Guahati University Advertising Syllabus 2022-23 5th sem As Per new CBCS Pettern
Marks: 100
Lectures: 65
Credit: 6
Objective: The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the basic concepts, tools and techniques of advertising used in marketing.
Unit 1: Introduction:
Communication Process; Advertising as a tool of communication; Meaning, nature and importance of advertising; Types of advertising; Advertising objectives. Audience analysis; Setting of advertising budget: Determinants and major methods
Unit 2: Media Decisions:
Major media types - their characteristics, internet as an advertising media, merits and demerits; Factors influencing media choice; media selection, media scheduling, Advertising through the Internet-media devices
Unit 3: Message Development;
Advertising appeals, Advertising copy and elements, Preparing ads for different media
Unit 4: Measuring Advertising Effectiveness:
Evaluating communication and sales effects; Pre- and Post-testing techniques.
Unit 5:
a) Advertising Agency: Role, types and selection of advertising agency.
b) Social, ethical and legal aspects of advertising in India.
Suggested Readings:
1. George E Belch, Michael A Belch, Keyoor Purani, Advertising and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (SIE), McGraw Hill Education
2. S. Wats Dunn, and Arnold M. Barban. Advertising: Its Role in Marketing. Dryden Press
3. Burnett, Wells, and Moriatty. Advertising: Principles and Practice. 5th ed. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
4. Batra, Myers and Aakers. Advertising Management. PHILearning.
5. Terence A. Shimp. Advertising and Promotion: An IMC Approach. Cengage Learning.
6. Sharma, Kavita. Advertising: Planning and Decision Making, Taxmann Publications
7. Jaishree Jethwaney and Shruti Jain, Advertising Management, Oxford University Press, 2012
8. Chunawala and Sethia, Advertising, Himalaya Publishing House
9. Ruchi Gupta, Advertising, S. Chand & Co.
10. O’Guinn, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Brand Approach, Cengage Learning.