(HRM) Human Recourse Management Question Paper' 2022 | B.COM 4th Sem CBCS Pettern | RTU Hojai

In this Post you will get Rabindranath Tagore University Hojai Assam (HRM) Question Paper 2022 B.COM 4th Sem CBCS Pettern This Question paper can be.

(HRM) Human Recourse Management Question Paper' 2022 | B.COM 4th Sem CBCS Pettern | RTU Hojai

In this Post you will get Rabindranath Tagore University Hojai Assam  (HRM) Question Paper 2022 B.COM 4th Sem CBCS Pettern This Question paper can be very useful for the Students of RTU Hojai as we all know that Reading, Understanding and Solving Previous Year Question Papers are very beneficial for Exams Preparation Which give you a deep analysis about Question paper Pettern and much more.

Question Paper Details 
Conducting AuthorityRabindranath Tagore University Hojai 
Name of the ExamRabindranath Tagore University B.COM 4th Sem Final Exam 
CategoryRTU B.COM Question Papers
Exam TypeWritten 
Mode of Examination Offline
Date of ExamAugust 2022
Official Websitehttps://rtuassam.ac.in

Rabindranath Tagore University Hojai (RTU ASSAM)




Paper: 4.3

(Human Resource Management)

Full Marks: 80

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the correct answers: 1×10=10

(a) Which of the following is not a managerial function of a HR Manager?

(i) Planning

(ii) Organising

(iii) Motivation

(iv) Controlling.

(b) Induction helps the employee to

(i) initiate the new employee to the Organization

(ii) know the job duties

(ii) know the co-workers

(iv) All of the above

(c) The scope of Human Resource

Management includes

(i) procurement

(i) development

(ii) compensation.

(iv) All of the above

(d)The type of interview which consists of a predetermined checklist of questions is known as

(i) Behavioural interview

(ii) Unstructured interview

(iii) Stress interview

(iv) Structured interview

(e)Sensitivity training involves :

(i) T-group

(ii) Lectures

(ii) Simulations

(iv) Role playing

(f)Whic of the following is the objective of wage and salary administration ?

(i)To establish fair and equitable compensation.

(ii) To attract qualified and competent personnel

(ii) To improve motivation and morale of employees

(iv) All of the above

(g) BARS is a method of

(i) Confidential records

(i) Management by objectives

(iii) Performance appraisal

(iv) All of the above

(h) Recruitment can be done in isolation. (State True or False)

(i) A company may draw required. personnel from outsourcing firms.(State True or False)

(j) The selection process is a series of successive hurdles which an applicant must cross. (State True or False)

Write very short answers to any five questions: 2×5-10

(i) Mention the operative functions of HRM.

(ii) Write the differences between recruitment and selection. 

(iii) What is downsizing?

(iv) State the meaning of placement and induction. 

(v) What is workforce diversity ?

vi) What is exit interview?

Write short answers on any four of the following: 5x4=20

(i) Discuss briefly the differences between training and development..

(ii) Discuss the impact of Globalisation on HRM.

(iii) What are the essential factors involved in success of a job evaluation programme?

(iv) What are the essentials of a sound Promotion Policy ?

(v) Discuss the prerequisites for an effective wage incentive plan.

(vi) Discuss the scope of social security.

4. Discuss the status of a HR Manager in an organization and the quaiues he should possess. 5+5=10


Explain the importance of Human Resource Management. Also discuss the objectives of Human Resource Policies. 5+5=10

5.What are the various external sources of recruitment? Also discuss its advantages and disadvantages.5+5=10


What is a selection process? Discuss the various steps involved in the selection of personnel. 3+7=10

6.What do you mean by training? Discuss briefly the general methods of training of pernel. 3+7=10


Describe the various types of interviews held in the selection process. What common problems crop-up during the interview process? Discuss. 6+4=10

7.What is performance appraisal ? Discuss the modern methods of performance appraisal. 3+7=10

Discuss the objectives of wage and salary administration. Why is it important for the success of an organization ?6+4=10


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