AHSEC-CLASS 12 : Staffing Important Notes for 2023 Exam | HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 : Staffing Question Answer can be very Valuable & useful for the Preparation of Assam Higher Secondary Educ

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 : Staffing Question Answer  can be very Valuable & useful for the Preparation of Assam Higher Secondary Education HS 2nd Year Examination . Assam Board AHSEC HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes gives you the best information of Staffing Chapter . You can find solutions to their questions at both basic and advanced levels.

AHSEC-CLASS 12 : Staffing Important Notes for 2023 Exam | HS 2nd Year Business Studies Notes

AHSEC Class 12 Business Studies 



Very Short Answer Type Questions (Marks - 1)

1. Define Training.

Ans. According to Edwin. B. Flippo, "Training is the act of increasing the knowl edge and skills of an employee of doing a particular job." 

2. What is meant by recruitment ?

Ans. Recruitment means inducing or attracting more and more candidates to apply for vacant job positions in the organisation.

3.What is staffing?

Ans. Staffing is the process of determining manpower requirements in an organisation.

4. Why is it said that recruitment is a positive step in the process of staffing?

 Ans. In the process of staffing recruitment is said to be a positive step because more and more people are invited to apply for the job.

5.State the first step of process of staffing.

Ans. Estimating manpower requirements.

6. Why is selection called a negative process? 

Ans. Selection is called a negative process because number of rejected candidate is more than the number of selected candidates.

7. Name the process of discovering the most suitable candidate to fill vacant job position.

Ans. Selection.

8.Name the concept which relates to forecasting and assessing manpower needs.

Ans. Manpower planning.

9. Is expense on training is a waste? 

Ans. No, expense on training is not a waste.

10. Name the source of recruitment in which newspaper, employment exchange, T.V. etc are used.

Ans. External source of recruitment.

B. Short answer type questions : Type - I

(Marks for each question 3)

1. Distinguish between Training and Education.


2. What are the sources of Recruitment?

Ans. There are two sources of Recruitment
(i) Internal source of recruitment. (ii)External source of recruitment.

(i) Internal source of recruitment- Under internal source of recruitment the vacant job positions are filled by inducing the existing employees of the organisation. The vacant job positions are filled by using existing employees only and no outsiders are permitted in internal sources. Transfer, promotion etc are the methods of recruit ment under internal source.
(ii) External sources of recruitment - When the candidates from outside the organisation are invited to fill the vacant position then it is known as external recruit ment. Some common methods of external sources of recruitment are direct recruit ment, employment exchanges, Media advertising etc.

3. What are the methods of Training? 

Ans. There are mainly two methods of training

(i)On the job training
(ii) Off the job training
(i) On the job training-When the employees are trained while they are performing the job then it is known as on the job training. Under this method the employees learn by doing. The various on the job training methods are job rotation, internship, coaching etc

(ii) Off the job training - Off the job training means training the employees by taking them away from their work position which means employees are given a break from the job and sent for training. Some of the off the job training methods are case study, conferences, films etc. 

4. What is performance Appraisal?

Ans. Performance Appraisal is a method to assess the working of a person. It helps in knowing how well the person is performing. It refers to evaluating the performance of employees against some standards. The standards are made known to employees in advance. Superiors prepare a feedback report on the basis of performance appraisal. After taking training and performing the job for sometimes there is need that employees performance must be evaluated.

5. The workers of a factory unable to work on new machines and always de mand for help of supervisor. The supervisor is overburdened with their frequent calls. Suggest the remedy.

Ans. The workers needed to be given on the job training and the most suitable method on the job i.e., apprenticeship programme. In this programme, a master worker or a trainer is appointed who guides the worker or learner regarding the skill of job. The master worker performs the job and the trainee observes him perform ing When the learner learns all the skills then slowly he starts taking up the job step by step and master worker becomes the observer. When the trainee becomes per fect in doing the job then master worker goes and trainee gets full charge of job position.

6. The workers of a factory remain idle because of lack of knowledge of hi tech machines. Frequent visit of Techno crat causes overhead charges. How can this problem be removed?

Ans. In this case workers need training to learn the use of machine of hi-tech. So the suitable method of training in this case is vestibule school, where a dummy model of machine is created and workers can learn on that duplicate machine. They are allowed to work on real machine when they become perfect Sometimes the accountants who have to make entries in inventory register or cash register they are first supplied the duplicate registers with the same columns as in original registers and when they become perfect in making entries in duplicate register then they are handed over original register

7.Give any three points of distinction between training and development.


8. Give 3 points of different between recruitment and selection.


9.Give any three merits of internal recruitment.

Ans. Three merits of internal recruitment are -
(i) It motivates the existing employees
(iii) It is economical
(iii) Less amount is spent on training.

