simplicity, and her selfless love for her family are shown through her daily routine of early morning prayers, teaching the author, and caring for the household. Singh describes her as a woman of discipline and dignity, living a life grounded in humility and spirituality. Through her actions, he highlights her strong moral principles, such as respect for elders, the importance of family, and the value of leading a simple, pious life. The author also illustrates her role as a moral guide and a source of strength for the family, making her values clear through her quiet yet impactful actions.


Last Words

In conclusion, The Portrait of a Lady is a beautiful story that teaches us about the bond of love, faith, and the simplicity of life. Through the life of the grandmother, we learn valuable lessons about spirituality, selflessness, and the passage of time. The detailed answers and questions provided in this post will help students grasp the essence of the story and prepare effectively for their exams. We hope this guide helps you in your HS 1st Year English exam preparation. Best of luck!

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