AHSEC 12 A thing of beauty |
AHSEC CLASS 12 A thing of beauty is a Beautiful Peom of Class 12 English (Flamingo). Here you will find a detailed Question Answer of A thing of beauty , with Previous Year Question of A thing of beauty As well as Here you will see 1 marks Question- From A thing of beauty Poem and you can prepare for MCQ. Also 2 & 5 marks Questions from Text and Previous Year examination.
Simple Meaning of the Text
A thing of beauty is a joy forever' are the opening lines of Keats' epic poem Endymion. Here Keats discusses beauty's effect on the soul. In addition to giving one instant pleasure, beauty counteracts the misery caused by life's dark and gloomy experiences. To Keats, beauty is not only in nature such as trees and flowers but also in other forms of arts such as legends and sagas.
Like any other Romantic poet, Keats feels that nature replenishes one's soul. Keats writes about nature in two ways He tells us about the beauty in nature and he tells us about the joy and relief nature can bring. He loved nature just for its own sake and for the glory and loveliness which he found in it. Nature has the divine power that keeps us from being weighed down by worldly concerns. Beauty. gives us immense pleasure that helps us escape the harsher realities of life.
To Keats, the sun, the moon, daffodils and trees are embodiments of beauty. Beyond this, beauty is also in the magnificence of the heroic tales that inspire us. These gives us pleasure like an eterna! fountain that is bestowed on us. Beauty has the ability to affect one's mood, and is not transient, but eternal. The poem also illustrates a connection with nature, when it says that we weave a 'flowery band to bind us to the earth', even saying that beauty can keep someone healthy although we may have 'dark spirits'. The poet deals with the real feeling and emotions interwined or connected with the images from nature he describes. The feeling that beauty in life is a joy forever' is so because of our natural affinity towards joy and longevity.
'সুন্দৰবস্তু' কবিতাটোৰ ভাৱানুবাদ
মহাকাব্যিক কবিতা Endymion অৰ আৰম্ভণিৰ শাৰীবোৰ হৈছে— “সকলো সুন্দৰ বস্তুৱেই আনন্দৰ অন্তহীন আকৰ।” ইয়াত Keats এ আত্মাৰ ওপৰত সৌন্দৰ্যৰ প্রভাৱৰ কথা আলোচনা কৰিছে। তাৎক্ষণিক আনন্দ দিয়াৰ উপৰি, সুন্দৰ বস্তুৱে জীৱনৰ তিতা-কেঁহা অভিজ্ঞতাই সৃষ্টি কৰা দুখ আৰু হতাশাকো দূৰ কৰাত সহায় কৰে। Keats অৰ মতে সৌন্দর্য কেৱল গছ-গছনি, ফুল আদিৰ আছে এনে নহয়, কাহিনী, আখ্যান, লোকগাথা আদি কলাবোৰতো আছে। আন যিকোনো ৰোমাণ্টিক কবিৰ দৰে Keats য়েও অনুভৱ কৰে যে প্ৰকৃতিয়ে মানুহৰ আত্মাক পৰিপূৰ্ণ কৰি তোলে। Keats এ প্রকৃতিৰ বিষয়ে দুই ধৰণে লিখে। তেওঁ আমাক প্ৰকৃতিৰ সৌন্দৰ্যৰ কথা কয় আৰু প্ৰকৃতিয়ে আমালৈ আনিব পৰা আনন্দ আৰু স্বস্তিৰ কথা কয়। তেওঁ প্ৰকৃতিক ভাল পাইছিল প্ৰকৃতিৰ খাতিৰতে, প্ৰকৃতিত বিচাৰি পোৱা গৰিমা আৰু মাধুৰ্যৰ কাৰণে। প্ৰকৃতিৰ দৈৱিক শক্তি আছে যিয়ে আমাক পার্থির চিন্তা-ভাৱনাৰ গধুৰ বোজাৰ পৰা মুক্ত কৰি ৰাখিব পাৰে। সৌন্দর্যই অনাবিল আনন্দ প্ৰদান কৰে আৰু জীৱনৰ ৰুঢ় বাস্তৱৰ পৰা সকাহ দিব পাৰে।
