AHSEC-CLASS 12 :Directing Important Notes for 2023 Exam | HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 7 : Directing Question Answer can be very Valuable & useful for the Preparation of Assam Higher Secondary Edu

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 7 : Directing Question Answer  can be very Valuable & useful for the Preparation of Assam Higher Secondary Education HS 2nd Year Examination . Assam Board AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes gives you the best information of Directing Chapter . You can find solutions to their questions at both basic and advanced levels.

AHSEC-CLASS 12 : Directing Important Notes for 2023 Exam | HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies 



Short Answer Type Questions: Type - I (Marks for each question 3)

1. Give the meaning and definintion of directing.

Ans. Directing is concerned with instructing, guiding, motivating the employees in the organisation so that their efforts result in achievement of organisational goal. Directing does not mean only instruction but it also includes supervising the employ ees when they are performing the job, motivating them to perform more efficiently and leading them towards the achievement of organisational goal. In the words of Koortz and O' Dorrell, "Directing is a complex function that in cludes all those activities which are designed to encourage subordinates to work effectively and efficiently."

2. Explain three importance of directing. 

Ans. Three importance of directing are:

(i) To initiate Action- The employees in the organisation start working only when they get instrcutions and directions from their superiors.
(ii) Means of motivation - Directing function does not mean giving orders only but through directions and actions the superiors try to motiv the employees per form to their best ability.
(iii) To facilitate change - Generally the employees hesitate in accepting the changes but through directing function the changes can be implemented more easily as while giving directions the superiors guide the subordinates that the changes are better for them also.

3. Explain the term motivation.

Ans. Motivation can be defined as stimulating, inspiring and inducing the empoloyees to perform to their best capacity. Motivation is a psychological term which means it cannot be forced on employees. It comes automatically from inside the employees as it is the willingness to do the work. A strong positive motivation will enable the increased output of employees but a negative motivation will enable the increased output of employees but a negative motivation will reduce their performance. 

4.What is Formal communication?

Ans. Formal communication refers to official communication taking place in the organisation. Whenever there is exchange of views or message or information re lated to official matter such as assignment of task, fixing of responsibilities, granting authority or setting up of targets, objectives etc. then it is known as formal commu nication. Formal communication generally takes place in the written form such as issue of notice, letter, memo, document etc. verbal or oral channels are avoided in formal communication as there is no record or proof of such communication.

5. Explain three qualities of a successful leader. Ans. Three qualities of a successful leader are__

(i) Physical Qualities - Good physical features attract people. Physical features like height, weight, health and looks of person attract an individual 
(ii) Initiative - A leader must take initiative to grab the opportunities. He must have courage and initiative to take bold decisions .
(iii) Decisiveness - A leader must take firm decisions He should not get confused. Once he is convinced about the facts and figures, he should take decision.

6. Explain any three features of directing. Ans. Three features of directing are

(i)Directing flows from top to bottom-Directions are given managers to their subor dinates. Every manager can direct his immediate subordinate and take directions from immediate boss.
(ii) Continuing function - Directing is a continuous process. A manager cannot just rest after issuing orders. He has to continuously guide, supervise and motivate his subor dinates.
(iii) Human element-Directing function involves study and moulding of human behaviour It improves interpersonal and intergroup relationship.

Short Answer Questions: Type - II (Carrying 4 Marks Each)

1.Discuss the different elements in directing?

Ans. The different elements in directing are
(a) Supervision-The supervision means instructing, guiding, monitoring and observing the employees while they are performing jobs in the organisation. Thus, supervision means overseeing the subordinates at work. It implies the job of an officer who looks over the performance of others over and above performing the task himself.
(b) Motivation- Motivation can be defined as stimulating, inspiring and inducing the empoloyees to perform to their best capacity, Motivation is a psychological term which means it cannot be forced on employees. It comes automatically from inside the employees as it is the willingness to do the work. A strong positive motivation will enable the increased output of employees but a negative motivation will enable the increased output of employees but a negative motivation will reduce their per formance
(c) Communication - Communication can be defined as transmission or exchange of ideas, views, message, information or instructions between two or more persons by different means.
(d) Leadership-Leadership is a process of influencing the behaviour of people at work towards the achievement of specified goal. It is the ability to build up confidence and zeal among people and to create an urge in them to be led. 

2.Distinguish between formal and informal communication.


3. State any four advantage of formal communication.

Ans. Four advantages of formal communication are - 
(i) The formal communication is very systematic and ensures orderly flow of information.
(ii) The source of information can easily be located. 
(iii) In formal communication it is easy to fix the responsibilities of different employees as there is proof for the information. 
(iv) Through formal communication it is easy to exercise control over the work performance of different employees. 

4.Suggest four measures to make communication effective.

