AHSEC-CLASS 12 : Consumer ProtectionImportant Notes for 2023 Exam | HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 : Consumer Protection Question Answer can be very Valuable & useful for the Preparation of Assam Higher Se

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 12 : Consumer Protection Question Answer  can be very Valuable & useful for the Preparation of Assam Higher Secondary Education Council HS 2nd Year Examination . Assam Board AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes gives you the best information of Consumer Protection. You can find solutions to their questions at both basic and advanced levels.


AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies 


Consumer Protection

Short Answer Type Questions (Marks-3/4)

1. Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of consumer. 

Ans. Importance of consumer protection from the point of view of consumer
(i) Consumer Ignorance - Most of the consumer do not have the sufficient information about their rights. In prevailing situation, it becomes necessary to create awareness among buyers about their rights available under Consumer Protection Act. 
(ii) Safety from Unstandardised Products - A number of producer does not follow the norms of production and produce sub-standard products. Many consumers became the victims of accidents that take place due to the defective products.
(iii) Unorganised consumers - Consumer organisation should be powerful to protect and promote the interests of consumers. It needs consumers to be organised in the form of association.
(iv) Legal support-Sometimes consumers disputes reach the court and other redrassal agencies. There should be some other forums where such disputes or cases may be raised.
(v) Compensation for inconvenience-There is a need of consumer protection to relief from inconveniences like noise of machines, polluted air due to make emitting from chimneys etc.

"Consumer Protection Notes and Important Questions Answers, Business Studies HS 2nd Year, AHSEC"

2. Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of a business. 

Ans. Importance of consumer protection from the point of view of a business 
(a) Long-term interest of business-The survival of any business organisation depends on how well it would satisfy its customers with its products and services. Satisfied customers not only repeat their purchasing but also help to increase new customer by providing references
(b) Social Responsibilities-A business is responsible for the welfare of the society. It is expected to supply quality products at reasonable prices. The business must follow the social and ethical norms. 
(c) Government Intervention - Government can take necessary action if a business man is engaged in exploitative trade practices. The business community should remain alert and avoid unfair trade practices to get relief from government intervention.

3.What are the ways and means of consumer protection. Explain.

Ans. Some important ways and means of consumer protection have been discussed below
(i) Self regulation by business-The enlightened business firms realise to follow ethical standards and practices in dealing with their customer. Many business firms have set up customer service and grievance cells to redress the problem and grievances at their customer.
(ii) Consumer Awareness- The awareness and knowledge of consumers about their rights and the reliefs available to them would enable him to safeguard their internet.
(iii) Consumer Organisation - The various consumer organisations by conducting seminers, conferences, publishing in newspaper play an important role in educating consumer about the various Acts available for their rights.
(iv) Government-The government can protect the interest of the consumer by enacting various legislations. The most important of these regulations is the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

4. Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGO's in protecting and promoting consumers interest.

Ans. The role of consumer organisations and NGO's are discussed below 
(i) Consumer Education - Consumer organisations are arranging talks, seminars, and conferences for the purpose of focussing on the problems of consumers and finding solutions of them.
(ii) Legal Assistance Consumer organisations are providing legal assistance to consumer by way of providing aid, legal advice etc. in seeking legal remedy.
(iii) Filing complaints-The consumer organisations also file complaints in appropriate consumer courts on behalf of the consumer.
(iv) Initiative in Public interest - The organisation take steps in filing cases in consumer courts in the interest of the general public, not for any individual 
(v) Holding product-The consumer organisations are organising protests against price rigging, underweight selling etc.
(vi) Guidance for wise buying - The organisations keep on advising the consumers.

5.Who can file a complaint in a consumer court? 

Ans. Under the Consumer Protection Act, the complainant could be
(i) A consumer, or
(ii) Any voluntary consumer association regarded under the Companies Act, 1956 or under any other law for the time being in force or
(iii) The Central Government on any state Government.

"Consumer Protection Notes and Important Questions Answers, Business Studies HS 2nd Year, AHSEC"

6. What do you mean by consumer protection and what are the remedies. Ans. Consumer Protection means to protect the consumers from the various types of exploitation. 