Keats অৰ মতে জোন, বেলি, ডেফডিল আৰু গছ-লতাবোৰ সৌন্দৰ্যৰ মূৰ্ত প্ৰকাশ। ইয়াৰ বাহিৰেও, আমাক অনুপ্ৰাণিত কৰা বীৰ বীৰাঙ্গনাৰ চমৎকাৰ কাহিনীবোৰতো সৌন্দর্য আছে। এই সকলোবোৰে আমাক আনন্দ প্রদান কৰে। আমাক বৰদান দিয়া অন্তহীন/নিৰবধি নিজৰাৰ দৰে। মানুহৰ মনৰ অৱস্থাৰ পৰিৱৰ্তন সাধিব পৰা গুণ আছে সৌন্দৰ্যৰ আৰু ই ক্ষণস্থায়ী নহয় ই চিৰন্তন। কবিতাটোৰ মাজেদি কবিয়ে প্ৰকৃতিৰ লগত মানুহৰ সম্পৰ্কৰ কথাও কৈছে। কবিতাটোত কোৱা হৈছে যে– আমি ফুলৰ মালা গাঁথো আমাক পৃথিৱীৰ লগত সাঙুৰি ৰখাৰ কাৰণে। এনেকৈও কোৱা হৈছে যে — সৌন্দর্যই আমাক সুস্বাস্থ্যবান কৰি ৰাখিব পাৰে যদিও ভিতৰি ভিতৰি আমি বিষাদগ্ৰস্ত হৈ থাকিব পাৰো। করিয়ে ইয়াত সঁচা আৱেগ আৰু অনুভূতিৰ বিষয়ে কৈছে আৰু তাৰ মাজে মাজে তেওঁ বৰ্ণনা কৰা প্ৰকৃতিৰ পৰা কিছুমান চিত্রও সাঙুৰি দিছে। জীৱন সৌন্দর্যও যে এক চিৰন্তন আনন্দ এই অনুভূতি এনেকুৱা হোৱাৰ কাৰণ আনন্দ আৰু দীৰ্ঘ জীৱনৰ মাজত থকা · স্বাভাৱিক সম্পর্ক।
पाठ का सरल अर्थ
सुंदरता की चीज हमेशा के लिए खुशी है' कीट्स की महाकाव्य कविता एंडिमियन की शुरुआती पंक्तियां हैं। यहाँ कीट्स आत्मा पर सौंदर्य के प्रभाव की चर्चा करता है। एक पल का आनंद देने के अलावा, सुंदरता जीवन के अंधेरे और उदास अनुभवों के कारण होने वाले दुख का प्रतिकार करती है। कीट्स के लिए, सुंदरता न केवल प्रकृति में है जैसे कि पेड़ और फूल, बल्कि कला के अन्य रूपों जैसे कि किंवदंतियों और गाथाओं में भी।
किसी भी अन्य रोमांटिक कवि की तरह, कीट्स को लगता है कि प्रकृति किसी की आत्मा को भर देती है। कीट्स प्रकृति के बारे में दो तरह से लिखता है वह हमें प्रकृति की सुंदरता के बारे में बताता है और वह हमें उस आनंद और राहत के बारे में बताता है जो प्रकृति ला सकती है। वह प्रकृति से केवल उसके लिए और उस महिमा और सुंदरता के लिए प्रेम करता था जो उसने उसमें पाई थी। प्रकृति में वह दिव्य शक्ति है जो हमें सांसारिक चिंताओं के बोझ से दबने से बचाती है। सुंदरता। हमें अत्यधिक आनंद देता है जो हमें जीवन की कठोर वास्तविकताओं से बचने में मदद करता है।
कीट्स के लिए सूर्य, चंद्रमा, डैफोडील्स और पेड़ सुंदरता के अवतार हैं। इसके अलावा, सुंदरता हमें प्रेरित करने वाली वीर गाथाओं की भव्यता में भी है। ये हमें अनंत की तरह आनंद देते हैं! फव्वारा जो हमें दिया गया है। सुंदरता में किसी के मूड को प्रभावित करने की क्षमता होती है, और यह क्षणिक नहीं है, बल्कि शाश्वत है। कविता प्रकृति के साथ एक संबंध को भी दर्शाती है, जब यह कहती है कि हम 'पृथ्वी से बांधने के लिए एक फूलदार बैंड' बुनते हैं, यहां तक कि यह भी कहते हुए कि सुंदरता किसी को स्वस्थ रख सकती है, हालांकि हमारे पास 'अंधेरे आत्माएं' हो सकती हैं। कवि वास्तविक भावनाओं और भावनाओं के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है या प्रकृति से छवियों से जुड़ा हुआ है जिसका वह वर्णन करता है। यह महसूस करना कि जीवन में सुंदरता हमेशा के लिए एक खुशी है' ऐसा आनंद और दीर्घायु के प्रति हमारी प्राकृतिक आत्मीयता के कारण है।
A thing of beauty
1.How is a thing of beauty joy forever? (HS 2012, 2017)
ANS: According to John Keats a thing of beauty is a joy of forever. It is a constant source of happiness and pleasure. Its loveliness increases every moment. It will never pass into nothingness. In other words, a thing of beauty is never devalued.
2. Explain the line: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever".(HS 2013)
ANS: According to John Keats a thing of beauty is a joy forever. It is a constant source of happiness and pleasure. The loveliness of a beautiful thing increases every moment and it never becomes (devalued) A thing of beauty refers to any object of beauty.
3. What is the message that Keats wants to convey/ give through A Thing of Beauty'? (HS 2014, 2016)
ANS: Keats was a worshipper of beauty. He gives a message through the poem that a beautiful thing is a source of everlasting joy. Beauty never fades, nor is it ever devalued. Beauty always increases and it never passes to nothingness. A thing of beauty takes away the gloom of sadness and sorrows and gives us joy and pleasure.