Short Answer Questions: Type - II (carrying 4 marks each)

1. What do you mean by compensation?

Ans. It refers to price of the job. It includes pays, rewards and other incentives given to employees. It includes direct as well as indirect payments. The matching of salary to the contribution of the employee is a difficult task of the staffing process. The wage and salary structure should be such that it is fair to both the employer and employees Direct payments such as wages, salary etc, indirect payments such as medical facility, insurance etc. The managers must fix the right compensation on the basis of qualification, type of job etc. Organisations must consider various factors before fixing the compensation such as Labour Laws, Minimum Wages Payment Act, Union's policy, competitors policy etc.

2.What is On-the-job method?

Ans. When the employees are trained while they are performing the job then it is known as on-the-job training Under this method, the employees learn by doing. This method is suitable only for technical jobs and the advantage of this method is employ ees can learn the practical problems while working on the job. The biggest disadvan tage of this training is that it results in wastage of resources whenever employees are doing with expensive and sophisticated machinery then on the job methods of training should be avoided. Some of the on-the-job training methods are -
(a) Job Rotation 
(b) Coaching
(c) Internship
(d) Apprenticeship Programme.

3. What is Off-the-job method? 

Ans. Off-the-job training means training the employees by takings them away from their work position which means emplyees are given a break from the job and sent for training. This method of training is more suitable for managerial job positions as conferences, seminars are held to train the managers. This method is generally used by government and public enterprises A school or an institution is established to provide training to all types of persons. A programme of training is designed to suit the needs of jobs the trainees will occupy. Sometimes different courses are ar ranged for separate groups of employees. Some of the off the job training methods are -
(a) Conferences
(b) Films
(c) Case study
(d) Vestibule school.

4. Explain training and development.

Ans. Training means equipping the employees with the required skill to perform the job. Development refers to overall growth of the employee. Training and development is a vital part of the human resource development. It is assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has resulted in ever increasing competition, rise in customer's expectation of quality and service and a subsequent need to lower cost.
Example - If an accountant is sent to learn the new software for accounting to prepare the books of account more fast and accurate. This is called training, whereas, if he is sent for orientation programme to improve his motivation and conceptual skills then this is called development.

5. A newly appointed personnel manager is of the view that there is no need for training the workers. Do you agree with his views? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Ans. No, I do not agree with the view of personnel manager. There is great need for training due to the following reasons.
(i) Reduced learning time-A trained employee takes less time in learning the jobs as compared to untrained employee.
(ii) Helps to adapt changes-training helps the employees to adopt environment changes.
(iii) Better performance - The programme of trained employees is always better than the performance of untrained employee. (iv) Attitude formation - The training and developoment aim at moulding the employees so that they can develop positive attitude for the organisation.

Short answer type questions : Type - I (Marks for each question 5)

1. What is the importance of staffing functions in today's environment. 

Ans. Staffing is one of the most essential functions for every organisation. Some of the important points which shows how staffing is important for every organisation are__
(i) Maximum and efficient utilization of Resources - Staffing plays an important role in maximum and efficient utilization of resources. Because in every organisation all the resources like money, material and machine etc. are utilized efficiently through specialized man power and specialized man power can only appoint in an organisation through a good staffing system .
(ii) Reduces cost of production - Staffing also plays an important role in reducing cost of production because it helps in appointing right person at the right job, at the right time so that no wastage and mistakes can be made. 
(iii) For job satisfaction - Staffing is an important source for employee's job satisfaction because by means of this system jobs are allocated among the personnel according to their ability, talent, aptitude ete which give employees more satisfaction regarding their jobs. 
(iv) For meeting present and future Needs of Employees -Staffing is very important for fulfilling present as well as future needs of employees Because it gives a clear picture to organisation that in coming year how much positions will be vacant and new positions will be established. So, that organisation can fulfill those vacant and new positions by appointing the deserved candidates
(v) For maintaining co-ordination among the employees- Staffing plays a prominant role in establishing a prominant role in establishing unity and co-ordination among the employees. Because it assigns their jobs according to their ability, talent etc. which makes them involved in their tasks and ensure healthy and co-operative relationship among the employees.

2.What are the advantages of training to the employees and to the organisation? Ans. Some of the advantages of training to the employees and to the organisation are as follows-

(i) Economy in operations- Trained personnel will be able to make better and economical use of materials and equipments. Wastage will be low. In addition, the rate of accidents and damage to machinery and equipment will be kept to the minimum by well-trained employees.
(ii) Greater productivity - A well trained employee usually shows greater productivity and higher quality of work output than an untrained employee. training increases skills of the employees in their performance of a particular job. 
(iii) Uniformity of procedures - With the help of training, the best available methods of work can standardised and made available to all employees. Standardisation will make high levels of performance rule rather than the exception.
(iv) Less supervision-If the employees are given proper training, the responsibility of supervision is lessened. Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision. 
(v) Higher morale - The morale of employees is increased if they are given proper training. A good training programme will mould employees attitude to achieve support for organisational activities and to obtain greater cooperation and loyalty.

