Corporate law Question Paper'2022 | Gauhati University | 2nd Sem (CBCS)

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Corporate law Question Paper'2022 | Gauhati University | 2nd Sem (CBCS)
GU Corporate law Question paper 


Gauhati University BCOM 2nd Sem CBCS Pattern

[Corporate Law Question Paper 2022]

COMMERCE (Honours)

Paper: COM-HC-2026

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the most appropriate answer for the following questions (any ten)    1x10=10

(a) The minimum number of members in a public company is

(1) 2.

(2) 5.

(3) 7.

(4) 10.

(b) Which of the following documents establishes the relationship between a company and the outside world?

(1) Memorandum of Association.

(2) Articles of Association. 

(3) Prospectus.

(4) Statement in lieu of prospectus.

(c) Who is responsible for Company Law administration? 

(1) Registrar of Companies.

(2) Central Government.

(3) NCLT.

(4) None of the above.

(d) How many ‘One Person Company’ can be incorporated by a person?

(1) One.

(2) Two.

(3) Five.

(4) Seven.

(e) GDR is –

(1) a debt instrument.

(2) a financial instrument.

(3) a statutory book of the company.

(4) None of the above.

(f) Which of the following document must authorizes a company to issue bonus share?

(1) Memorandum of Association.

(2) Articles of Association.

(3) Prospectus.

(4) Preliminary Contract.

(g) In case of a ‘One Person Company’, the maximum number of director / (s) is/are –

(1) one.

(2) two.

(3) five.  

(4) fifteen.

(h) Independent director refers to –

(1) Managing director.

(2) Whole time director.

(3) Nominee director.

(4) None of the above.

(i) Who can remove a company director?

(1) Central Government.

(2) Registrar of companies.

(3) National Company Law Tribunal.

(4) None of the above.

(j) The Articles of Association must authorize a company to declared dividend. This statement is

(1) Correct.

(2) Incorrect.

(k) ‘NSDL’ is a depository participant. This statement is ‘NSDL’.

(1) Correct.

(2) Incorrect.

(l) ‘The Depositories Act was passed in the year 1986.”This statement is” –

(1) Correct.

(2) Incorrect.

(m) “Appointment of Internal auditors is a listed company is mandatory”. This statement is

(1) Correct.

(2) Incorrect.

(n) “According to the Companies Act, 2013, writing the word ‘Limited’ at the end of its name is not mandatory for a Private Company.” This statement is –

(1) Correct.

(2) Incorrect.

(o) “Five members personally present shall be the quorum for a meeting of private company.” This statement is –

(1) Correct.

(2) Incorrect.

2. Give brief answer to the following questions: (any five)            2x5=10

(a) Define a company.

(b) State any two advantages of a joint stock company.

(c) State any two limitations of the Articles of Association.

(d) What is meant by Red Herring Prospectus?

(e) What is Directors Identification Number (DIN)?

(f) State the meaning of interim dividend.

(g) Who appoints the first director in a public company?

(h) Write the meaning of insider trading.

Also Read : GU Corporate Law Solved Paper 2022

3. Answer the following questions in about 200 words each: (any four) 5x4=20

(a) Differentiate Private Company and Public Company.

(b) Explain the procedure of online registration of a company.

(c) Explain the differences between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.

(d) What do you mean by bonus share? What its advantages and disadvantages? Care.

(e) Explain brief about the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 relating to quorum of company meetings.

(f) Explain briefly about the different types of company meetings.

(g) Write a short note on the different modes of winding up of a company.

(h) Who are the different classes of directors? Explain.

4. Answer any four from the following questions in about 600 words each:            10x4=40

(a) Elaborately discuss the basic features of a company citing relevant case laws.

(b) What is private company? Discuss the privileges enjoyed by a private company.            2+8=10

(c) What are the different clauses in the Memorandum of Association? Explain in detail about name clause and capital clause.  2+4+4=10

(d) What are the different matters that must be stated in the prospectus? Who can be held responsible for misstatement in the prospectus? 6+4=10

(e) Examine the provisions of the Companies Act 2013 relating to appointment of company.

(f) What is meant by dividend? Discuss the statutory provisions relating to declaration of dividend by a company. 2+8=10

(g) Discuss the procedure of appointment of company auditors. Also state the procedure of removal of company auditor. 7+3=10

(h) Discuss the rights and obligations of depositories under the Depositories Act, 1996.

(i) Discuss the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 relating to allotment of shares. Also state the meaning of irregular allotment.           8+2=10

(j) What are the different committees required to be formed by the Board of Directors of a company? State the functions of these committees.           2+8=10


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