Class 12 Alternative English Questions Answer'2023 | Vibgyor | AHSEC | HS 2nd Year - The Treasure Notes

AHSEC CLASS 12 alternative English Question Answers 2023,HS 2nd Year Alternative English Question Answers 2023, Assam Class 12 Alternative English Question Answers, Higher Secondary alternative English Question Answers, Class 12 Alternative English Question Answers, alternative English Class 12 Solution,Class 12 Alternative English Questions Answer'2023 | AHSEC | HS 2nd Year - The Treasure Notes
Class 12 Alternative English 

Get class 12 Alternative English notes if you are a student of AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council). The solutions made available here should be seen as references and nothing more. We’ve provided a brief introduction to each chapter so you can get a sense of what you’ll be reading in that chapter. To access the solutions for each chapter, click on the links provided under each chapter.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Prose Chapter 1: The Verger

Introduction: "The Verger" is the story of Albert Edward Foreman, a simple man. He was the administrator of the church of St. Peter's Neville Square Church, where he performed his duties with joy and dedication. Verger is dismissed by the new vicar because he is illiterate. He tries to buy a cigarette while wandering the streets of London in a depressed state. He has an idea because there is no newsagent nearby. With the meager funds he has in his savings, he opens a tobacconist. He works hard to develop his business, which leads to success. He will open ten new tobacco shops in London within ten years. He has £30,000 in his bank savings account.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Prose Chapter 2: The Testament of a Walker

Introduction: R. K. Narayan's essay "The Testament of a Walker" is less about walking and more about his lack of "automotive sensibility" and anxiety about owning a car. The narrator of the story is oblivious to the finer values ​​of the car. The car sees nothing but a tool. Everything else in the car is invisible to him. Despite this problem, he came to get a shiny, high-end imported car. Any auto-pandit or expert would be thrilled with the amenities that the car offered.


AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Prose Chapter 3: The Scarecrow

Introduction: The short story "Kaktarna" in Bengali is translated into English as "Scarecrow". Calcutta-born author Mriganko Shekhar Mukhopadhyay was on his way to the city when his car ran out of fuel, trapping him outside a paddy field. Driver Sudheer told Mriganko Babu about it. However, he did not pay attention to his remarks. Then, while still in his car, Mriganko Babu ordered his driver to get petrol from Panagarh. He waited a moment, then got out, stretched, lit a cigarette and looked towards the north side.


AHSEC Grade 12 Alternative English Prose Chapter 4: Gift of the Magi

Introduction: The story of The Gift of the Magi is an excellent example of literary irony. In this story, Jim and Della give up their most valuable possession so that the other can truly enjoy their gift. Jim sells his watch to buy Della's combs because he knows she will use them. Della sells her hair to pay for Jim's watch chain. Neither of them expects the other to make a sacrifice.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Prose Chapter 5: Not Being a Philosopher

Introduction: The essay "On Not Being a Philosopher" takes a lighthearted tone when the author overhears another person asking if he has studied Epictetus. His interest in Epictetus is piqued, and he wonders if Epictetus' words are the book of wisdom he has sought intermittently since his school days. He never lost faith that wisdom could be found in the pages of books. He is ready to give a small amount to learn something new. In addition, he studied the works of Emerson and Marcus Aurelius.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Poetry Chapter 1: Sita

Introduction: It is Toru, Aru and Abju's mother who tell the story of Sita's exile to their three children in the poem. The ashram of Valmiki, where Sita was exiled, is seen through the minds of three children in a gloomy room. Looking around, they notice huge flowers growing on vines that hug the big trees. As they look out over the landscape, they see a peacock strutting by, wild deer chasing each other, and fields glowing yellow with waving grain. He also sees Sita, who has been banished to the Valmiki Ashram, sobbing.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Poetry Chapter 2: The Brook

Introduction: Tennyson uses personification to describe the winding course of a rocky stream in "The Brook." The stream imagines that it is a person, and as it flows, it experiences the world around it. Waterfowl such as coots and herons that can be seen in the creek's eponymous wetland suggest that it has its origins in a wetland. In a flash, it roars down the distant hills and crashes into the raging river in the valley below.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Poetry Chapter 3: Ozymandias of Egypt

Introduction: In the poem "Ozymandias of Egypt", the narrator meets a traveler from an unknown ancient land. The Egyptian king Ozymandias was said to be responsible for the broken statue that now lay in the vast desert. In the desert he came upon two massive stones. The face and head of the broken statue were buried in the sand. The statue's massive legs help maintain its tall height. The partially covered face of the statue revealed Ozymandias' pride and rage. It was clear from Fear's scowling and mocking mask that Ozymandias had a great deal of control over his subjects.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Poetry Chapter 4: La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Introduction: This poetry expresses the pain of unrequited love. A lone knight was lying seemingly dead in the middle of nowhere when a speaker came upon him one day. The sedge has withered and the exhausted knight looks out of place in this parched landscape. The woman he meets in the wildness of the poem captivates him with her beauty. He makes her a hair garland and bracelets to complement her natural scent. She sends him signs of her pleasure whenever he pays her a romantic compliment. The new love interests the knight so much that he drives all day to see her. Her affection for him runs deep, from her sweet hometown to her excellent cooking. After much moving around, she finally agreed to take him to a mystical cave deep underground.

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Poetry Chapter 5: Village Song

Introduction: Sarojini Naidu's "Village Song" is a poem that depicts daily life in rural India. Set in a rural setting, the poem depicts the routine of Indian village women who undertake a long journey to bring home a jug of water. The girl in the poem has a perilous voyage ahead of her as she carries heavy water jugs of the Yamuna under the cover of darkness. It bothers her all night. Unfortunately, she was captivated by the boatman's music and lost track of time.

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Vibgyor Textbook Solution

AHSEC Class 12th Alternative English Question Answer

SCERT Solutions for Alternative English will help you understand all the concepts in depth. Go through SCERT Solutions for Class 12 Alternative English Solutions to familiarise yourself with different types of questions. Improve your exam preparation with the study materials provided here.

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You will have tremendous benefits in solving SCERT Class 12 Solutions for Alternative English. Some of the notable benefits include

  • SCERT Class 12 Alternative English Solution provided help you get command on the subject.
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  • Step by step approach provided for the solutions helps you get more confidence while attempting the exam.
  • Build Strong foundation skills on the subject using our Assam Board Class 12 Solution for Alternative English.

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Vibgyor Alternative English Textbook Solution


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