4. What is the legend on which the poem, 'A Thing of Beauty', is written? (HS 2015)
ANS: The poem is based on a Greek legend involving Endymion, a young shepherd and the Moon Goddess Cynthia.
5. What, according to Keats, never 'passes into nothingness'? (HS 2015)
ANS: A thing of beauty is a joy forever. It is a constant source of happiness and pleasure. The loveliness of a beautiful thing mcreases bvery moment and it never føses its value .
AHSEC HS 2nd Year A thing of beauty Question answers & Complete Guide.
6.What increases continuously in 'A Thing of Beauty"? (HS 2018)
ANS: In 'A Thing of Beauty beauty or loveliness of a thing increases and it continues to increase. It provides eternal joy. because it leaves an everlasting impression on our minds. The joyful experience of a beautiful object is long lasting .
7.What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?( 2019 )
ANS: In spite of troubles and sufferings, human beings love life because there are some beautiful things that move away the gloom from the depressed minds. The beautiful things in nature like the moon, the sun, the trees, the ferns and the daffodils bring happiness and reduce, men's sufferings.
AHSEC HS 2nd Year A things of Beauty Question Answers
8. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.
ANS: All beautiful things of nature are a boon for human beings. The sun, the moon, the trees, daffodils, simple sheep, clear streams, forests ferns, musk rose etc are mentioned in the poem which provide us peace and happiness.
9. List the things that cause suffering and pain.
ANS: Disease, disappointments, jealousy, lack of human qualities, gloomy days, unhealthy and evil ways cause pains and sufferings in our lives.
10. What does the line, Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth' suggest to you?
ANS: When we pluck fresh flowers to make a garland, it shows our love for life, for nature and for beauty. The flowers attract us and bind us to the nature and the earth.
AHSEC HS 2nd Year A thing of beauty Question answers & Complete Guide.
11.What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
ANS: There are many things that depress our spirits but our nature has blessed us with beauty that alone makes our life happy.It removes the pall of sadness. It offers us loveliness and pleasures.
So human beings love life.
12. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?
Ans. Things of beauty make a lasting impression on us and continue to delight us and give us joy. Beauty can never fade away or lose its value.
13. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?
ANS: Human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings because nature is the best healer and it brings beauty and joy to our life. The memory of the beautiful experiences helps us to bear our sorrows and provide a peaceful retreat.
14. Why is grandeur associated with mighty dead?
ANS: Great men have great fall. The exploits of the mighty rulers and generals fill us with awe and wonder. We admire and even worship our heroes. We remember them gratefully because they sacrificed their lives for a noble cause.
15. What becomes of all lovely tales we have heard or read?
ANS: All lovely tales that we have heard or read become a source of pleasure. They become an endless fountain of nectar and give us heavenly pleasure.
AHSEC HS 2nd Year A things of Beauty Question Answers
4 Marks
1. A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing. Questions: (2016)
(i) Who is the poet of these lines and what is the name of the poem?
(ii) Why is a thing of beauty joy forever?
(iii) What is a bower?
ANS: (i) The poem is A Thing of Beauty. The poet is John Keats.
(ii) A thing of beauty is the source of constant joy. Its beauty goes on increasing. It will never pass into nothingness.
(iii)A bower is a pleasant place in the shade under a tree. It protects persons/animals from the hot rays of the sun.
2. Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing (2019)
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Questions :
(i) Name the poem and the poet.
(ii) Why are we despondent?
(iii) What removes the pall from our dark spirits?
(iv) What are we doing every day?
ANS: (i)The poet is John Keats. The poem is A Thing of Beauty.
(ii) We possess the evil qualities of malice and disappointment. We suffer from the lack of noble qualities. That is why we feel despondent.
(iii) Some beautiful shapes or a thing of beauty removes the pall of sadness from our hearts or spirits.
(iv) We are weaving a ..owery wreath to bind us to the beauties of the earth.
AHSEC HS 2nd Year A things of Beauty Question Answers
3. Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits. Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils With the green world they live in; and clear rills That for themselves a cooling covert make 'Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms; Questions:
(i) What removes the pall from our dark spirits?
(ii) What sprouts a shady boon for sheep and how?
(iii) How do edaffodils f and erills f enrich the environment?
(iv) What makes the mid-forest brake rich?
ANS: (i)Some beautiful shape or a thing of beauty removes the pall of sadness from our hearts or spirits.
(ii)Old and young trees sprout to make a green covering. It proves a blessing for simple sheep as it serves them as a shelter.
(iii)Daffodils bloom among the green surroundings. The rills or small streams of clear water make a cooling shelter for themselves against the hot season.
(iv)The mid forest brake is made rich by the blooming of beautiful musk-roses.
Q. What is the Legend on cohich the poem, "A Thing of Beauty, is writter. (HS 2015)
Ans: "A Thing of beauty as an exerpt from keats poem "Endymion; A Poetic Romance'. The poem as based on Greek Legend involving Endymion, a young She pherd and poet who lived on mount latmos, had a vision of Cynthia, The Moon Goddess.
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