3.Explain the selection procedure of selecting employees in an organisation. Ans. The selection procedure in an organisation are

(i)Inviting application - The prospective candidates from within the organization or outside the organization are called for applying for the post. It attracts large number of candidates from various areas.
(ii) Receiving applications - Detailed applications are collected from the candidates which provide the necessary information about personal and professional details of a person. (iii)Scrutiny of applications - As the limit of the period within which the company is supposed to receive application ends, the applications are sorted out. 
(iv) Written tests - As the final list of candidates becomes ready after the scrutiny of applications, the written test is conducted. This test is conducted for understanding the technical knowledge, attitude and interest of the candidates. 
(v) Psychological tests-These tests are conducted individually and they help for finding out the individual quality and skills of a person. The types of psychological tests are aptitude test, intelligence test etc. 
(vi) Personal interview-Candidates providing themselves successful through tests are interviewed personally. The candidates are asked several questions about their experience on another job, their family background etc. 
(vii) Reference Check-Generally, at least two references are asked for by the company from the candidate. Reference check is a type of cross check for the information provided by the candidate through their application form and during their interviews.
(viii) Medical examination - Physical strength and fitness of a candidate is must before they takes up the job.
(ix) Final selection-At this step, the candidate is given the appointment letter to join the organisation on a particular date. The appointment letter specifies the post, title, salary and terms of employment.
(x) Placement - This is a final step. A suitable job is allocated to the appointed candidate so that they can get the whole idea about the nature of the job.

Long answer type questions: Type - I (Marks for each question - 6)

1.Explain the important sources of recruitment. 

Ans. There are two important sources of recruitment --
(a) Internal source of Recruitment
(b) External source of Recruitment.

(a) Internal source of recruitment-Under internal source of recruitment the vacant job positions are filled by inducing the existing employees of the organisation The vacant job positions are filled by using existing employees only and no outsiders are permitted in internal sources. Under the internal recruitment following methods are used__
(i) Transfer-It means shifting of employees from one job position to other at the same level of authority. There is no change even in his rank, responsibilities and prestige Only the place of working is changed 
(ii) Promotion - Promotion refers to shifting of employees from one job position 10 other with higher level of authority.
In promotion the authority level, the rank of employees improve or increase.
(b) External source of Recruitment - When the candidates from outside the organisation are invited to fill the vacant job position then it is known as external recruitment In other words, when the organisation meets its manpower requirement from outside the organisation then it is external recruitment. Whenever large number of job positions are vacant then external recruitment is preferred. Some of the common methods of external sources of recruitment are -
(i) Campus recruitment Sometimes the senior managers of the organisations visit various professional colleges, technical institute to get fresh graduates or the people with the latest technological know-how. 
(ii) Direct recruitment - Sometimes the organisations paste notice at the gate of their office or factory stating the vacant job positions. The people who are interested in those jobs walk in for interview

2.What are the various steps involved in the staffing process? 

Ans. The various steps involved in the staffing process are as follows -
(i)Manpower planning - The first thing in staffing process is to estimate manpower needs. An effort is made to assess manpower needs in advance keeping in view the production schedule, demand forecasts etc. 
(ii)Recruitment - It is the process of searching prospective employees and persuading them to apply in the organisation. Before starting the recruitment process, the positions which are required to be filled are determined.
(iii) Selection - It is the process of selecting suitable persons for different jobs. In this exercise suitable persons are spotted out of those who are interested to get employment in the organisation.
(iv) Placement and orientation - Placement is the asking of the selected candidates to occupy the positions in the organisation for which they have been selected The candidates so selected are placed on jobs Orientation means introducing the new employee to the environment, rules, regulations etc of the organisation.
(v) Training - Training is meant to improve the skills and knowledge of employees. Training equips new employees with knowledge and skill with reference to their jobs Training is beneficial to both employer and employees.
(vi) Performance Appraisal - It is a method to assess the working of a person. It helps in knowing how well the person is performing, has he been able to meet the demands of his position? This evaluation is normally done by immediate superior in the organisation and it is reviewed in turn by his superior.



1Nature and Significance of ManagementClick here
2Principles of ManagementClick here
3Business EnvironmentClick here
4PlanningClick here
5OrganisingClick here
Click here
7DirectingClick here
8ControllingClick here
9Business Finance Click here
10Financial Market Click here
11Marketing Management Click here
12Consumer Protection Act. Click here

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