Ans. Four measures to make communication effective are__
(i) Proper Language-To avoid semantic barriers, the message should be expressed in simple, brief and clear language. The words or symbols selected for conveying the message must be appropriate to the reference and understanding of the receiver.
(ii) Motivation and Mutual confidence - The message to be communicated should be so designed as to motivate the receiver to influence his behaviour to take the desired action. A sense of mutual trust and confidence must be generated to promote free flow of information.
(iii)Consistent Behaviour-To avoid credibility gap, management must ensure that their actions and deeds are in accordance with their communication
(iv) Feedback - Communication is not complete unless the response or reaction of the receiver of the message is obtained by the communicator The effectiveness of communication can be judged from the feedback

5. State four disadvantages of formal communication. 

Ans. (i) Fomal communication is time consuming and leads to a good deal of distortion.
(ii) It lacks personal warmth and involvement..
(iii) It is rigid and rule bound
(iv) The subordinates present rosy picture of their work in order to impress seniors

Long Answer Type Questions: Type - I (Marks for each question $)

1.Discuss five important barriers to communication.

Ans. Some of the important barriers to communication are discussed below
(a) Physical Barriers-A communication is a two way process, distance between the sender and the receiver of the message is an important barrier to communication 
(b) Personal Barriers - Personal factors like difference in judgements, social values, bias, attitude ete widen the psychological distance between the communicator and the communicatee.
(c) Semantic or Language Barriers - Difficulties in communication arises when the sender and the receiver of the message use words or symbols in different senses The meaning intended by the sender may be quite different from the meaning followed by the receiver. 
(d) Organisational structure barriers-Effective communication largely depends upon sound organisational structure. If the structure is complex involving several largers of management, the breakdown or distortion in communication will arise.
(e) Emotional attitude-barriers may also arise due to emotional attitude because when emotions are strong, it is difficult to know the frame of mind of other person or group.

2. What are the different types of communication? 

Ans. The different types of communication are as follows
(i) Formal communication 
(ii) Informal communication.

(i) Formal communication - It refers to official communication taking place in the organisation Whenever there is exchange of views or message or information related to official matter such as assignement of task, fixing of responsibilities.etc then it is known as formal communication. Formal communication generally takes place in the written form such as issue of notice, letter etc. Verbal or oral channels are avoided in formal communication as
there is no record or proof or such communication. According to direction of flow formal communication can be divided into four types

1. Downward communication - The flow of information from the top level or from the superiors to lower level or subordinates is known as downward communication 
2. Upward communication - When the subordinates inform or pass any information to superiors then it is known as upward communication. This communication flows from subordinates to superiors.
3. Horizontal communication - Horizontal communication is the communication between the two or more persons working at the same level of authority. 
4. Diagonal communication- It is a flow of information between the persons working in different departments and holding different levels of authority.

(ii) Informal communication - It refers to the communication between different members of organisation who are not officially attached to each other is known as informal communication. Generally, the social interactions, friendly talks and non-official matters are discussed direction or path for the flow of information under informal communication.
The common networks of informal communication are
1.Gossip - Under gossip pattern one person tells many which means information is with one member of organisation and he shares the information with many other people in his social group.
2.Single strand - In single strand pattern each individual communicates to the other sequence. 
3.Probability-In probability network the individual communicates randomlys with other individuals.
3. Explain briefly the various functions of a supervisor. 
Ans. The various functins of a supervisor are
(i) Discipline - The strict supervison and guidance of supervision encourages the employees and workers to be more disciplined in their activities. 
(ii) Ensures issuing of instructiuons-The supervisor makes sure that all the instructions are communicated to each and every employee,
(iii) (m) Optimum utilisation of resources - When the workers are constantly monitored then they always use the resources in the best possible manner which leads to minimum wastage.

(iv) Feedback-The supervisors are directly dealing with the subordinates. So, they are the best persons to give feedbacks of subordinates. They give the report regarding the working of every worker which becomes the base for the performance appraisal for the employees

(v) Improve communication - Supervisors issue instructions and orders to all the subordinates and make sure that these instructions and orders are clear to all the members.

Long Answer Type Questions: Type - II (Marks for each question - 6)

1. What is meant by direction? Discuss the salient features of direction. 

Ans. Directing is concerned with instructing, guiding, inspiring and motivating the employees in the organisation so that their efforts result in achievement of organisational goal.
Some of the salient features are -
(i) Continuous function - Directing is a continuous process. A manager cannot just rest after issuing orders or instructions. He has to continuously guide, supervise and motivate his subordinates. (ii) Directing initiates action - Other functions prepare a base or setting of action, i.e., how action has to be carried on the directing initiates or start action. By giving directions the managers get the work started in the organisation.
(iii) Directing flows from top to bottom - Directions are given by managers to their subordinates. Every manager can direct his immediate subordinate can take directions from immediate boss.
(iv) Human element-Directing function involves study and moulding of human behaviour. It improves interpersonal and intergroup relationship. It motivates employees to work with their best ability.

2.What are the human needs according to Maslow's need hierarchy theory of motivation?