The remedies available to a dissatisfied consumers are__
(i) Removal of defects in goods.
(ii) Return of price by the seller or manufacturer.
(iii) Payment of compensation of the consumer has suffered any loss or injury
(iv) Remove the defects or deficiency in the services.
(v) Not to offer the hazardous goods for sale.
(vi) Discontinue the unfair trade practice, and not to repeat them.

7. "Consumer has responsibilities too." Elucidate the statement.

Ans. "Consumer has responsibilities also." The responsibilities of consumer are
(i) To provide adequate information to the seller-The consumer has the responsibility to provide adequate information about his needs and expectations to the seller.
(ii) To exercise caution in purchasing The consumer must try to get full information on the quality, design, utility, quantity, price etc. of the product before purchasing it
(iii) To be quality conscious-The consumer should never compromise on the quality of goods. While making purchases, the consumer must look for standard quality certification mark such as ISI, Agmark etc.
(iv) To file complaint against genuine grievances-The consumer must file a complaint with the seller or manufacturer about defects in their products or services.

Long Answer Type Question (Marks-5/6)

1. What are the different acts passed by the govt, to give legal protection to consumer. 

Ans. The different acts passed by the govt to give legal protection to consumer are__
(i) MRTP Act- This act contains provisions for the protection of consumers against false or misleading advertisements or other similar unfair and restrictive trade practices.
(ii) Water Act, 1974- This act was passed to provide for the prevention and central of water pollution. 
(iii) Air Act, 1981-This Act intends to provide for the prevention, control and abatement of air pollution. 
(iv) Environment Protection Act 1986-It provides for the protection and improvement of environment. 
(v) Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954-This Act intends to check adulteration of food items and ensure purity in the articles of food.

2. Explain the rights and responsibilities of a consumer. 

Ans. The rights of consumer are -
(i) The Right to choose i.e., the right to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of goods at comparative prices.
(ii) Right to be informed - The right to be informed about the quality, quantity, purity, standard and price of goods so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
(iii) The right to safety-1e, the right to be protected against the marketing of goods which are hazardous to life and property. (iv) The right to consumer education - Consumer education will help a consumer in protecting himself against fraudulent, misleading information. 
(v) Right to seek Redressal - The consumer has the right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or exploitations. He has the right to get his claims and complaints settled against the manufacturer and seller

The responsibilities of a consumer are__

(i) To provide adequate information to the seller-The consumer has the responsibility to provide adequate information about his needs and expectations to the seller.
(ii) To be quality conscious-The consumer should never compromise on the quality of goods. While making purchases, the consumer must look for standard quality certification mark such as ISI, Agmark etc.
(iii) Environment Awareness-To be sensitive about what consumption of goods does to the environment and not waste scarce natural resources or pollute the earth.
(iv) To be complaint against genuine grievances - The consumer must file a complaint with the seller or manufacturer about the defects in their products.

"Consumer Protection Notes and Important Questions Answers, Business Studies HS 2nd Year, AHSEC"

3. How the consumer grievances are redressed by the three tier machinery under the Consumer Protection Act?

Ans. The Consumer Protection Act provides for three tier machinery for the redressal of consumer grievances at the District level, State level and National level as discussed below:

1. District Forum:
The State Governments are required to establish District Forums in each district
The important features of District Forum are as under__
(i)A District Forum can receive consumer complaints where the value of goods or service and the compensation claimed is less than Rs. twenty lakhs. 
(ii) The complaint can be filed by a consumer to whom goods are sold or services rendered. 
(iii) On receiving the complaint the District shall refer the complaint to the opposite party. 
(iv) The district forum after being satisfied that the goods are defective can issue an order to the opposite party directing him to either remove the defects or replace the goods. An appeal against the order of the District Forum can be filed to the State commission within 30 days.
2. State Commission-The State Commission shall consist of a President who either is or has been a judge of a High court and two other members only those complaint can be filed where the value of goods or services and compensation claimed in between Rs. 20 lakhs and one crore.
The state commission is required to refer the complaint to the opposite party concerned and send the sample of goods for re-testing in laboratory The state commission after being satisfied the goods were defective can issue an order directing the opposite party to remove the defects or replace the goods.
3.National Commission - The National Commission is set up by the Central Government.
Features of National Commission:
(i) It is headed by a person who is or has been a judge of the Supreme Court is designated as the President of the commission.
(ii) National Commission can establish appeals against the order of any state commission.
(iii) National Commission has the administrative contract over the District Forum and the State Commission.






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