Ans. Need or the desire is a very important element in motivation because the employees get motivated only for their needs and if the needs are fulfilled completely then it is not possible to motivate the employees. Maslow has given a sequence of needs in the following needs
(i) Physiological Needs - These needs include basic requirements for survival and maintenance of human life. The common physiological needs are food, shelter and clothing. These needs can be satisfied when the monetary incentives are offered by the employees.
(ii) Safety and Security Needs - Once the physiological needs are satisfied then the
people start thinking about their future by making sure that in future also they continue to satisfy their physiological needs.
(iii) Social Needs-It means the need for love, affection companionship, friendship etc. Once the people satisfy the physiological needs and safety needs then the social needs the managers prefer team mark so that employees can develop social relationships.
(iv) Esteem Needs - These needs are related to the respect and recognition. When the above three needs are satisfied then people start demanding respect for themselves in a group. This need is more common in higher level employees. This need can be satisfied through non-monetary incentives.
(v) Self-actualisation Needs - This need refers to realising or reaching to the aim of your life. Once the employee becomes what he wants to become it means satisfaction of his actualisation needs.

3. What is Motivation ? Explain its importance in modern enterprise.

Ans. Motivation can be defined as stimulating, inspiring and inducing the employees to perform to their best capacity. Motivation is a psychological term which means it cannot be forced on employees. It comes automatically from inside the employees as it is the willingness to do the work. The importance of motivation in a modern enterprise are as follows__

(i) Helps in achieving the organisational goal-The motivated employees always try to achieve the organisational goal and contribute their best efforts for the realisation of organisational goal
(ii)Helps in achieving the organisational goal-The motivated employees always try to achieve the organisational goal and contribute their best efforts for the realisation of organisational goal as they know with the achievement of organisational goal only they can achieve their personal goal.
(iii) Motivation improves performance level of employees - The motivation improves the efficiency level of employees which means the employees start performing the job to the best of their ability with minimum wastage of time and resources because motivated employees always go for best utilisation of resources.
(iv) Reduction in employees turnover - The motivation creates confidence in the employees to get their needs satisfied in the organisation itself. They always select the alternative to remain in the organisation and increase their earning rather than leaving the organisation and increasing their earnings. 
(v) Motivation helps the managers to introduce changes - The motivated employees show less resistance in accepting the changes according to changes in the business environment because they know if the changes are not implemented in the organisation, not only the organisation will lose by this but the employees also will find it difficult to get their needs fulfilled.

4.Define supervision. Discuss theimportance of supervision in an industrial undertaking. 

Ans. Supervison is one of the element of directing which means watching, observing or inspecting the works or performance of the sub-ordinate. The various importance of supervision are (i) Assignment of jobs to different individual-The superior is responsible for assignment of jobs to different individual under his group. Jobs are assigned to each of the workers of the group working under him keeping in view the requirement of the job.
(ii) Communication of orders to sub-ordinates - The function of the supervisor also includes issue of orders and instruction to the subordinate working under him.
(iii) Adoption of safety measures - The supervisor must take care to see that adequate safety measures are being adopted within the organisation in order to prevent industrial accidents.
(iv) Motivation of sub-ordinates-Another important function of supervision is to motivate the sub-ordinates working under him by giving them both monetary and non-monetary incentives
(v) Influencing the sub-ordinates - The supervisor has to play the role of a leader in the organisation. He has to lead properly by influencing them to work with sincerity and dedication.

5. Define leadership and bring out its importance to an organisation.

Ans. Leadership is the process of influencing the behaviour of other people to work willingly towards the achievements of specified goals in a given situation.The importance of leadership are - 
(i) It influences people to work - The function of the leadership is to influence and inspire other people to work more.
(ii) It encourages initiatives - An ideal leader always encourages his followers to take initiative in the work. By encouraging their initiatives, the leader can help the organisation to utilise the hidden merits of the people.
(iii) It helps in optimum utilisation of resources - The leader can help to ensure optimum utilisation of all available resources by effectively motivating his followers.
(iv) It helps in building a team spirit -The leader helps in developing a team spirit among his followers so as to enable them to work collectively for the common benefit of the organisation.

6.What is communication? Explain its importance. 

Ans. The word "communication" has been derived from the latin word "communis" which means common Thus communication means sharing of ideas, opinions between two or more person to create a common ground of understanding. The importance of communication are
(i) It is tool of motivation - Communication is an effective tool for motivating the employees and developing their morale. 
(ii) It develops better understanding -All misunderstanding created for any reason can be cleared through a good communication system within the organisation.
(iii) It helps in maintaining better industrial relation-A good communication network within the organisation will help avoiding conflicts and grievances of employees and ensure better industrial relation.
(iv) It helps in quick making - Communication helps the management to take quick decision and enables implementation of the same without delay.



1Nature and Significance of ManagementClick here
2Principles of ManagementClick here
3Business EnvironmentClick here
4PlanningClick here
5OrganisingClick here
Click here
7DirectingClick here
8ControllingClick here
9Business Finance Click here
10Financial Market Click here
11Marketing Management Click here
12Consumer Protection Act. Click here

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